

avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Have fun talking to yourself in my DMs.


last comment
avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

That sounds like a fucking 12 year old boy video game need word. God I fucking hate dudes that play video games all day. Very toxic/childish/fucking retarded

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Nerd not need fuck u auto correct dumb ho

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

@blah, no, the "nerd" version of the word would be "pwned". 🙃

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

I think blah explained every single stripper boyfriend on the planet.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Far be it from this rick to point out the obvious, but I’d like all of you damn dirty apes to contemplate why somebody calling themselves Georgie little dick might receive psycho PMs.

Now I’m not justifying the PM senders and we ricks never send unsupportive PMs. After all, if we don’t wanna support someone we just give ‘em the ol’ wildebeest treatment. I’m just saying that folks posting on a web site for perverts that call put small dick energy out there get a little something right back. Admittedly the shit they get back is usually other small dick energy losers sayin’ shit.

None of these complaints would happen if Georgie lil dick just had a normal name. I’m not saying a name that implies he’s got a python in his pants. Everybody will see through that. I’m just sayin’ he should call himself something like Georgie normal ape.

Just sayin’… ROAR!!!

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

If you’re referring to moneymoron he sent me a bunch of stupid DMs as well I just deleted them

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

@twentyfive: Me too.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

Anyone who needs to tell you that they won the argument probably didn't win the argument.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

Shai, I found that funny but in reality that isn't true. It is common though. I'm lucky most dudes I've been involved with aren't toxic gamer nerd pos. That subset of "men" is especially extra toxic for whatever reason.

avatar for blahblahblah23
1 yr ago

@drew I agree. That is how I interpret it too when someone has to say they won the argument. Also some types that argue can't even make a proper logical argument. Like they might parrot facts or quotes but don't really analyze much or "get it".

avatar for SquareCastle
1 yr ago

And all this time I was thinking that “moneymoron” was only singling me out. Lol. Now I know everyone has gotten a dose of his stupidity and that doesn’t make me feel half as bad.

avatar for Specialj
1 yr ago

I happen to enjoy playing video games when I have time. You shouldn't feel the need to stereotype Every person who plays video games is a loser.....I'm sure you aren't fond of stripper stereotypes, and a can think of a few that are less than flattering.

avatar for Specialj
1 yr ago

I can*

avatar for rickmacrodong
1 yr ago

Gmd, to approach 60, 70, or 80 years old but still make absurd claims like ACAB, BLM good and all the related claims is ridiculous.

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