
The Mirror

How would you rate yourself in terms of physical attractiveness on the 1-10 scale either now and/or in your prime?


  • Puddy Tat
    5 days ago
    6.5. I think in my mid 40s I get more female attention (and certainly have better style and "game") than I did in my 20s. In better shape now, too.
  • whodey
    5 days ago
    Probably about a 4 at this point and a 6 when I was in my prime. I was always pretty average looking but I have put on too much weight and my hair is getting more gray by the day.
  • TheeOSU
    5 days ago
    I'm a 12 and you're not!
  • ATACdawg
    5 days ago
    8 in prime (26 yo hardbody)
    Today, more like a charitable 6. (73 yo overweight soft body)
  • ilbbaicnl
    5 days ago
    Now 1. Maybe a woman who was as old and fat as I am would give me a 2 or 3, for limited grayness and hair loss. When I was 25 and jogging every day, maybe a 6.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    5 days ago
    About a 6. I'm 5'10 with no muscle definition and zero style. I don't stand out in a good way or a bad way.
  • shailynn
    5 days ago
    Negative 2.
  • dannyboy3
    5 days ago
    Was a 7 in prime, slim, muscular, nice face.
    Now, depends. I'm chubby but much better with people. Perhaps a 4 or 5
  • rickmacrodong
    5 days ago
    I would say 7.7 in my prime, and perhaps 5.5 or so now.
    It really doesn’t matter as much as many guys think. More money or status makes far more of a difference.
  • FoCoChronic
    5 days ago
    I’d say a 6, I think that’s fair. Above average, but nothing too crazy. I think I dress decently, my hair and beard look good, I’m in shape but on the slimmer side. I have tattoos and piercings, you either like that or you don’t. Some women would say I’m a 4, others might think I’m a 7. I’ve dated two women who I would rate 8s
  • Icey
    5 days ago
    I dont know. Its too subjective. Ive tried those AI rating apps and always got an 8 or 9. I think I look ok. If i ever think i look bad ill get botox or something. I've had women tell me they want to fuck me and others tell me to get the fuck away. But overall im happy with what i attract. I think thats the key. Rate yourself by how happy you are with what you attract
  • motorhead
    5 days ago
    If anyone is rating themselves 7 or above I’d suggest you’re lying. Why are you going to strip clubs. You should be able to get all the Civi pussy you want
  • rickmacrodong
    5 days ago
    Icey that’s completely ridiculous. The problem with your post is your faulty assumption that women date or fuck people based on physical attraction. If you go out anywhere in public you’ll see countless examples of the woman being much more attractive than the guy. It sounds like youve figured out a way to self stroke your ego into oblivion by doing sugaring relationships with strippers, then convincing yourself they’re only with you for your looks
  • FoCoChronic
    5 days ago
    @motorhead attractive men can still go to strip clubs. It’s not just about getting pussy, it’s about the experience, it’s about having fun in bizarro world. One can get laid “for real” and still have an insatiable appetite. Or one can be going through a dry spell for whatever reason and substitute civilians with sex workers. A lot of men are married but dissatisfied in the bedroom. Also, how a man looks is not indicative of the play he gets, as it is for women. Women have different criteria than men when it comes to hooking up. They tend to care about more than just looks. The ability to get pussy/how attractive a guy is and the desire to club are not necessarily correlated, but I can see how they would reasonably seem inversely proportional
  • motorhead
    5 days ago

    that’s good to know. I’m like a 1.5 so I have to go to strip clubs
  • skibum609
    5 days ago
    ^ given that concept why did Hugh Jackman use hookers? 6.5 zup til about 30. Now is tougher because I really don't think any old guy can be attractive compared to the total pool, but against my age group I'd be much higher because I am fit with hair, and like other ethnic greaseballs I have very minimal wrinkles. Just some crows feet. On a good day I could lie and chop 10+ years off my age. I don't have to look good, I'm married lol.
  • elmer
    5 days ago
    Guessing I was probably an 8 earlier this week at the club based on my popularity and spendings
    Out in public I'd hate to think about it
  • gSteph
    5 days ago
    A solid 7, 7+ in my prime. Rocking a 70s mustache (into the '80s), guiding whitewater rafts through the mountains and canyons of the west. 😃

    Now? Still a 7, in my age group (70), most of my hair, still stand straight.

    Like elmer said though, 8 or better in the club.
  • Icey
    4 days ago
    Most men dont go to clubs looking for hookers
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    A stripper who engages in p4p isnt a hooker. By that logic, 60%+ of civvie women are hookers. Someone who looks for rich guys to date or marry, is also a hooker then.
    And on the contrary, most men probably would be willing to bang strippers they found attractive, and if theyre already entering a club and paying for dances, they would also be willing to pay for more than dances.
    Only a minority of guys going to strip clubs, are doing so because they want strictly lapdances because anything more is cheating.
    As far as strip club customers not offering money for p4p, it could be legal concerns or other reasons, but most of the time if theyre paying for dances they would be willing to pay at least a bit more for more than dances.
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    As far as Hugh Jackman and celebrities paying escorts and etc it has to do with many reasons. They could be paying for the discretion, the convenience, also keep in mind time is money… for an average guy $500 isn’t something they can casually blow. But to someone making millions a year, it makes more sense to just get an escort than to spend time going out to find a girl, plus any random girl they find could try to blackmail them, try to film the encounter, try to get pregnant.

    There are other things that make a lot more sense doing if you get rich enough… like hiring a live in chef. If your time is valuable enough that you can make millions per year, you actually save money by hiring a live in chef instead of spending hours of your own time daily cooking. Same with uber, uber eats.

    The celebrities do also bang their fan girls from time to time, you hear about it sometimes, but theyll also use escorts because even if they can find a hot girl to bang for free the logistics involved in that would take hours of time. Even going through social media DMs, theyre getting dms from tons of people.
  • sfrsox
    4 days ago
    I'm a 15
  • Jascoi
    4 days ago
    I'm Grandpa. Once in a while I even get called Daddy. for my age I look okay. and taller than average. and yes... I do have a bit of a belly. I'll give me a 6.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    Where I am a 10 is on the nerd scale. So, every once in a great while, I get the hot guy experience with a chick who's a 10 on the sapiophile scale. The problem is, it's not always easy to see the difference between a chick who is truly down for hookups/FWB, and one who is going for the p dub. I my heart is not hard enough to just shrug off a failed p dub attempt. I would guess that's a reason hot guys might see sex workers as the better option sometimes.
  • Icey
    4 days ago
    I think the big problem is men not going for the women who want them. You can have a great and fairly cheap sex life staying in your league
  • sfrsox
    4 days ago
    P dub?
  • rickmacrodong
    4 days ago
    Traditionally, men approach women icey… so none of what you said is such a big problem. Youre not really supposed to wait for a woman to come to you.
  • rattdog
    4 days ago
    it doesn't matter exactly how i rate myself. what matters the most is the girls that i am interested in messing around with how they rate me.
  • Jascoi
    4 days ago
    I'm not interested in women over 30 unless they are smokin hot and definitely out of my league.
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