
Can’t submit a review

Avatar for TxVegas
TxVegasStill looking for an ATF

I have tried twice since we the most recent site update to submit a review. I cannot get the submit button to work on my ipad. I have every drop down populated and I have populated the text of the review and a title. Is this a known bug being fixed?


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Avatar for founder

I know about it. Just trying to find an iPad to test it on

Avatar for Lurker-X

I had this issue on the prior site on an iPhone. I switched from safari to chrome and was able to submit.

Avatar for Jascoi

i'm going to submit a review shortly. hopeful no more posting issues... left tj at noon and now having coffee in the OC.

Avatar for DrStab

Tried to submit review yesterday unsuccessfully from my iPad.

Avatar for funonthaside

Switch from Private to General mode in Safari, and it should work.

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