I haven't been to many of those clubs lately, but the girls tell me its slow as fuck. Judging by the amount of girls who are inquiring about OTC, I think there is some truth to it and not just the typical crying. When that happens, there's a mix of responses. Some girls try to charge more to cash in on the few customers they have. Others lower prices to entice customers who might otherwise just get a dance to do more. Sounds like there are more of the former than the latter right now.
I was at a club yesterday (not in Florida) where a dancer wanted $300 for a handjob. I thought she had a typo in Google translate but of course the numbers are the same in English and Espanol lol. She didn't get it, but she might've gotten $300 for a decent blowjob because she was crazy hot. You guys still have it pretty good.
I stopped in here about a month back and I was underwhelmed by both the quality and how few girls were there on a Friday late afternoon. Needless to say I had a beer and went over to Cheetahs where I enjoyed both the quantity and the quality of the ladies available.
My last two trips to Diamond Dolls were both pretty lackluster. Cheetah's is definitely dominating the Pompano Triangle. Booby Trap has the party club, make-it-rain, Papi Chulo mode business niche.
Paris offered a bj for 125. I took her to the 25 area to see her interaction and she just sold an upsell to the vip. When I said maybe later she cut off my 25 dance in the first few seconds avoid her
last comment@twentyfive No doubt that the quality is better at Cheetahs. I don’t feel that anyone is worth approximately $400 for 15 minutes though.