Vivide (V Live)1271 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Opening time

How is this place at opening time? 12-2pm on a weekday. Is it dead? Would it be worth a stop?
How is this place at opening time? 12-2pm on a weekday. Is it dead? Would it be worth a stop?
last commentThose girls wake up late lol. Anytime I get there at 1 or 2, it doesn't really start picking up until 4.
What time does it pick up on a Friday/Saturday? I'm going down there with a friend who loves him some Latinas.
Depends on what you're looking for.
If you want girls fresh from the dressing room, there are some good ones who show up early. Especially good for those who value efficiency - come in, be the first to see your girl, and then go about your day.
If you don't mind sloppy seconds, show up around 3:00 p.m. Many more girls, and correspondingly, many more PLs. But, if you like hanging around looking at girls for a while before heading back to VIP, you'll get more eye candy upon which to feast.
Dont we all puddy
@MrFuturi - my friend more than most. Coming off a 16 month sentence. He hasn't seen live tits, other than fat hairy moobs in the shower, since 2022. Gonna turn him out next weekend.
Which came first. The chicken or the egg? The dancers at Vivide and most other clubs do not come in early because there are few customers and the customers don't come in early because there are few dancers.
I go early because I enjoy the calm atmosphere. I see the same early dancers and we avoid each other but occasionally the early bird does get the worm and I have her all to myself. And I can beat the rush hour traffic home.
Best time to go is 1:30ish before the girls see their regulars.
I got there at 1:30 once on a Saturday. Took them about a half an hour to even start playing songs.
I much prefer a little energy, and some people to be there. I have enough regulars that at least one is always available. More guys want to get with a girl I'm wanting to see? Have at it, better she gets their money than mine, I just find another. If it ain't my turn, I find another one to mess with.
Earlier than 3pm is just too early IMO for a weekday. By 3:30 or 4 all the day shift girls will be there.
Would add that the ones who arrive at 2 are generally more mature, understand the grind it takes, and are a little older (late 20s), whereas the ones who stroll in at 3:45 are usually early 20s, a bit "Americanized" and a bit green. These are rough approximations.