
Social Media Reacts To Trump's Word Salad About Affordable Child Care

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Friday, September 6, 2024 11:12 AM


  • CJKent_band
    10 days ago
    “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either,”

    ~ Donal J Trump.
    ~ June 2024
  • MyPoorLifeChoices
    10 days ago
    In all fairness Trumps age Has to be taken into consideration.

    His senile word salad is no different from posts by some people here like 25 skibum muddy theeosu And other geriatric pooners
  • iknowbetter
    10 days ago
    Childcare is how you explain the difference between Democrats and Republicans:
    Democrat = Tax people more so the government can provide free childcare.
    Republican = Let people keep more of their money so they can afford to pay for their own childcare.
  • JamesSD
    10 days ago
    I would love to have Trump explain what he meant exactly.

    At least Mittens Romney just would have said "we can't afford it"
  • Puddy Tat
    10 days ago
    "Government is a great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." -Frederic Bastiat
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Childcare costs a few hundred a week. Its unaffordable. Sometimes its so expensive that its cheaper to not work. The government needs to step in.

    As usual trump has no policy and talks like a moron when he cant insult people or use empty catch phrases
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    "As usual trump has no policy and talks like a moron when he cant insult people or use empty catch phrases"

    I'm drowning in the irony of Icey saying this.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    The biggest irony here is your latino jewish ass being a white supremacist fan boy
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    If this was Biden theyd the far right would be going off about his mental deficiencies. His age. Lets not forget Trump is 78.
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ LOLOLOLOL you were saying something about insults and empty catch phrases? I love when you make my point. Lulz
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Tetradon/puddytat You have no point. Youre a biracial man ranting about trannies and alt right politics on a strip club forum 🤡 😂 😭

  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ This is the Political Discourse forum, pendejo.

    Don't want to hear about politics, stay in the front room.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    You dont discuss politics. You discuss alt right fringe tin foil hat shit.
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ Incorrect. I cite facts. You just call everyone you don't like names.

    I don't acknowledge your moral or intellectual authority to call anything here bigot, alt right, whatever.

    "Pimp" nearly killed himself when a woman left him for a deadbeat loser!


    You should carry around a potted plant to replace the oxygen you waste.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Citing neonazi conspiracies weird pseudoscience isnt citing facts.

    You were so depressed you almost killed yourself. You want to be white that bad. So now you just spiut white supremacy online
  • rickmacrodong
    9 days ago
    Lol Icey

    “Childcare costs a few hundred a week therefore we should be able to steal funds for it”

    What you really mean is “i want to smoke weed and be a gangsta pimp all day instead of work, so my stripper hoe girlfriend should be able to steal for her kid”
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    Lololol Icey talking "facts." I quoted a whole book from the left where THEY SAID IT!

    I fought through mental illness and said "that all you got, bipolar?" Beat its ass. Never bought drugs to kill myself because I got one-itis and lost a girl to a loser.

    Forget a potted plant, you need a grove of oak trees to replace the oxygen you waste!
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    So you admit to being mentally ill.
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ Yep. Your point? Beat it. It's a stuffed head mounted on my wall.

    You're a race obsessed "pimp" who got one-itis over a girl he lost to a fellow deadbeat! Some pimp you are.
  • Icey
    9 days ago
    Tetradon piddytat you admit to being a mentally ill alt right weirdo 😂 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  • Puddy Tat
    9 days ago
    ^ half right, which is a step up for you ;)

    Don't forget proud, licensed, legal gun owner!
  • rickmacrodong
    9 days ago
    Icee i have to assume you learned your word salad insult youve been using lately, from the OP.

    You probably started acting emasculated in front of that guy who your girl went for. In your mind, you probably believed he was a badder, tougher gangsta because he sold more weed than you
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