Joined May, 2021
Last Seen Nov, 2024

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Diamond in the roughskibum, not as an attack on you but a generalization of the geriatric day regulars...no offense

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Diamond in the roughIs thus place handicap accessible in case you’ve been golfing and blow your knee out simply by bending over to lick up the ball?…

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Shots fired? Dancers upset with cheap customers who just drink?They always complain they don’t make money, yet throw up IG selfies with wads of hundreds banded to their arms

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Hall PassHunnypot, Tiffany was doing some not prescribed medications and mixed it with booze. Then she caused a scene and the higher ups gave her…

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Oh yes it’s ladies night… and the feeling’s right… oh yes it’s ladies night… I have a feeling you’re not into tattoos :)

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Wed, Thur, or Fri night Charlotte is back to the before Covid body. She went on a mission with the gym and diet.

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A Review of Club LustSmall correction: when initially signing up. You pay $300 for the quarter membership but only $240 is available as a credit. But the full…

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Shakedown!Nicolette, I heard is now in fact “plump”. But I think she’s Greek not Hispanic.

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Stripper gave me a different nameI’ll disagree. I want to know their names (call signs or whatever they are) so when one tells me her name is “Mercedes”, I…

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Who’s going Wednesday?I’m going about 1 for the Lust incentive. I think someone mentioned that there was an extra $50 bonus in renewal

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Who’s going Wednesday?Just an advert for the Christmas party. She just said that dancers wouldn’t be wearing sweaters but the bartenders would and encouraged the customers…

Who’s going Wednesday?And so do any of you all ever meet up? I planned to attend so I can check out the Lust incentive for next…