
V Ja's

Avatar for Loneli
LoneliNew York


Be careful! Same building that V Ja's occupies.


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Avatar for bang69

We this reminds all of us of one thing. If it's itc in a sc or a" massage at an amp" Big brother is watching. So stay safe and watch your back.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

They're still incorrectly conflating all prostitution with trafficking.

Not that I'd expect any different from power hungry cops and politicos.

Avatar for Sgtsnowman

They conflated prostitution with all the other trafficking because they could use the word in press briefings to drum up sympathy for a subset of "victims".

These being the "victims" who arrive at the border and voluntarily pay a cartel to "traffick" them. The Feds needed a way to sidestep federal law. Making all the volunteers victims got them what they wanted.

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