Should the media be held accountable for misinformation?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I rarely watch CNN, but was flipping thru the channels and Erica Hill caught by attention. I always thought she was pretty hot in her younger days.
She was talking about China and mentioned US- China relations “reached an ‘all-time’ low when the Chinese ballon was shot down in March”
All-time low? Seriously? Not the Korean War? Vietnam? Tiananmen Square Massacre?
I’m not singling out CNN, FOX is guilty of overly dramatic hyperbole also, but “journalists” can’t just throw out off-handed bullshit comments without evidence
She was talking about China and mentioned US- China relations “reached an ‘all-time’ low when the Chinese ballon was shot down in March”
All-time low? Seriously? Not the Korean War? Vietnam? Tiananmen Square Massacre?
I’m not singling out CNN, FOX is guilty of overly dramatic hyperbole also, but “journalists” can’t just throw out off-handed bullshit comments without evidence
And then define "held accountable," because how do you measure the severity of misinformation when no real measure can be applied? And when does holding journalism accountable cross the line into suppression of free speech?
Personally, I wish that media consumers would hold media companies accountable by watching neither Fox News or MSNBC (among others). But people prove over and over again that their genuine love is for confirmation bias and sensationalism, and not boring old impartiality.
I agree, though, that Erica Hill belongs in Hall of Fame of News Babes.
I think the best policy is to seek out a variety of sources, think critically, and question your own bias confirmation seeking tendencies. I read nbc, nyt, seattle times every day, but I also read fox. Cnn is too silly even for me.
Excellent point, and it's why I read past the headline, and watch/read stories of the same topics on both CNN and FOX, so that I can get to what REALLY happened. In reality, the truth lies somewhere between what is reported by CNN and Fox.
Who would determine what misinformation is and what the penalty would be? Biden already tried to create a Ministry of Truth. It was not really necessary since the Deep State already weaponized out national intelligence agencies, federal law enforcement, social media, and news media. It is, as it always has been, up to the people to form their own educated opinion.
When a news source proves untrustworthy or deceitful, people stop consuming that news source and it either course corrects or withers away into history. Unfortunately, the bitter partisan divide causes people to seek out an echo chamber of news sources which only confirm their pre-existing bias. When those news sources ignore the truth or put out misinformation which is consumed by that population as the truth, people begin making decisions based on faulty information which are not in the best interest of themselves or their community.
What happens after that is never good. In other parts of the world it leads to unrest, dissolution, revolution, civil war, and internal strife. For it to happen in a country with the size. strength, and global interconnectedness of the United States would be an unprecedented event. I feel it already is happening, and we are in an uncorrectable tailspin with no possible way to forecast what happens next.
And if other agencies use their influence to promote lies and falsehoods for personal gain, they should/must be held accountable.
CNN is my main go-to for reliable information.
That shit don't sell advertising.