
avatar for Jeremy25
Some crazy girls here tonight. One wanted $175 for just BJ. Another $225.


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I haven't been to many of those clubs lately, but the girls tell me its slow as fuck. Judging by the amount of girls who are inquiring about OTC, I think there is some truth to it and not just the typical crying. When that happens, there's a mix of responses. Some girls try to charge more to cash in on the few customers they have. Others lower prices to entice customers who might otherwise just get a dance to do more. Sounds like there are more of the former than the latter right now.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
I was at a club yesterday (not in Florida) where a dancer wanted $300 for a handjob. I thought she had a typo in Google translate but of course the numbers are the same in English and Espanol lol. She didn't get it, but she might've gotten $300 for a decent blowjob because she was crazy hot. You guys still have it pretty good.
If $175 for a BJ is high, what is a normal rate?
I stopped in here about a month back and I was underwhelmed by both the quality and how few girls were there on a Friday late afternoon. Needless to say I had a beer and went over to Cheetahs where I enjoyed both the quantity and the quality of the ladies available.
avatar for Jeremy25
a year ago
@Dan3635 $125

@twentyfive No doubt that the quality is better at Cheetahs. I don’t feel that anyone is worth approximately $400 for 15 minutes though.
That’s a pretty good price point. Definitely paid more in Houston.
$13k for 2 BJs a week for a whole year. That’s a good year. (Plus club cover and drink)
^ I always thought 365 condoms on the road side was a Goodyear 😋
My last two trips to Diamond Dolls were both pretty lackluster. Cheetah's is definitely dominating the Pompano Triangle. Booby Trap has the party club, make-it-rain, Papi Chulo mode business niche.
Oh, and BJs were $300 at Oz, so maybe $175 is a bargain?
avatar for Alfredo_Darke
a year ago
gammanu95, I got a BJ at Oz for $120, then got the same price a few days later.
avatar for carnival
7 months ago
Paris offered a bj for 125. I took her to the 25 area to see her interaction and she just sold an upsell to the vip. When I said maybe later she cut off my 25 dance in the first few seconds avoid her
Careful with CC a cute PR dancer usually does nights but pops in for dayshift sometimes. She wanted $400 for what the Cubans usually do for 225-250
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