Went to Desires and had a bizarre situation tonight.
I meet a stripper, and know from pictures who she is, and know form this board that a lot of guys think she’s a rip off. I won't name her here, but if you care I'll tell any senior members who DM me.
I talk to her for a couple of minutes, and we’re hitting it off, and I ask her name, and she lies and gives me a differenet name (and there is another stripper with that name).
Weird. Maybe she slipped, and that’s her name in real life.
Or….. maybe she knows that on these boards she’s known as a rip off, so she changed her name. Maybe others are doing the same thing. Don’t know, but that was interesting.
back when I used to do the COI a lot there was an older girl that would change her name occasionally. she was not always up front in her ways.
at my favorite club in Tijuana name changes are very common, especially for girls that come and go. If they don't come back and work within a month, they have a big chance of the club changing their name. so the name changes are fairly normal there.
I don't even bother asking for names, let alone remember any pushed upon me.
Which why I'm always fascinated by the occassional review that actually writes a long lists of dancer names with physical descriptions - are dudes actually taking notes in the club?
How else are we supposed to use this board? It would be nowhere near as useful without names and descriptions. Obviously the names are fake. But it’s funny when they have to switch them. I guess Rosie is now Posie and Venus is now Jupiter.
i don't need names or specific physical attributes that go with each name.
Generalities, yes. Basic demographics, sure. I like to know if a club is primarily white, black, hispanic or mixed or if chicks are generally curvy, super large or petite.
I don't need Tiffany 5'5 white with c cups and a azz tat with flowers on it.
I'm not against those that provide or need this type of info, but it''s relatively unreliable intel. Chicks change clubs, or work when they want to work, or quit altogether.
Specifics on ROBs is defintely value added. But if you're that type that comes on here and reads Tiffany was a good time for one PL, so let me go to that club and ask for Tiffany, in hopes you will also have a good time with her, you may want to re-think how you use the board.
I’ll disagree. I want to know their names (call signs or whatever they are) so when one tells me her name is “Mercedes”, I can cross reference the board and get a narrative of what she’s like. Just writing a review and mentioning “small brunette spinner” gives me nothing to go on. If she changes her name then I trust the monthly reviews a couple of the members on this board, will update that. So when Mercedes becomes Phoenix and she asks me to dance, I can identify her and know what I’m getting into.
The names, physical attributes, and schedules incredibly useful for guys who are local and may go to the club a couple times a month or more. There are some guys who go a few times a week, sometimes to do business.
Names help you find out when your type might be there, whether they're a rip off, whether they cause drama, whether they're great.
There is a Tiffany, and I've heard some bad things about her, so if I have a choice between her and someone else, I probably go with someone else.
Whether it's Desires where I used to go far too often, or Cheetahs, which I only get to a few times a year, a big part of the fun for me is figuring things out and finding a gem. We all go for different reasons. The best part of my Florida trip was great fun with dancers I'd never met and will never see again. The game is the best, not the result.
Not really a right or wrong thing...folks club in different ways and like I said - have no issue with guys that are heavier into specifics than I am.
As skibum609 mentioned, the fun in the game is figuring things out.
Going a bit deeper into your OP:
You knew who the girl was already. Knew that a good number of patrons consider her a ripoff. You still engaged her, claimed you were even "hitting it off". And sounds like all was good until you heard a name you weren't expecting.
For me, if I was a specifics guy, feel the dancer is a ROB/rip-off (which I also mentioned IS value-added info to know), I wouldn't have even given the opportunity to hit it off! Would've told her "I'm good" and let her get off to the next dude. I'm guessing there was some enjoyment on your part for having conversation with her and looking for a flag to support what other patrons think of her.
My feeling is, the more time I spend with dancers who I know or figure I will not like, the less time I have to spend with the dancers I do like.
WTF? It is just a stripper name - who cares about the name ? Strippers and mongers all have a million onion skins to peel off...
Everyone has reasons to change the wigs, nails, dress, car, house, city, state, names, ethnicity, heritage, sob stories, why they like you, why you are their prince charming, ... whatever else.
You like her, go along, and she might one day tell you why, but why on earth would you consider that anyone here knows what a woman thinks?
Or….maybe titty bars are notorious for having inebriated dancers/customers, which means that sometimes people say things that are inaccurate and who knows what the reason could possibly be 🤦🏻♀️
I've seen a dancer change her name just because she felt like it.
I've seen a dancer change her name because another dancer chose a name very similar to hers (and she wasn't in the mood for drama).
I've seen a dancer change her name because she was trying to break into porn and wanted to "rebrand" herself. She didn't break into porn, and changed her name back.
I've also seen a dancer change her name because she got called out by that name in a couple of very explicit posts / reviews and suddenly all the customers started asking for what they'd read about (including the price).
And I've also seen a dancer change her name because she got called out enough for scamming guys that it affected her income.
I have no problem flirting and playing with the rip off girl for 5 minutes.
The goal of this post is to see if others have seen this, and if it is a common technique for the girls who are rip off girls. If it’s common, then we can no longer take recommendations from the best posters here, because the girl might be using a fake name to mask her bad reviews.
Again, 99% of the guys here will agree with me. If you don’t, you don’t.
You’re wrong, and you got the facts and conclusion wrong, but 99% of the guys here will agree with me.
She started talking to me, and I was pretty sure who she was, but wasn’t positive until I checked her Instagram, because I know her account name. And yup, we were hitting it off, she was laughing.
Thanks to the education of this board, that gives names of problem dancers, I knew to say no to her, check her IG to see if she was who I thought she was, and I saved myself money and time. Also got to spend time with a different girl, which would have been lost if I didn’t use my education.
The “next move” was to tell her that I don’t want to do a dance right now because I’m waiting for someone else.
Then use her Instagram to confirm who she was. Oh, and I got the IG name from one of the 30+ guys that I DM with on here, where I further my education in tutoring sessions. If it was not the rip off girl, then I’d possibly go back to her. If I wasn’t sure, then I might do a lap dance before a VIP.
I've had mediocre times with dancers praised on this board and fs with dancers that this board has pegged as low contact. Compared to some regs on this board I overpay for some dancers and underpay for others. Everyone's experience is pretty unique. If it feels right, go for it, if it feels wrong, back off.
Like CMI said, I've seen girls change names for many reasons or no reason at all. I've also seen ROB's stick with the same names for years, across clubs. And I've seen them change names routinely.
The clubs try to make sure that no 2 dancers use the same name while working at the same time. Usually the house mom or who ever checks them in is charged with doing this. Follies fucked up once that I know of and the DJ had to call them Bambi one and Bambi two.
@ski... I used to love seeing aguy write about a girls that were fun but "NO EXTRAS" and thought, isn't that the girl I just bent over the couch and ...
To expand on shadows point, it's two girls with the same name at the same time most clubs avoid. Some avoid two with the same name on the same shift, or totally. But there's plenty of clubs around here with 3-4 girls with the same names and same general descriptions.
There's like 3 girls called Angel at BT, all early 20's sorta thick Cubans with dark hair, tramp-stamp between the tits tattoo's, heavy accents, etc. When more than one are there on the same day, they'll all use alternate names and none will go by Angel. There are also multiple Khloe's. Cheetah has two girls named Jessy, one pronounced with a Y sound and the other with a J. Porthole has more girls who go by "Dior" than I can count.
Using stripper names as "intel" for your club visit IMO is futile. A regular club goer would be exponentially better served learning to spot problematic girls on his own instead of relying on the word of others. Similarly, knowing the tenancies at the club is often much more useful. Knowing Tootsies is full of girls looking to slaughter a lamb is much more useful than knowing Bambi ripped off Bobby, for a multitude of reasons.
^Your comment doesn’t apply whatsoever to Desire. They don’t allow girls with the same name, although they do allow girls with similar names. The only time a dancer with the same name comes in is when the previous one leaves or gets fired. A lot of dancers here are also trying to build up their stable of regulars for consistent business, and that comes with sticking with the same name for a period of time, for the name and brand recognition.
They change names for several reasons and I already PMed Nelly with my thoughts.
‘Using stripper names as intel is futile’
Nope. While experiences vary, if several solid posters independently say a dancer is a rob, there’s a higher chance she is. It may not mean she will be one with YOU, but the odds are higher.
On the other hand some dancers are super busy with a solid following because they provide a experience and are good at their jobs, plain and simple.
^ This post seems likes it's a Rhode Island thing. Those of us who don't operate around there probably can't relate.
This "name" business doesn't seem like that big of deal to me, but maybe it is for the folks that partake in Desire. I don't even ask chicks for their name, but I recognize some guys like and enjoy conversation.
Now that all club discussions bleed onto the main discussion page, it opens the topic up to everyone.
Probably better if founder had it as before - let the individual clubs discussion stay separate from the main page.
This post was pretty clearly intended as a post for the club "Desire", in Rhode Island, as you could tell from the icon at the very top, since it was submitted from the Desire club page. Also, the first line of the post says it's about Desire.
That's why it wasn't posted in the General Discussions or Front Room pages.
The website makes it clear that this was a DESIRE post, which anyone can see if they look at the name of the club on top of this page.
If you look in your feed, it says DESIRE and DISCUSSION. I can't make this any simpler for you. You're wrong, and you're just a defiant troll at this point, and "the website no longer functions in keeping you trolls separated".
Most of the comment are not from the outside, and there are a LOT more people backing me than you, because most guys have a brain. The most thumbs up about the reason for the post are 4, and there are a few, and your comment had 3 thumbs down, as you continued to troll.
Most probably gave up. Congratulations. You're the new desertscrub.
I'm not interested in petty bickering. Nor am I interested in club Desire specific conversations.
For my response, I lost track that this was posted in the Desires forum. I noticed it when I saw the thread initially and ignored it on that basis. However, when it popped back to the top of the list due to new comments I didn't notice that, so read it and thew in my two cents as if it was a generic discussion. Had I recognized it as a specific club thread the 2nd time I saw it, I'd have ignored it again. I'll do that now.
If you use the "Discussions" link in the menu, all of the discussions that you can access (front room, individual clubs, politics, TJ,) are displayed in a single feed. Other restricted forums (dressing room, VIP, etc.) only display in that feed if you've qualified for access.
So, users regularly comment on discussions from clubs they never visit because it's all in that feed. Whether or not it should be or you like it is another topic.
I used to be a guy who named a lot of names, but I'm not on board with that anymore. It's partly because of the YMMV factor (especially when you're a known regular), but also because naming names can really wrap a dancer around an axle (sometimes even when extras are not associated with the name). Balancing that against the utility of using names, I choose to err on the side of caution in favor of the dancer's quality of life at work.
I actually like the dancers I see. I'm not in "love" or "catching feelings", but I want them to keep dancing for as long as we're both benefiting. So, I don't want to coax potentially bad customers towards them.
I also believe that it's possible to write a good review without treating listing dancers like dishes on a Chinese takeout menu. But that's my 2 cents.
If guys want to use names, that's still allowed here and I'm not going to give anyone grief over it. That is until you start connecting dancers by name to extras. Like a lot of guys here, I have strong and not favorable opinions about that practice.
If you go to the Discussions link, for every Discussion that's associated with a specific club, it says that club's name before you click AND on the landing page.
For the guys dropping in to say we're idiots for caring about names in a local club, (because they don't understand it), they should just shut the fuck up.
If you don' twant to mention names, that's fine. You're a great contriburor.
I like names because:
- I can find out if a new girl of my type was hired - I can find schedules - I can find rip offs, and save myself time, money, and the opportunity cost of seeing another dancer instead
and everyone understands that these are all like Yelp reviews, and someone may love someone that someone else hates.
So, this is a place where someone will create a thread that starts with "I have a question for dancers..." and the first 20 comments are from dudes.
If you think that anyone is going to self-censor themselves out of a discussion because it's about a club they never go to, then you're not reading the room.
🎶Well I’ve been through the desert with a stripper with a fake name it felt good to be out of the rain In the desert we’re getting blowjobs all day la La laaaa La la La La La laaaa🎶
last commentat my favorite club in Tijuana name changes are very common, especially for girls that come and go. If they don't come back and work within a month, they have a big chance of the club changing their name. so the name changes are fairly normal there.
Hunnypot - COI is City of Industry out in California
I don't even bother asking for names, let alone remember any pushed upon me.
Which why I'm always fascinated by the occassional review that actually writes a long lists of dancer names with physical descriptions - are dudes actually taking notes in the club?
i don't need names or specific physical attributes that go with each name.
Generalities, yes. Basic demographics, sure. I like to know if a club is primarily white, black, hispanic or mixed or if chicks are generally curvy, super large or petite.
I don't need Tiffany 5'5 white with c cups and a azz tat with flowers on it.
I'm not against those that provide or need this type of info, but it''s relatively unreliable intel. Chicks change clubs, or work when they want to work, or quit altogether.
Specifics on ROBs is defintely value added. But if you're that type that comes on here and reads Tiffany was a good time for one PL, so let me go to that club and ask for Tiffany, in hopes you will also have a good time with her, you may want to re-think how you use the board.
Names help you find out when your type might be there, whether they're a rip off, whether they cause drama, whether they're great.
There is a Tiffany, and I've heard some bad things about her, so if I have a choice between her and someone else, I probably go with someone else.
A local is/can be at the club more often and should actually KNOW what they’re getting into.
And even if you know the person name, unless they are a true ROB, one PL experience is not necessarily going to be the same as yours.
You're just wrong.
Not really a right or wrong thing...folks club in different ways and like I said - have no issue with guys that are heavier into specifics than I am.
As skibum609 mentioned, the fun in the game is figuring things out.
Going a bit deeper into your OP:
You knew who the girl was already. Knew that a good number of patrons consider her a ripoff. You still engaged her, claimed you were even "hitting it off". And sounds like all was good until you heard a name you weren't expecting.
For me, if I was a specifics guy, feel the dancer is a ROB/rip-off (which I also mentioned IS value-added info to know), I wouldn't have even given the opportunity to hit it off! Would've told her "I'm good" and let her get off to the next dude. I'm guessing there was some enjoyment on your part for having conversation with her and looking for a flag to support what other patrons think of her.
My feeling is, the more time I spend with dancers who I know or figure I will not like, the less time I have to spend with the dancers I do like.
Everyone has reasons to change the wigs, nails, dress, car, house, city, state, names, ethnicity, heritage, sob stories, why they like you, why you are their prince charming, ... whatever else.
You like her, go along, and she might one day tell you why, but why on earth would you consider that anyone here knows what a woman thinks?
Since you guys were "hitting it off", had you received the name you were expecting to hear, what was the next move?
Continue the conversation? Get some dances? VIP? Look for other flags?
I've seen a dancer change her name because another dancer chose a name very similar to hers (and she wasn't in the mood for drama).
I've seen a dancer change her name because she was trying to break into porn and wanted to "rebrand" herself. She didn't break into porn, and changed her name back.
I've also seen a dancer change her name because she got called out by that name in a couple of very explicit posts / reviews and suddenly all the customers started asking for what they'd read about (including the price).
And I've also seen a dancer change her name because she got called out enough for scamming guys that it affected her income.
So, it's not that weird.
I have no problem flirting and playing with the rip off girl for 5 minutes.
The goal of this post is to see if others have seen this, and if it is a common technique for the girls who are rip off girls. If it’s common, then we can no longer take recommendations from the best posters here, because the girl might be using a fake name to mask her bad reviews.
Again, 99% of the guys here will agree with me. If you don’t, you don’t.
You’re wrong, and you got the facts and conclusion wrong, but 99% of the guys here will agree with me.
She started talking to me, and I was pretty sure who she was, but wasn’t positive until I checked her Instagram, because I know her account name. And yup, we were hitting it off, she was laughing.
Thanks to the education of this board, that gives names of problem dancers, I knew to say no to her, check her IG to see if she was who I thought she was, and I saved myself money and time. Also got to spend time with a different girl, which would have been lost if I didn’t use my education.
You just don’t get it.
The “next move” was to tell her that I don’t want to do a dance right now because I’m waiting for someone else.
Then use her Instagram to confirm who she was. Oh, and I got the IG name from one of the 30+ guys that I DM with on here, where I further my education in tutoring sessions. If it was not the rip off girl, then I’d possibly go back to her. If I wasn’t sure, then I might do a lap dance before a VIP.
There's like 3 girls called Angel at BT, all early 20's sorta thick Cubans with dark hair, tramp-stamp between the tits tattoo's, heavy accents, etc. When more than one are there on the same day, they'll all use alternate names and none will go by Angel. There are also multiple Khloe's. Cheetah has two girls named Jessy, one pronounced with a Y sound and the other with a J. Porthole has more girls who go by "Dior" than I can count.
Using stripper names as "intel" for your club visit IMO is futile. A regular club goer would be exponentially better served learning to spot problematic girls on his own instead of relying on the word of others. Similarly, knowing the tenancies at the club is often much more useful. Knowing Tootsies is full of girls looking to slaughter a lamb is much more useful than knowing Bambi ripped off Bobby, for a multitude of reasons.
They change names for several reasons and I already PMed Nelly with my thoughts.
‘Using stripper names as intel is futile’
Nope. While experiences vary, if several solid posters independently say a dancer is a rob, there’s a higher chance she is. It may not mean she will be one with YOU, but the odds are higher.
On the other hand some dancers are super busy with a solid following because they provide a experience and are good at their jobs, plain and simple.
This "name" business doesn't seem like that big of deal to me, but maybe it is for the folks that partake in Desire. I don't even ask chicks for their name, but I recognize some guys like and enjoy conversation.
Now that all club discussions bleed onto the main discussion page, it opens the topic up to everyone.
Probably better if founder had it as before - let the individual clubs discussion stay separate from the main page.
That's why it wasn't posted in the General Discussions or Front Room pages.
It's doesn't take away from any of the commentary generated.
Unfortunately, the website no longer functions in keeping discussion separated.
As can be noted. most of the comments are from folks from "outside".
Desire has a ton of posters that frequent the club. Surprisingly, most of them (except Soul_Collector) aren't backing you up on the name issue.
The website makes it clear that this was a DESIRE post, which anyone can see if they look at the name of the club on top of this page.
If you look in your feed, it says DESIRE and DISCUSSION. I can't make this any simpler for you. You're wrong, and you're just a defiant troll at this point, and "the website no longer functions in keeping you trolls separated".
Most of the comment are not from the outside, and there are a LOT more people backing me than you, because most guys have a brain. The most thumbs up about the reason for the post are 4, and there are a few, and your comment had 3 thumbs down, as you continued to troll.
Most probably gave up. Congratulations. You're the new desertscrub.
Yes, we DO know. As you mentioned, it’s quite obvious. We chose to post to it anyway based on the “bizarre” nature of the OP.
I’m not here for thumbs up or down - I’m reading the actual comments and there are quite a few who don’t seem overly moved by names or lack thereof.
I’ve seen your history, so I’m gonna go ahead and back out of the discussion.
You win - have a good one!
For my response, I lost track that this was posted in the Desires forum. I noticed it when I saw the thread initially and ignored it on that basis. However, when it popped back to the top of the list due to new comments I didn't notice that, so read it and thew in my two cents as if it was a generic discussion. Had I recognized it as a specific club thread the 2nd time I saw it, I'd have ignored it again. I'll do that now.
So, users regularly comment on discussions from clubs they never visit because it's all in that feed. Whether or not it should be or you like it is another topic.
I used to be a guy who named a lot of names, but I'm not on board with that anymore. It's partly because of the YMMV factor (especially when you're a known regular), but also because naming names can really wrap a dancer around an axle (sometimes even when extras are not associated with the name). Balancing that against the utility of using names, I choose to err on the side of caution in favor of the dancer's quality of life at work.
I actually like the dancers I see. I'm not in "love" or "catching feelings", but I want them to keep dancing for as long as we're both benefiting. So, I don't want to coax potentially bad customers towards them.
I also believe that it's possible to write a good review without treating listing dancers like dishes on a Chinese takeout menu. But that's my 2 cents.
If guys want to use names, that's still allowed here and I'm not going to give anyone grief over it. That is until you start connecting dancers by name to extras. Like a lot of guys here, I have strong and not favorable opinions about that practice.
For the guys dropping in to say we're idiots for caring about names in a local club, (because they don't understand it), they should just shut the fuck up.
If you don' twant to mention names, that's fine. You're a great contriburor.
I like names because:
- I can find out if a new girl of my type was hired
- I can find schedules
- I can find rip offs, and save myself time, money, and the opportunity cost of seeing another dancer instead
and everyone understands that these are all like Yelp reviews, and someone may love someone that someone else hates.
If you think that anyone is going to self-censor themselves out of a discussion because it's about a club they never go to, then you're not reading the room.
🎶Well I’ve been through the desert with a stripper with a fake name
it felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert we’re getting blowjobs all day la La laaaa La la La La La laaaa🎶