Baby Dolls10250 Shady Trail
Dallas, TX 75220
Best place in Dallas these days?

Dougmann100New York
Heading to Dallas for a business trip. Will be there on Monday night.
Are any of the clubs good these days? I’ve been to the Lodge and Baby Dolls Dallas six months ago. The Lodge had hotter women and BDD was high on number of women but low on quality, at least the night I was there.
Any recos?
That sounds about right. I wouldn’t say BD is low on quality they just have a high quantity. Not all are high quality but some are. I’ve not been to The Lodge so I can’t compare. The Men’s Club is worth a visit but can be slow at times
I was at the lodge last Thursday and there were a couple of hot ones, but not many. LOTS of fake "breasts" in that club.