Dancer finger nails.

avatar for shadowcat
Most dancers seem to spend a lot of time and money on their finger nails. Fake ones and every color of the rainbow.

How important are their nails when rating their looks? Any deal breakers? My main concern is the safety of my testicles. Some of those nails scare me.


last comment
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 months ago
Not important to me at all as long as they show some evidence of care.
avatar for funonthaside
6 months ago
Dancer focuses are generally misaligned with PL interests.

Do we care about thei nails (as long as they are clean)? No

Do we care whether they change their weave/wig/twist/extensions every week? No

Do we care about their fake eyelashes? No

Yet, they continue to spend large amounts of time dealing with those things, creating delays in returning from dressing room.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
6 months ago
Had a trashy hot fav once. Enjoyed that she wore Dollar Tree press on nails.
avatar for FutureK
6 months ago
I HATE long finger nails. Like freakish long nails. I'd rather have no tips at all than too long. It's maybe my #1 club turn off
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 months ago
I think it's fucking hot when a dancer runs her nails along my back.
avatar for Icey
6 months ago
You can tell a lot about them by their nails. To them theyre a status symbol like a designer bag. Lashes hair perfume and nails show other dancers that they can afford it.
avatar for drewcareypnw
6 months ago
funontheaside is right: "Dancer focuses are generally misaligned with PL interests."

I think those long nails look stupid, as do most dancer tattoos. Their perfume is best when I can't smell it. I am never never looking at their shoes.

But they are wound up in what the other girls, influencers, rap stars, etc. are saying and so they focus on weird stuff that I don't care about. Luckily their tits and asses and pretty faces are magnetic enough to attract me in spite of that other crap.
avatar for skibum609
6 months ago
^ amen.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
6 months ago
I don't fine fingernails (or tats or jewelry) to be particularly sexy. They can be interesting, but generally aren't. I'm wary of getting an eye poked out by the longer ones.
avatar for 59
6 months ago
I don't really pay attention. Except if her fingers are wrapped around junior and it's an eye catching color or pattern.
avatar for 59
6 months ago
Dislike when they are too lengthy and they are unable to undo my belt buckle and/or zipper.
avatar for shailynn
6 months ago
Some women now have claws instead of nails. Only thing worse than that is the eyebrows painted on with a sharpie. I don’t get that. When I think of women shaving their eyebrows and painting them on I think of 80 year old women doing that.

Men are no better, I often see guys with beards so gnarly I’m wondering if a squirrel is going to jump out of it!
avatar for drewcareypnw
6 months ago
^ my wife told me this morning that my beard is too long. Gonna get that shit trimmed STAT.
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
6 months ago
Just don't be disgusting about the hands and we are fine.
avatar for JamesSD
6 months ago
I hate long nails. I love bisexual women, and they usually have short, well filed nails that can go in a pussy without hurting the other woman.

Women do their nails to impress each other
avatar for jmiddle30234
6 months ago
No long nails. If they can’t finger their own pussy they are too long. I like polished but sometimes my atf has natural as well
avatar for Jascoi
6 months ago
^Good baseline guide.^
avatar for Studme53
6 months ago
I don’t like fake nails but you can tell a lot about a woman by her hands. Good skin and manicure with nice nails indicates health and hygiene.
avatar for Icey
6 months ago
Girls with long nails can finger themselves..

I think strippers with short or bad nails are a red flag. When they neglect their looks the money usually goes towards a bad habit. Bad hair is a huge red flag too.

avatar for Nobodygtyu
6 months ago
I literally never notice a girls hands or nails.
avatar for Muddy
6 months ago
I don't even know how one functions in life with these 15 inch talons. Like how are we wiping our ass?

One thing I don't like the color red at all. It reminds me of blood. I'm not like a nail expert (but all these strippers I hang with are ALL ABOUT IT, they love telling me about it, the whole thing) but I think those highlight colors look good if your gonna have those big fake nails.

But I don't know many guys that really care that much. Girls really don't have to do anything in that department aside from just basic maintenance that we all do. If a girl has nothing going on there, it's all good I'm still gonna try to fuck her. It's really not an emergency to go to the nail salon as many strippers seem to think it is, at least for us guys POV. The one exception I've heard of some clubs literally requiring fake nails to even work there. In that case there should be some sort of stipend.

avatar for dutchman2000
6 months ago
Medium long, , well kept,, whore pink.
Burned into my brain so gets my attention. Especially if attached to a petite blond!
avatar for caseyx
6 months ago
I've never understood long nails on women. Not appealing at all, even if they're just normal nails and not the long claws that some dancers sport. That said, it doesn't bother me. If she's hot I'll dance with her regardless of what her nails look like.
avatar for TheSingularity
6 months ago
Negative importance. Could not possibly care less about her nails.
avatar for Dolfan
6 months ago
It's very minimally important, the odds of me looking at a hot dancer and then seeing she has bad nails and changing my mind about her are almost zero. And the odds of nice nails generating interest in otherwise unremarkable girl are also zero.

But, I do make some snap judgements about girls personalities based on them. I rarely like the personality of the girls with long ass nails, or ones with trinkets or other bric-a-brac on them. Those girls are often bratty and entitled and are overly concerned about appearances. I prefer the personalities of girls with more normal looking sizes with normal paint jobs. They tend to have a more common sense oriented outlook.

I wouldn't call them deal breakers on their own, but combined with other stuff they might. Long nails with lots of shit, giant eyelash extensions, ridiculous extensions/wig, and an overly complicated outfit, could certainly combine to make me pass on an otherwise hot dancer if there was a decent alternative without those things.

avatar for Icey
5 months ago
I look at nails. Her hair. Teeth. Her scent. You get s good sense of how she is. What she spends her money on. Its sn easy strategy to avoid girls with bad addictions. I also avoid girls with bruises that aren't work related.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 months ago
“Long” is relative.

I’m a nail tech, if you think having nails done indicates women take care of themselves—you’re wrong—it’s the feet. If her feet are always nice then she has good hygiene.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
5 months ago
I think a big part of long nails is that it makes clear what kind of work you don't do. In particular, that you're not a maid. I think that's a big part of why they are popular with black women.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 months ago
Wow! Woke liberal illbacon promotes his own version of racist stereotypes by saying black women are more prone to maids than other races.
i have news for you dipshit, black women don't have the maid market cornered, there are plenty of white and hispanic maids out there too numbnuts.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
5 months ago
All my maids, in several states, have been Brazilians.
Other jobs like nurses can't have long nails either.

But like a lot of other features, long nails can look trashy or sexy depending on the girl.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Yeah, dirty feet are a huge turn off. One thing i hate is long toenails. I dont care how theyre done. If they protrude they look bad
avatar for rattdog
5 months ago
some interesting replies here.

i guess some of ya's proved this guy wrong:…
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