
Kamala's Border Speech

Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
This fucking dickhead actually said, "The border is broken, and for four years the Trump administration did nothing about it."

Let that sink in for a moment.


  • Puddy Tat
    4 days ago
    It's the blatant lie. Plan to fix it? They broke it in the first place, then had the gall to say Trump was the bad guy for not codifying illegal immigration at unacceptable levels. I hope the American people are smart enough to see through this lie.
  • misterorange
    4 days ago
    ^^ Puddy, I'm not so sure they are.
  • TheeOSU
    4 days ago
    The even sadder part of this is that the MSM will not call her on it, they will either ignore or gloss over it.
    The fix has always been in.
  • jaybud999
    4 days ago
    "Oh no.....the people......they're fucking blind if they don't see it the way we do........"

  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    Link to quote ?
  • Muddy
    4 days ago
    Whenever I think about who to vote for, I close my eyes and think about the last 30 minutes of Jocelyn Nungaray's life. Kamala and Joe's policies did that. But again as long as it's not affecting these ivory tower liberals themselves, it's not a problem, it's always somebody else, and that makes it ok. Until it's them, of course.

    We're going to paying for that little stunt they pulled for decades. Yeah these are not serious people. At all.
  • skibum609
    4 days ago
    Unless Xi decides to run for President there is no one I would choose the Giggler over. The Giggler and Stolen Valor, what a great response to a crisis. Dumb and dumber.
  • misterorange
    4 days ago
    wld4cocks - here you go:

    The precise quote was, "In the four years that Donald Trump was President, he did nothing to fix our broken immigration system."

    She goes on to complain about a half dozen things that Trump "did not" do. Well what the fuck has SHE done for the last four years? She's berating him for "not doing" the same things she didn't do and isn't doing right now.

    How the fuck can anyone listen to this jerkoff and still take her seriously? I have no idea.
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    The only one in an ivory tower looking out for themselves is Donald Trump, in his posh mansion at Mar-A-Lago. Laughing all the way to the bank with all the money he is making from Trump merch and other politically-related ventures. And blocking progress on immigration to help his pursuit of power and wealth.
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    Right wingers keep pretending that it's 4 years that Dems didn't do anything. But Republicans won the House in 2022. Ever since, Republicans have been playing politics with the issue and blocking progress to get more resources and funding to address the migrant surge that started in 2021.
  • misterorange
    4 days ago
    ^ And who created "the migrant surge that started in 2021"? Trump?
  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    In 1986, Reagan made a deal with the Democrats. Sign Amnesty Act and they'd secure the border. CA went Deep Blue and the Border was never secured. They lied.

    Several times in the mid-2000s, the Senate voted YEA to secure the border, never did - it was all "virtue signaling" for votes. Trump comes along, says he'll secure the Border and then gets stonewalled by Dems and RINOs.

    The Senate Bill Harris and the Dems talk about is utter BS - it allows 2M in, no border security to stop people, more Border Patrol "Travel Agents", can still fly people in by the 10s of 1,000s and no telling how many Got Aways. Harris/Biden immediately fired construction workers the day he was sworn into office yet the contracts had already been paid to the tune of several million $$$, sold off Wall material for pennies on the Dollar, and now she wants to secure the Border. H.R. 2 was sent to the Senate 18 months ago, and Schumer sat on it, never brought to debate. That was was a quantum better than HR2, yet, it was ignored.

    She panders for votes from Useful Idiots just like all Dems and RINOs so they can remain in power and control.

  • mogul1985
    4 days ago
    "...the tune of several million $$$," Make that BILLIONS - my bad, my dyslexia.
  • wld4tatas
    4 days ago
    ^^ No, Trump did not create the migrant surge. I think the answer is more a "what" than a "who". The main reason cited is deteriorating conditions in other countries, likely accelerated by the pandemic.
  • mickey48066
    4 days ago
    ^ wild 4 a man's cock, traitor to this country (and that fool Jay Budd, also a traitor). I'll agree with the what, but it's not my responsibility as an American citizen to pay for their food, housing, medical care. I want my tax dollars to benefit me. I don't know why any ordinary working American supports elected officials who give their hard earned money to these parasites.

    What you got wrong was the who. The who will give them a path to citizenship so that they can vote Democrat, which will allow the elected officials who give them YOUR money to keep giving them YOUR money.

    I don't understand why any working American Joe would support their being here.
  • jaybud999
    2 days ago
    Ahhhh! Someone to play with!

    Mickey mouse, you fucking idiot. Just because I lean liberal doesn't mean I desire an open border, or financial support for people entering illegally. I don't think anybody really supports what is happening right now.

    However, the approach to change immigration is different probably. Building a physical wall is kind of a stupid way to approach it (although it may make the gravy in your goatee feel better). Saying you're going to systematically deport isn't feasible either (although it may make the crease in your gut smile while filling up the F250). I don't have any answers for it either, but I'm not interested in supporting a fucking idiot who gets up on a national stage and talks about Haitians eating pets. He'd be better off just saying what he really means.....much like your use of the word "parasite."

    And one more thing: keep my name outta' ya fuckin' mowt'! That was my tough guy persona right there, you know....when you look over from your F250 and see me filling up an F350.....as my daily.
  • skibum609
    2 days ago
    Israel built a wall and terrorism from the west bank ended. Liberal morons and liars thy name is democratic party member.
  • gammanu95
    2 days ago
    Asterisk to above *until October 7, 2023
  • gammanu95
    2 days ago
    The only thing more despicable than Kamala's campaign ignoring her last four years of work history is the criminally corrupt complicit news media who plays along.
  • jaybud999
    a day ago

    What the fuck are you talking about? How's that going right about now? Same as your litigation skills? Or doing the tax and trust thing?
  • Puddy Tat
    a day ago
    @gammanu - it's amazing how fast they went from "she's a liability to Joe, boot her off the ticket" to "joy, joy, joy" and "Kamala is brat." Probably the most transparently I've ever seen the media take a side.
  • JamesSD
    a day ago
    Trump wasted a bunch of taxpayer money putting up part of a wall that was easily circumvented.

    Any politician who is serious about immigration needs to go after employers. More kitchen raids, stiffer penalties to those who employ undocumented workers. If there are no jobs and everyone has to hire American workers, no one will come here.

    Oh but prices will go up and corporate profits will fall while wages go up, and those in power don't actually want that.
  • skibum609
    a day ago
    Immigrants, collect public benefits at a rate of twice the native born. Economic drain and a dilution of patriotism is what they contribute.
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