Club dancer shot and killed on the way home.

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avatar for goldmongerATL
2 years ago
The shooting was about 3/4 of a mile from the club, but only 100 yards from her home. Still, the press mentions the club is already the site of several shootings.

avatar for Brahma2k
2 years ago
20 rounds fired into her car. That’s not a random act.
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
Drug deal gone bad?
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
The only thing I know about the club is what was in the article. It seems like there has been a lot of violence associated with what seems to be a higher end club. Is anyone familiar with the club to know if it has a lot of drug use /drug dealing or gangs connected to it? Otherwise it seems odd to have that much violence at a high end club.
avatar for ww
2 years ago
^^^It's a higher end black club. Which means they draw out the "ballers" i.e. large groups of people, sometimes fairly popular folks with entourages. Promoting an image...."all eyez on me"....big baller, shot caller....

At a minimum it results in fights and at a maximum it can result in death.

While anything can happen at any club, high end, low end, black, white or whatever, I feel safer in black clubs where most are just regular working class dudes just trying to have fun on a budget than places like this.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
Yeah I hate the clubs where the customers are trying to be the center of attention. The only people in a club that should be trying to get people to see them are the dancers.
avatar for sfrsox
2 years ago
I'm a 99% day time guy because of junk like this. And I have been to an ATL club like once or twice.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
This is why I don’t mind; and w/ time have grown to prefer; frontdoor patdowns – sure it may not keep you safe once u leave the club’s doors, but it does increase to some-extent the level of SCing-safety – and why I somewhat-cringe when I read reviews and PLs openly-state “… there was no patdown at the door …” or “… got a light patdown at the door …” – IMO probably not a good-idea to be advertising that info just in case – better to not say anything than say “no/light patdown …” and be putting that out there.
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