2001 Odyssey
2309 N Dale Mabry Hwy
Tampa, FL 33607
VIP rooms what’s your experience?
I recently visited this club while touring with a friend. As someone new to SCs, I tried the $40 dances and the 3-for-$100 options. Lots of attractive dancers, but I was particularly drawn to one in particular . I did both the 30-minute VIP ($500) and the 1-hour VIP ($1,000), where you can get drinks, party favors, and be fully undressed in a private room. They hinted at FS, but due to interruptions and the vibe feeling “forced,” nothing happened. I’m new to this and wonder if my expectations were off. Has anyone else had a similar experience ?
I suspect some reviewers tagged you for naming dancer name and implied specific act. Fyi, I've never bought dances from your named dancer, she's not high on my wish list, so we have different tastes. I suspect that you had "beer goggles" by going drinking with your buds.
I also second Rod's advice until you develop a good reference frame for what constitutes a real good dance. I personally don't take any dancer to VIP unless test drive is good. I don't mean an exact duplicate of what you wish to do in VIP, but focus on what she actually does, not what she says.
Also can you help me understand a bit more what you mean concerning what constitues as a good dance? I did 3-4 songs with her and enjoyed it. Unless you are saying the dance will let you know how far she will truly go.