Watching the Euros 2024 European (Football) Championships

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Does anyone else watch the Euros? I've caught almost every game. I've been able to take time off and I've enjoyed them all. Highly competitive, with the supposed minnow nations actually proving very capable play, testing the traditional heavy hitters.

But are there any other TUSCL people interested in football (not NFL; rather, the one where you use your foot, and a ball)?


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avatar for will42
6 months ago
Yep, every game, one at Vivid, Atlanta
avatar for DandyDan
6 months ago
I've seen some action, partly motivated by the fact I can bet on it.

Don't forget about Copa America, which is generally the South American teams, but the USA is in it this year, because USA is hosting.
avatar for Heellover
6 months ago
I've watched what I can. Unfortunately for me and my schedule-the free time I've had has been for crap games like Portugal vs Turkey which I didn't watch most of (I turned it off).

I have seen bits and pieces of games here and there also.

Plan on watching USA today for sure. Saw Ecuador/Venezuela yesterday which was a really good game actually. Missed second half of Jamaica/Mexico which was the better game of course- but had a good reason. I had plans well in advance to meet up with a friend....and go to a strip club! (I was driving and we had agreed on that time before I knew the timing of that games -wasn't going to change it since my friend can rarely go with me due to his schedule).
avatar for Studme53
6 months ago
Yes - love it. Got some business done early Friday in DC and watched the France Netherlands game with a bunch of Dutchmen at The Dubliner. Big international crowd there.
avatar for 59
6 months ago
My schedule doesn't revolve around it but have been watching portions of games. As Dandy said betting makes it much more interesting for me. Had the 1st 3 legs of a parlay then Belgium screwed me.

Not as interested in the COPA, I think in part not as familiar with the nations. Was surprised how lightly attended the game at Levi Stadium was. Contrast that to the games in Germany.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 months ago
German attendance is out the roof. Some of the Euro games are in a second-tier stadium but, as the announcer informed us, the team there still averages 51,000 attendance with 20 or 25 games a year. People in North America THINK we're obsessed with sports ...

I was surprised by Belgium's first game, as was 'most everyone. Their second game against Romania was a very good game for a neutral, wide open and undefended, but I'm not impressed, I think this supposed Golden Generation of Belch may be over before its trophy ever hits. Also Croatia can't defend for crap, never mind their amazing tactics and vision in all midfield (not just Modric). I'm gratified to see England faltering, I love to hate them, they always seem so smug (they act like they deserve to win, as though the fact of having done so just once back in 1966 means they keep doing so automatically) but also so deferential and unenthusiastic. It's like tepid weak tea, apologetic about being out of line, drably predictable. The social class structure on full display.
avatar for Heellover
6 months ago
Switzerland/Germany was an exciting game yesterday. Finally got to see a good game (in Euro cup)!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 months ago
All the sympathetic feelz for Croatia who went down to the latest of late equalizers. Not that they deserved it, usually people know that you have to defend in the latter minutes when there are Italians anywhere nearby. Also Scotland's late but pointless loss to Hungary, just proving who deserves to be eliminated more, minnow A versus minnow B. As my friend in Glasgow put it on his Facebook account, "rather get home early and do the serious drinking, than hang around for no reason like an unwanted guest after the party's over stuffing his face on stale bread and weak tea (cough! England! cough cough!)."
avatar for 59
6 months ago
One thing I just picked up on during this afternoon's games is the security in high visibility vests ringing the pitch for the Euro 2024 matches. Spaced about every 5 M. Netherlands Austria in Berlin, France Poland in Dortmund.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 months ago
Yeah I saw the security. They're not just "ushers" they're "beat-you-uppers" it appears.

And also, oddly, lots of cup-throwing. I think the German concessionaires didn't count on their swag turning out to travel with such an accurate and distant trajectory through the air. You know it's Euros-2024-logo merchandise, so it may not be the usual cups used in the stadiums for regular games. And it may be that Germany's usual Bundesliga fans are much more respectful of the opposition -- or fearful of the authorities -- than the traveling fans from other countries. Could be.

Serious yawners today, three of the four of them. Austria the new Cinderella team. The Brits prove they still exist, and nothing else.

avatar for Heellover
6 months ago
Glad the other games were "yawners". Couldn't watch due to work. Did see Croatia/Italy on Monday.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 months ago
Istvan Kovacs, may he never referee again. Red card him!
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