
Dancers that also list themselves on escort sites ?

Avatar for jusflor

So I had this interesting discovery a few months ago. This dancer I know from a couple of the Houston clubs came up listing her services on one of the independent escort sites. That’s not the shocking part, what I was curious about was the difference in price quotes from when I asked her in the club how much for FS (~400 for hr) vs what she quoted over text in reply to her add (~200). I feel cheated!!! I wanted to set something up but not sure if I should say that I saw her add and want the lower rate ?


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Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

This might shock you, but pricing in the club isn't always equitable or fair. A dancer will quote whatever price she wants or thinks she can get. And she gets to do that. It's negotiating, not cheating.

It's also possible that the difference in price has something to do with including the cost of a VIP room in the club, erc., versus hosting guys in her home as an escort.

I'll also gently point out that sometimes dancers will give the "I really don't want to fuck you" price when they're face-to-face with some customers (or they're just not in the mood).

In any case, don't mention you seeing the escort ad or texting with her. It's going to make you sound like kind of a bitch and a stalker at the same time. Instead, just make a counter offer. Or, find another dancer.

Avatar for londonguy

My opinion summed up perfectly by CMI.

I once saw a stripper in her room for $500, she had originally asked for more but dropped when I politely declined. The day after I saw her she sent me a text quoting $250 for another session. I didn’t feel cheated, she was just doing what they all do.

Avatar for Jascoi

I figured this out a long time ago that the club environment is usually the more expensive alternative to to enjoy the same girl in contrast to having her as an escort. of course... that can get expensive if you stretch out the time

Avatar for Dolfan

I think CMI mostly covered it, so I'll try not to rehash. But I am curious, are you quoting the $400 ITC price as all in, including the money for the house? That could easily explain the difference, if the club gets $100-150 for the room and then DJ, waitress, security, house mom, floor guys, etc all have their hands out expecting part of the score. Her net might be the same. Another reason could be that some clubs have "unofficial" club rates, there's quite a few local clubs here where girls are strongly encouraged to keep above a certain price floor ITC, either by management or by other girls.

And I'll add in another reason for price variance, need. It's been discussed many times on here before, but prices often go down in times of desperation. A girl who faces eviction if she doesn't come up with rent is more apt to cut a deal to make a sale than one who just paid rent. It's not just rent, it's any expense. A BF needs bail, a car needs a new tire, etc. She may have a normal ITC price when things are good, but something came up and she needed to earn a quick buck and did so by placing the ad.

Like others, I wouldn't feel cheated. I also wouldn't ask for escort rates while she's in the club. That just feels shady. I don't have a lot of experience with that though, so take my 2 cents for what its worth. I usually avoid the strippers who advertise on escort sites.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

I think the prices are different because in the clubs there aren't as many girls, while I imagine the online competition is always higher. Idk for sure on this one though. Also even tho escorts seem to use hotel rooms often so that adds to the cost, but at the same time the club has a room fee, and from what I hear the extras girls actually usually tip higher to everyone that needs their palm greased to look the other way and treat them well.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Escort rates vary a lot, $250 - $1000+. The lower the rate, the more likely she'll be grumpy and expect you to do your thing and GTFO in 15 minutes or less.

The idea of fair pricing can seem like a good one. But, in practice, it has lead to failed economic systems like Mercantilism and Socialism. In a market system, the price is what the buyer and seller agree to for a particular exchange, period. There are many reasons why your counter-party in a sale might not want you to know their reasoning in negotiating with you. So you'll just drive yourself nuts if you obsess about whether they are being smart or dumb. Some here may want to trivialize the feelings of sex workers. But nobody's feelings are trivial to themselves, even if they may have some recognition that their feelings don't make sense. Few if any sex workers don't have strong (and generally negative) emotional responses to the work. But they hid that from us in order to keep customers. So best to reign in the snark when you feel frustrated when negotiating with her. It will usually just bounce off, but you never know if you're catching her in moment when her defenses are worn down.

Avatar for 5footguy

The more concerning thing is whether she actually discussed specifics like FS over text to someone she didn't know. If she just quoted a price, how do you know it was FS? If she actually confirmed FS over text to an ad reply, that's a red flag and I would cease comms immediately. If you initiated the question and asked specifically about FS, well, don't do that, and I'm surprised she replied, because any smart girl would not do that.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

@5 that's why it's risky to see an escort who's not reviewed on theeroticreview.net .

Avatar for stripperlover777

Dancers Might Think That People Comming Into The Club Have More $$$, Coz Of VIP & A Certain Range Of Services/Extras, Especially Business Oriented People Who Are Really Into The "Strip Club". It Could Be A Harder Market On The Outside Recruiting Clientele Coz These People Are More Unpredictable Of What They Will Do & Spend $$$ Wise. It's More Of A "Raw" Market On The Outside & There Is More Room For Negotiating, So Setting A Lower Price Initially Makes Sense. If This Dancer Doesn't Negotiate With You @ The Club, You Can Let Her Know You "Stumbled" Across Her On The Net Surfin' Around & When You Talk, U Can See If She Can Negotiate Through Her Other Market Way.
✔️💲♥️ 👄

Avatar for drewcareypnw

Some of it probably has to do with what they are handing over to DJs, bouncers, managers, etc.

Avatar for NJBalla

Be careful with this one. Trust me just because you are friends with a dancer doesn’t mean she wants to open the door to the hotel room and see you. Ask her in the club first. Unfortunately dancers aren’t the brightest and think escort sites are fairly discrete

Avatar for rickmacrodong

There is no way that seeing a dancer’s ad on an escort site means youre a stalker- i doubt the dancer would interpret it that way either. Escort sites are publicly viewable listings you can search by city, state, zip code. Its not like a facebook or instagram profile where you would need to specifically search for someone using their screen name or personal information.

Additionally, her escort site display name may be different than her dancer name and her real name.

Finally, nobody should be stalking anyone in the first place. Instead of looking for ways to pretend not to be a stalker, or ways to hide being a stalker, just dont be a stalker.

But note that term gets thrown around too loosely by people online. Social media stalking refers to going through someones social media profiles. It wouldn’t include being on an escort site and coming across a listing of a dancer. Actual stalking would be something like looking up someones social media profile to find their whereabouts, then showing up to a shop they frequent, their workplace, their home, etc. or something like following someone home.

And once again, if you look up dancer profiles on instagram, and their profile states which club they work at, and you then see them at their club, its not stalking. People advertise all sorts of businesses and jobs on instagram. Is it stalking if you find a small cookie shop on instagram then visit them?

If you saw her ad on an escort site, you can just mention it to her. As others mentioned, if shes charging $400 in the club its likely because of all the club fees, and payouts to the managers djs bouncers etc - its a very corrupt and greedy business model to begin with- so you would actually be doing the right thing ethically by moving things outside the club and paying her directly.

Managers, djs and bouncers dont deserve to make extra money just because a dancer does extras Or because a dancer performs a lapdance. I don’t think its related to extras- there’s definitely clubs where dancers will pay out tips to bouncers, djs, managers, even if they didnt do extras. In some clubs, it basically becomes an unspoken rule in order to get good treatment from management. It’s actually bad for business overall- because managers will basically not fire dishonest or bad dancers as long as they keep paying them tips. The club owner likely wouldnt want managers being paid tips from the dancers. It just doesnt make good sense.

And the DJ tipping is supposedly so the DJ will put on songs the dancer prefers when she is on stage. Its not really something that should be required, and any competent DJ should be putting on appropriate music for all dancers.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

A club, being the middleman, is always going to have extra charges and fees added on. Its just like hiring a personal trainer in the gym, vs hiring them directly outside the gym.

If a club wanted to get around this, they could do something like provide private rooms for $50 per hour, and not charge anything else to the customer and not take anything from the dancer. So the customer would just need to pay $50 for the room and whatever is negotiated with the dancer. At that point, since its only a $50 fee, most customers and dancers arent going to to bother trying to arrange something OTC just to save $50. Its just not worth the time and energy, and a hotel
Room will cost more as well.
But most clubs tend to be too greedy, and charge far more than $50 and keep a significant portion of the dancers earnings, which encourages dancers and customers to move things OTC.

Avatar for funonthaside

The "you're a stalker if you view someone's social media page" premise is comical. If someone is truly concerned, and has adequate intelligence, they mark profile as private if they want to maintain privacy. Or, they refrain from social media presence for any non-business activities.

Furthermore, some people are not very smart. I've come across multiple situations where dancers have their personal social media pages (with real names) linked to their dancer profiles. Dancers do, and should, use fake names and personas when dancing, as there are wacky people in the world. Yet, they then get sloppy with broadcasting personal information online.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ The club being the owner of the business bears the burden and the brunt of complying with the law, where do you think the money to keep lawyers on retainer, to pay bribes, etc comes from.
You do realize that because they are relying on sexual services they’re likely a target and even a friendly jurisdiction can change and become hostile.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Some dancers may use their real first name as the stage name. If its a common enough name, it really doesn’t matter.

25, what do you mean by paying bribes. Paying bribes to who?

Avatar for DrStab

I’ve had good luck in this area. One dancer who I’ve had some in-club sessions with, unsolicited offered OTC at a higher price (not determined), saying expenses were higher OTC (she apparently has a scheduled OTC day for clients and gets a room herself). Haven’t taken her up for it.

My ATF charged me the same (“whatever you feel like paying”). Need to get her back in the game.

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