Anyone know how to post a pic of a dancer to ask where she dances?

avatar for toastybagel7996
What the title says. Not good with technology and trying to post a pic of a dancer who I found on instagram and want to find out what club or clubs she dances at. And yes I dm her and asked but didn’t reply.


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
If she didn't reply, then she probably doesn't want to share that information. Which probably means she wouldn't want guys here to share that information.

So maybe go have fun with dancers that you can find in the clubs sans the low-grade stalker energy.
avatar for MissVicious
9 months ago
If she wanted people to know she would advertise and tag her club in her posts and stories.
She might not even be at a club and do private parties instead. Send her a virtual tip. She might reply.
avatar for motorhead
9 months ago
“Send her a virtual tip”

lol. He said he wasn’t good with technology. Like he’s gonna know what that is
avatar for founder
9 months ago
Just the tip
avatar for TravelingBoredBusiness
9 months ago
Here is a hint: Just ask her what club sh works at in her DM (private message) Just let her know you would like to see her in the club and want to be a regular and that you are "generous" (Would help to send pictures of actual cash too so she knows you arent fucking around.

She will likely try to get you to send her some online payment bullshit like Zelle, CashApp or Venmo, (thats a suckers game.) Then you just tell her that you have cash ready to spend in the club and if she wants to she can have it but ask her what club and tell her you wont go running your mouth to eveyone. Then let her know if she oenst want it that its ok and some other dancer can have it, but you were offering it to her first.
avatar for TravelingBoredBusiness
9 months ago
If she desnt respond or responds negatively then just block her ass. There are tons of dancers who wantto get paid, so just move on and forget her.
avatar for whodey
9 months ago
Simple answer is you don't. When you start posting pics of girls that you don't actually know because you like the pictures of her online and ask strangers to help you locate her in real life you have crossed the line into stalker territory.

If you've asked her and she won't tell you where she works it is because she doesn't want you to know so leave her alone. Move on to somebody that will respond and let you know where you can spend money on her.
avatar for funonthaside
9 months ago
All that everyone has said is valid. Also, do really think she looks as good in real life as in her IG posts? You're much better off going to your local club, and enjoying time with girls of interest to you that you have seen up close.
avatar for mickey48066
9 months ago
If or when the dancer photo section is restored, tell her about it and let her know she can promote herself with pics and club listing if shes at a club. Adding on to miss vicious, on her instagram page, does she mention that she's available for bachelor parties, events, etc.? If she'susing Instagram to build clients, you could post a link to the publicly viewable page and actually help promote her in the process.
avatar for Maximust
9 months ago
Other board has pic postings of dancers.
Wish this board had the same
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