First timer planning a trip next week

avatar for lampbreaker
I am planning a trip to TJ on the week of 4/15. This is my first time to TJ and would love to meet some regulars and learn from them. :-p


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avatar for RonJax2
10 months ago
I won't be there then, but just wanted to say, I'm terrible jealous. A monger's first trip to TJ is a sacred rite of passage. Be prepared to have US clubs permanently ruined for you, lol. Please do submit some reports so the rest of us can live vicariously.

You might want to check the other threads in the TJ Monger's forum. I think I saw that @TJVistor23 posted a thread about being there during your dates.
avatar for devl_dawgg
10 months ago
I arrive on the 15th for a couple of nights if you want to meet for a drink.
avatar for TJVisitor23
10 months ago
Replied to your dm
avatar for lampbreaker
9 months ago
Two questions. Can I take any recording equipment to the room in Cascadas? Secondly do they need a credit card for reservations/checkin?
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
> Can I take any recording equipment to the room in Cascadas?

Nope. Anytime you enter the hotel, including on checkin, they will pat you down, search your bags, and have you walk through the magnetometer. If they find camera equipment, they will confiscate it for the duration of your stay and return it when you check out. You'll have to either make due with your phone or go somewhere else.

> Secondly do they need a credit card for reservations/checkin?

You can make a reservation on their website without a credit card (no payment required at all), and you can definitely pay cash for the room. However, I'm 90% certain that even if you pay cash, they will still require an ID on checkin. So if you're trying to use cash to stay anonymous that probably won't work, but if you're just trying to avoid a paper trail on your bank statement, that's totally possible.
avatar for devl_dawgg
9 months ago
It looks like you're going to be there on Monday/Tuesday at least. If so, it may make sense to get a HK VIP card which gets you 70% off of rooms Mon/Tue and 20% the rest of the week. The 70% discount brings the cost of a single room down to $25 which is less that the cost of the room for a 30 minute session.

You can get the VIP card for $60 at the main entrance to HK. I also understand that you can buy them in the Cascadas lobby now a days...

As RonJax said, no CC required for reservations. I think you can pay for the room with a CC but, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that. I just stick with cash.
avatar for TJVisitor23
9 months ago
Sent you a PM
avatar for trdr01
9 months ago
Let us know how that first trip went. I will be there this weekend.
avatar for lampbreaker
9 months ago
Posted a review
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