I may have need to sneak out of Mexico in the coming months. No, I’m not going to wade across the Rio Grande. This is a serious request for information.
I’m only trying to hide the fact that I’m going to leave and then later return from the Mexican government. There is no way to accomplish my needs by flying out.
I haven’t made a land crossing in many decades which I’m assuming will be my only option without going all James Bond. Back in the day one could just stroll across the border and neither the US or Mexico even recorded anything. There is no way to accomplish my needs by flying out so I think the border is it.
So what I’m interested in knowing is what is the current procedures for going through immigration (coming and going) with regards to the Mexicans. I’d be interested in the same info for the US side but unless they are sharing info with the Mexicans then I’m not worried. And is there a better crossing point with more laxity?
I know the Mexicans are quickly upgrading their systems though a bit haphazardly. Last time I flew into CDMX they had an experimental line where you went into a man trap and everything was facial recognition. Other ports of entry (Queretaro, Mazatlan, PVR) were all still paper, stamps and FFM as of recent months.
Oh yes, for anyone concerned there is nothing illegal (technically) about this (at least not on the US side). I do possess a US passport, a US passport card and Global Entry.
You could fly to a third country then return to the US I’m not sure how that gets recorded, but it might give you some privacy from the Mexican government.
I'm not concerned about the US. The issue for me is a legal matter in Mexico and while not strictly accurate let's just say I'm not supposed to leave the country once things are put in motion. At issue is it may take a long time for resolution and I don't particularly want to stand around holding my dick while I wait.
Mexico inherited Catholicism from the Spanish, communism from the communists and bureaucracy from the French. Fucking worthless French.
Sorry, but it's hard to take this seriously. To recap:
You want advice on how to do something that's illegal, for whatever reason (don't care what). You're looking for this advice from anonymous posters on a strip club review forum. First hand knowledge? Uh, sure, that's exactly what you get here.
If you're not trolling, maybe you should pony up some money and talk to a lawyer in Mexico to fully understand what you'd be getting into. Attorney-client privilege isn't exactly the same as the US but it's the same where it counts.
@booji boy. I'm seeking information not advice. I'm seeking it here in the TJ forum because all the TJ mongers have current first hand experience and knowledge of what I'm interested in knowing.
I know of no better place to ask my question. Thank you for playing.
@shadowcat. I'm not currently in Mexico. A long, long way away in fact. I have no desire to cut my ties with Mexico. What I don't want is to have to go to the back of the line bureaucracy-wise should I leave the country once I file the paperwork which can only be done in-country. And I don't want to be trapped by the bureaucracy.
I am not asking for legal advice (I pay enough for that already) just about what happenes at border land crossing points.
@mogul1985. No I'm not in legal trouble. Plausible deniability is something I need. "Oh I didn't know" Being caught in the trunk of a car with 23 other people or wading across the river in the middle of the night probably won't allow me that plea of ignorance.
I just want to legally walk across the border without the Mexican government flagging me or making a record of it. Sheeesh. lol
Thanks @shadowcat. It is a civil matter so I have to deal with the civil system which as I alluded to earlier is base on French law. Fucked up and complicated and incredibly slow.
I've made this mistake before posting about things and presuming that people know about the subject without me having to explain it to them. Often times it is my fault. But sometimes it is frustrating like when a member argued that Panama is a third world country. It's like 'dude, you live in Florida and you're calling Panama a third world country". Well some people just don't want to know...
OK, if you're not trolling then frankly you're a dipshit for expecting information that you can reliably use from this forum.
Either you cross at an official point of entry, in which case you're on camera if nothing else and in the system. Or you cross somewhere else that isn't official, in which case you're crossing illegally.
Let's say you go with Plan B. When you go back to the US, you will have two entry records without an exit record in between. Yeah, countries share this kind of data. You can hope some gov employee doesn't notice this when they run their analytics queries against the CBP data, but it'll be there:
Well according to Fox News, you and millions of others can just walk across anywhere you want unrestricted. In fact, I'm pretty sure once you get back on US soil will be registered as a Democrat and handed your first Social Security check.
Sorry, BabyDoc, I have to disagree with you. The failed narcostate known as Mexico and everything south of there is the Third World.
to your original question, you asked if anyone could provide information on land-crossing procedures and expectations for Mexicans entering the US and returning to Mexico using established ports of entry. Amirite?
@gammanu95. Well, we can agree to disagree as gentlemen. But it is funny that so many judge what they believe by what they are told. Maybe not in your case but so many people are just beyond help.
As an aside, the drum beat of the Mexican narco-state is really getting old and tiring. Yes there are cartels who are mostly violent with other cartels but I can attest to the fact that in Sinaloa State which the US State Department brands as a dangerously violent state is damn near perfectly safe for anyone living or visiting there. Don’t travel in the countryside at night and you’re good to go. People even leave their cars running while they go into the bank. Try that in Florida.
As long as you aren’t there to fuck with the Sinaloa Cartel you’ll be fine. And you will in all likelihood never see a cop. Maybe a tourist policeman but no State or Federalies or naval Marines walking around in body armor with automatic weapons or armored vehicles prowling the streets. The cartel maintains law and order. That is in direct contrast to the streets of Jalisco.
Point being that the functions of that failed state are performed by the cartel in Sinaloa where as the Mexican government (prodded by the US government) is still trying to fuck up everything by not ceding Jalisco to the people who live there. Big government – bad. Cartels – good lol.
And never forget that the customer base for the narcos is in the US and Canada.
As to my request, in my case I'll be traveling on US documents which is why I included that information. It used to be that US citizens were allowed entry to Mexico without officially processing in as long as they stayed within 100 kms. of the border. But as I say, the world has changed so drastically and I haven't crossed over by land for decades. My thoughts are to leave Mexico and return to Mexico as a US citizen just headed to and from the Red Light district like thousands of others every day. I just don't know if the Big Brother computers and facial recognition have overtaken me.
Someone at the “door”/border checkpoint barely looks at you documents and sometimes they don’t even ask for the FMM (Mexico’s tourist visa, free for 7 days or less and $30 for 8 to 180 days)
The Mexican government is independent from the USA government and they don’t/can’t possibly document the millions of people going in and out the busiest port of entry, because of the popularity of the Happiest Place on Earth.
So unless there is an International “manhunt” for you (INTERPOL Notice) nobody cares.
When you walk into Mexico 🇲🇽 at the PedWest point of entry, you are supposed to have a valid passport (American in your case) and a Mexico Visitor's Permit (FMM).
However sometimes the Mexican border officers barely check your passport, and sometimes don’t ask for the FFM, card and sometimes ask for the $30 dollars regardless of how many days you are visiting. So it is not very well “documented” at all.
Many TUSCL members have recently visited the Happiest Place on Earth with their Drivers License only and haven’t had any issues. If you are white you will have no issues, as long as you behave like a gentleman (think Richard Gere in the movie Pretty Woman)
When coming back into the USA you better have a valid passport and tons of patience, again if you’re not going to have any trouble. Again if you behave like a gentleman you should not have any problems. If you’re white even better.
I know Americans that have gone recently in and out with nothing but a valid driver’s license and have talked their way in and out to visit the Happiest Place on Earth in the spur of the moment.
Everyone is aware than in Mexico, like anyplace in the world, power and money, used wisely, talk louder than anything else. But again some “charismatic” people can talk their way in and out of many situations.
Just like in the USA, the many government agencies don’t talk to each other unless there is “manhunt” in a criminal case/investigation and even then they don’t collaborate.
Go and enjoy the Happiest palace on Earth and don’t worry, nobody will bather you, as long as you behave like a Gentleman.
You are overthinking the whole thing, nobody cares about a civil case/situation you are building all this drama inside your head.
Just be careful out there and don’t bring any unnecessary attention to yourself, again behave like a professional/businessman, mature gentleman and you have nothing to worry about.
You’re not in the US or Mexico right now, but you want to cross into Mexico from the US, and you possess US documentation and passport, although you haven’t clarified if you are a US citizen or not.
You are worried that while crossing into Mexico you will get flagged which will cause you issues with the Mexican government, and you’re doing all of this just to go to some clubs in Tijuana?
Without getting too deep into my situation, yes I am not now in Mexico nor am I in the US. I will be entering Mexico on a valid passport (not US) in the open to begin what I need to do. Rather than wait there for what might be months I would like to leave under the radar so to speak and re-enter the same way.
Leaving the country before everything is complete sends me to the back of the administrative line.
The way dual or multi-nationality is supposed to work is if you are entering a country where you are a citizen you are supposed to use that country’s passport. If you entered a country on a different passport (different from the country you are entering) you are supposed to leave on that passport. And yes, I am a US citizen so I don’t need a visa or anything to get into the US. You can’t get a passport without being a citizen.
And finally, no I am not interested in TJ clubs but I think that the only way to sneak out and back in is to cross the border on foot. TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic. Or it might be the worst place to cross if the Mexican government has decided that the place to spend their money on new tech is in TJ for the same reason - high volume of traffic.
Hopefully some or at least one of the TJ mongers can shed some light on my question.
You're trying to cross the border while avoiding the Mex govt from tracking your crossing? Have you tried the brothel shuttle service? They'll drive you from the US to the brothel quick and easy.
TJ walker does have a good idea. but if you want to walk into Mexico at San Ysidro/ Tijuana walk to the ped EAST just south of the end of the trolley line in San Diego. Go through the turnstile gate into Mexico and unless you look like a Mexican national stay to the right. the tourist line. they will motion you up to a booth and look at your us passport card or book. sometimes they'll just wave you through after looking at your passport. other times they will want to fill out a FMM checking your passport card or book as they fill it out. a 1 to 7-day FMM is free. then walk through the baggage check and out the building. usually it's only takes a couple minutes (unless they have a big ass bunch of people crossing south.)
I will play along and comment agin on your discussion.
You wrote and I quote:
“yes I am not now in Mexico nor am I in the US. I will be entering Mexico on a valid passport (not US) in the open to begin what I need to do. Rather than wait there for what might be months I would like to leave under the radar so to speak and re-enter the same way.
And finally, no I am not interested in TJ clubs but I think that the only way to sneak out and back in is to cross the border on foot. TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic. Or it might be the worst place to cross if the Mexican government has decided that the place to spend their money on new tech is in TJ for the same reason - high volume of traffic.”
If underhand you correctly you will enter Mexico from another country using your non USA Passport, and then want to go out of Mexico, to the USA, with your USA passport.
I don’t see the problem, I have gone south of the border using my German passport that my parents got me and my brother in the hopes of some day returning to the Fatherland. And come back to the USA using my global entry card, no problem.
You are correct, and I quote you:
“TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic.”
That have no high tech anything and is impossible because of the “high volume of traffic” to quote you again.
Don’t worry, as long as you are not “wanted” nobody will bother you,
Just be careful out there, and visit the Happiest Place on Earth when you are in Tijuana, be open to the possibilities and enjoy what the world south of the border has to offer.
last commentMexico inherited Catholicism from the Spanish, communism from the communists and bureaucracy from the French. Fucking worthless French.
You want advice on how to do something that's illegal, for whatever reason (don't care what). You're looking for this advice from anonymous posters on a strip club review forum. First hand knowledge? Uh, sure, that's exactly what you get here.
If you're not trolling, maybe you should pony up some money and talk to a lawyer in Mexico to fully understand what you'd be getting into. Attorney-client privilege isn't exactly the same as the US but it's the same where it counts.
I know of no better place to ask my question. Thank you for playing.
I am not asking for legal advice (I pay enough for that already) just about what happenes at border land crossing points.
Sorry to everyone if I'm not being clear enough.
I just want to legally walk across the border without the Mexican government flagging me or making a record of it. Sheeesh. lol
I've made this mistake before posting about things and presuming that people know about the subject without me having to explain it to them. Often times it is my fault. But sometimes it is frustrating like when a member argued that Panama is a third world country. It's like 'dude, you live in Florida and you're calling Panama a third world country". Well some people just don't want to know...
OK, if you're not trolling then frankly you're a dipshit for expecting information that you can reliably use from this forum.
Either you cross at an official point of entry, in which case you're on camera if nothing else and in the system. Or you cross somewhere else that isn't official, in which case you're crossing illegally.
Let's say you go with Plan B. When you go back to the US, you will have two entry records without an exit record in between. Yeah, countries share this kind of data. You can hope some gov employee doesn't notice this when they run their analytics queries against the CBP data, but it'll be there:
This is why I told you to talk to a lawyer.
to your original question, you asked if anyone could provide information on land-crossing procedures and expectations for Mexicans entering the US and returning to Mexico using established ports of entry. Amirite?
As an aside, the drum beat of the Mexican narco-state is really getting old and tiring. Yes there are cartels who are mostly violent with other cartels but I can attest to the fact that in Sinaloa State which the US State Department brands as a dangerously violent state is damn near perfectly safe for anyone living or visiting there. Don’t travel in the countryside at night and you’re good to go. People even leave their cars running while they go into the bank. Try that in Florida.
As long as you aren’t there to fuck with the Sinaloa Cartel you’ll be fine. And you will in all likelihood never see a cop. Maybe a tourist policeman but no State or Federalies or naval Marines walking around in body armor with automatic weapons or armored vehicles prowling the streets. The cartel maintains law and order. That is in direct contrast to the streets of Jalisco.
Point being that the functions of that failed state are performed by the cartel in Sinaloa where as the Mexican government (prodded by the US government) is still trying to fuck up everything by not ceding Jalisco to the people who live there. Big government – bad. Cartels – good lol.
And never forget that the customer base for the narcos is in the US and Canada.
As to my request, in my case I'll be traveling on US documents which is why I included that information. It used to be that US citizens were allowed entry to Mexico without officially processing in as long as they stayed within 100 kms. of the border. But as I say, the world has changed so drastically and I haven't crossed over by land for decades. My thoughts are to leave Mexico and return to Mexico as a US citizen just headed to and from the Red Light district like thousands of others every day. I just don't know if the Big Brother computers and facial recognition have overtaken me.
I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions.
You wrote and I quote:
“just want to legally walk across the border without the Mexican government flagging me or making a record of it.”
Walking into Mexico, to go to The Happiest Place on Earth (Tijuana’s Hong Kong Gentlemen Club) is easier than walking into Costco.
Someone at the “door”/border checkpoint barely looks at you documents and sometimes they don’t even ask for the FMM (Mexico’s tourist visa, free for 7 days or less and $30 for 8 to 180 days)
The Mexican government is independent from the USA government and they don’t/can’t possibly document the millions of people going in and out the busiest port of entry, because of the popularity of the Happiest Place on Earth.
So unless there is an International “manhunt” for you (INTERPOL Notice) nobody cares.
When you walk into Mexico 🇲🇽 at the PedWest point of entry, you are supposed to have a valid passport (American in your case) and a Mexico Visitor's Permit (FMM).
However sometimes the Mexican border officers barely check your passport, and sometimes don’t ask for the FFM, card and sometimes ask for the $30 dollars regardless of how many days you are visiting. So it is not very well “documented” at all.
Many TUSCL members have recently visited the Happiest Place on Earth with their Drivers License only and haven’t had any issues. If you are white you will have no issues, as long as you behave like a gentleman (think Richard Gere in the movie Pretty Woman)
When coming back into the USA you better have a valid passport and tons of patience, again if you’re not going to have any trouble. Again if you behave like a gentleman you should not have any problems. If you’re white even better.
I know Americans that have gone recently in and out with nothing but a valid driver’s license and have talked their way in and out to visit the Happiest Place on Earth in the spur of the moment.
Everyone is aware than in Mexico, like anyplace in the world, power and money, used wisely, talk louder than anything else. But again some “charismatic” people can talk their way in and out of many situations.
Just like in the USA, the many government agencies don’t talk to each other unless there is “manhunt” in a criminal case/investigation and even then they don’t collaborate.
Go and enjoy the Happiest palace on Earth and don’t worry, nobody will bather you, as long as you behave like a Gentleman.
You are overthinking the whole thing, nobody cares about a civil case/situation you are building all this drama inside your head.
Just be careful out there and don’t bring any unnecessary attention to yourself, again behave like a professional/businessman, mature gentleman and you have nothing to worry about.
And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
You’re not in the US or Mexico right now, but you want to cross into Mexico from the US, and you possess US documentation and passport, although you haven’t clarified if you are a US citizen or not.
You are worried that while crossing into Mexico you will get flagged which will cause you issues with the Mexican government, and you’re doing all of this just to go to some clubs in Tijuana?
How far am I off?
Without getting too deep into my situation, yes I am not now in Mexico nor am I in the US. I will be entering Mexico on a valid passport (not US) in the open to begin what I need to do. Rather than wait there for what might be months I would like to leave under the radar so to speak and re-enter the same way.
Leaving the country before everything is complete sends me to the back of the administrative line.
The way dual or multi-nationality is supposed to work is if you are entering a country where you are a citizen you are supposed to use that country’s passport. If you entered a country on a different passport (different from the country you are entering) you are supposed to leave on that passport. And yes, I am a US citizen so I don’t need a visa or anything to get into the US. You can’t get a passport without being a citizen.
And finally, no I am not interested in TJ clubs but I think that the only way to sneak out and back in is to cross the border on foot. TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic. Or it might be the worst place to cross if the Mexican government has decided that the place to spend their money on new tech is in TJ for the same reason - high volume of traffic.
Hopefully some or at least one of the TJ mongers can shed some light on my question.
Bless your heart.
but if you want to walk into Mexico at San Ysidro/ Tijuana walk to the ped EAST just south of the end of the trolley line in San Diego. Go through the turnstile gate into Mexico and unless you look like a Mexican national stay to the right. the tourist line. they will motion you up to a booth and look at your us passport card or book. sometimes they'll just wave you through after looking at your passport. other times they will want to fill out a FMM checking your passport card or book as they fill it out. a 1 to 7-day FMM is free. then walk through the baggage check and out the building. usually it's only takes a couple minutes (unless they have a big ass bunch of people crossing south.)
I will play along and comment agin on your discussion.
You wrote and I quote:
“yes I am not now in Mexico nor am I in the US. I will be entering Mexico on a valid passport (not US) in the open to begin what I need to do. Rather than wait there for what might be months I would like to leave under the radar so to speak and re-enter the same way.
And finally, no I am not interested in TJ clubs but I think that the only way to sneak out and back in is to cross the border on foot. TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic. Or it might be the worst place to cross if the Mexican government has decided that the place to spend their money on new tech is in TJ for the same reason - high volume of traffic.”
If underhand you correctly you will enter Mexico from another country using your non USA Passport, and then want to go out of Mexico, to the USA, with your USA passport.
I don’t see the problem, I have gone south of the border using my German passport that my parents got me and my brother in the hopes of some day returning to the Fatherland. And come back to the USA using my global entry card, no problem.
You are correct, and I quote you:
“TJ may be the best spot to cross because of the high volume of traffic.”
That have no high tech anything and is impossible because of the “high volume of traffic” to quote you again.
Don’t worry, as long as you are not “wanted” nobody will bother you,
Just be careful out there, and visit the Happiest Place on Earth when you are in Tijuana, be open to the possibilities and enjoy what the world south of the border has to offer.