Not for me, but for a nephew who's going to be out there for a few days with buddies and they have all said they want to hit 'the club'. He knows I've gone to clubs and asked where he should go or be on the look out for. With little to no experience in the PHX area, I come to the experts here. I did my research, but just want some confirmation before I make a suggestion.
Having checked most of the reviews on the higher end of the spectrum, it appears Sonny's (in Chandler) is out. Sounds bad even though it would be the closest. PHX is about 25 min away from where they are staying, so not insurmountable, but obviously an extra 15-20 min shaved off that would be a factor as they are all under 25 and fairly inexperienced.
Goals would be to be able to have some good non 'Champaign room' dances either on the floor or standard 'vip' areas. Get some decent grindage, but I doubt extras would need to be a factor, and HOPEFULLY not be lumped in with a bunch of Sr Citizen dancers or 'biggies'. Needing full nudity wouldn't be a deal breaker, and honestly (IMHO) a nude lap is normally not as good for contact as they are more guarded.
From reviews, it looks like Burbon St is a good match with $20 VIPs and a good mix of talent (sounds like). I passed on Bush Co as the nude side/topless side seemed a good way to end up spending a bunch of money and get less than you expected. Sugar44 and T&A sounded like decent runners up, although a few reviews on T&A sounded like it's mostly Cubans and while I wouldn't care...younger guys might want to sit and chat a bit. Also a language barrier might end up with them getting fleeced for non-negotiated prices.
Closer, at Tempe I was going to suggest Christies. Except for the 'per minute' VIP room thing, which could get out of sounded good and closer, though a few of the reviews there seemed like shill reviews. $25 VIP dances sounded decent if they ventured past the $10 floor dances.
So...AZ mongers. Is Burbon St or Sugar44 worth a 30 min drive? Would Christies be just as good and a bit closer...or am I completely off base on any and you have a 100% differing opinion?
If I get no info back, that's cool. I'd just suggest Burbon St in that case. Seems a safe bet as long as they'll drive the 25-30 min, and pick 1 guy to drink sodas.
With those cities as your parameters, Christies Tempe is your best bet. There is close to zero mileage on any floor dance I've ever seen, but the $25 VIPs with the right girl can be enjoyable. It's $150/15 minutes or $300/30 minutes (plus tip, which is expected from most girls in these rooms). Those can be A LOT more interactive (again, choose wisely and don't be a douche), but be aware, at about the 13/14 minute mark you will be interrupted by the hostess asking if you want to extend your time.
Bourbon Street, if you want the extra drive, is always a good choice but their stock on hand (meaning # of dancers) can often be limited (<10 most times). Don't waste your time at Sugars; it's mostly for locals, has a very limited selection of mostly tired dancers (there are exceptions, but you are on a time crunch).
They don't want to go to Sonnys under any circumstance.
Dances there are 2 for 70 or 4 for 140. You can't buy a single dance and I guess you can't buy 3 either haha.
I stopped in there on a Friday night in January as I was in the area anyway (honestly I was exchanging a Christmas gift nearby). Sonnys is awful. And it is funny that the 4 dances aren't cheaper than two per dance. I only asked out of curiosity. There was no way I even considered it.
Bourbon Street does not have floor dances, but their dancers are hot especially on a weekend evening. I mean they are really hot.
I have only been to Christies Tempe once. It was during The day in 2010 or early 2011 so have no relevant info.
Yeah, again, being as they are young and low experience (both in travel and clubbing) I'd guess they'd be headed to Sonny's if I didn't read up on it here and say several times..."Not Sonny's". I actually sent them addresses for both Christie's and Bourbon Street already and said they both looked good, with a lean towards Bourbon. As long as no one said anything horribly bad about either, that was my gut feels. I think they are going tomorrow anyway, just landed today.
Aside from Hi-Liter, Bourbon, Street and Christies Tempe... are any of the others even worth visiting? It seems like these few just dominate and the just rest lost their luster?
Nixur- I think its just a ymmv will vary kind of thing. Some people like Dirtys, some like Chicas etc. Others hate them. I like Sugar44, but others can't stand it. I have gone there for quite awhile and find it pretty laid back. I don't mind tattoos on dancers and don't need every dancer to look like a model (bourbon street night crew/A team).
I live far from Dirtys and Chicas or probably would have tried them by now. I'm sure I would have checked out Chicas for sure as I like Latinas.
I think it all depends on what area guys are in or are visiting. Their budget(s) and what they are looking for (prettiest dancers, cheap lap dances, variety of dancers, laid back atmosphere even parking situation and if "safe" neighborhood-if going at night).
I think the only universal thoughts are at least by anyone in AZ are that Skin, Bones and Dream Palace are absolute no gos under any circumstance. I wonder if those stories are nationwide or only known in Az? I already knew they were bad clubs and a waste of money, but to be drugged and robbed Wow!
I met the owner/manager of Bones when they first opened (as Bones) in 2010 maybe and the guy was a fucking asshole. (It was a cool club (as Babes) back in the day in late 90s when I used to go). I think its the same owner as the guy I met in 2010. I could definitely see that guy as a criminal who would set up a scheme to rob customers. Guy definitely had the mob mentality about him. I stuck around for a few minutes (no dancers had arrived yet as I was there at opening) and was like fuck it, I'm out of here. I went to Bourbon Street that afternoon and had a lot of fun.
I got a few messages asking for an update now that the trip is over, and much to my dismay, they did NOT go anywhere. I saw my nephew the other night and asked. "So, how'd it go?" and he avoided the question. I asked again "where'd you end up going?"...and got a "hold on...", I was thinking it was because his mom was also there, so waited till she was out of the room...then just asked "you didn't go to any of them, huh?". And he sheepishly said 'No...I wanted to, but the other guys didn't, were too tired or made some other excuse'. I didn't give him much crap over it, but did mention he was all big talk before going out there...why didn't he go alone? "I was going to, but got a bit nervous". Personally I like going to the club solo, as I can stay as long or short as I'd like, and don't have to feel like I've got anyone looking over my shoulder if I want to test the limits. But I get, as a 'kid', not wanting to solo it, especially in a strange locale.
Ah, to be 21 and innocent again. :) I was hoping for a trip report though. He said he might be going back out in Sept (one of the guys in the group is moving out there then), and will 100% FOR SURE...go somewhere. We'll see.
last commentDances there are 2 for 70 or 4 for 140. You can't buy a single dance and I guess you can't buy 3 either haha.
I stopped in there on a Friday night in January as I was in the area anyway (honestly I was exchanging a Christmas gift nearby). Sonnys is awful. And it is funny that the 4 dances aren't cheaper than two per dance. I only asked out of curiosity. There was no way I even considered it.
Bourbon Street does not have floor dances, but their dancers are hot especially on a weekend evening. I mean they are really hot.
I have only been to Christies Tempe once. It was during The day in 2010 or early 2011 so have no relevant info.
I live far from Dirtys and Chicas or probably would have tried them by now. I'm sure I would have checked out Chicas for sure as I like Latinas.
I think it all depends on what area guys are in or are visiting. Their budget(s) and what they are looking for (prettiest dancers, cheap lap dances, variety of dancers, laid back atmosphere even parking situation and if "safe" neighborhood-if going at night).
I think the only universal thoughts are at least by anyone in AZ are that Skin, Bones and Dream Palace are absolute no gos under any circumstance. I wonder if those stories are nationwide or only known in Az? I already knew they were bad clubs and a waste of money, but to be drugged and robbed Wow!
I met the owner/manager of Bones when they first opened (as Bones) in 2010 maybe and the guy was a fucking asshole. (It was a cool club (as Babes) back in the day in late 90s when I used to go). I think its the same owner as the guy I met in 2010. I could definitely see that guy as a criminal who would set up a scheme to rob customers. Guy definitely had the mob mentality about him. I stuck around for a few minutes (no dancers had arrived yet as I was there at opening) and was like fuck it, I'm out of here. I went to Bourbon Street that afternoon and had a lot of fun.
Ah, to be 21 and innocent again. :) I was hoping for a trip report though. He said he might be going back out in Sept (one of the guys in the group is moving out there then), and will 100% FOR SURE...go somewhere. We'll see.