
Dancers: should (and how do) I let a dancer know if she has an unpleasant odor?

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ptorrent3North Carolina

We all run into people who may not have the greatest smell, but with dancers it's particularly important to smell nice for the job.

On a few occasions I've noticed an unpleasant odor (in a few different regions) and I've never been sure how to respond. In some cases it was a one-time for that dancer, in others it was more consistent.

Is this a spinach in your teeth type of thing where you'd much rather know, even if it's embarrassing? Or is it just inappropriate to say anything at all, even if politely?

If the former, do you have any suggestions on how to most tactfully broach the subject? Thanks!


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If a dancer straight up stinks to the point I wouldn't let her ass touch my clothes, if it's a club I'm in regularly I'll mention it to a dancer I know well enough for it to not blow up. I've seen dancers get pulled off the floor to have "the talk" after I've brought it up. If I'm there for the first (and maybe only) time I'll just find a way to put her off and keep her away from me. A little BO to me isn't a problem if I like how the girl smells, but we know the kind of smells getting talked about here lol.

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If it's a dancer that I know really well and I'm confident she'll take it in stride, I will say something very cautiously and respectfully.

Otherwise, I'll part company with that dancer at the first opportunity.

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