So Allure/New Oasis is closed as of today, allegedly for 30 days allegedly for “renovations.” My guess is they will never reopen, but I hope I’m wrong.
They need to get established because they were in a bad cycle. I know several good dancers who have danced there briefly and left because there were no customers. Customers come in and leave because there aren’t many dancers.
The club location is pretty good and the setup has potential. They just need to get established.
I do know girls were told at some point they were going to build Oasis style VIP rooms where the 3 huge rooms are today. They could easily fit 5-7 back there. But you don't need them if the club is empty.
If they don’t reopen that will change the dynamic in Atlanta for white spinners and no smoking club. Only PP and TT, one no mileage, one expensive mileage, that could go higher. No competition between clubs or girls will suck for us
^^ yeah, fuck TT. I dropped thousands of $ in that place in the first few months of last year. Then one night I was getting a LD and had two handfuls of tits. She was getting paid, I was happy, and everything was great. But a bouncer approached me in a very excited manner and gave me a stern shake of his finger and said "can't do that on the floor." I was told that they had enacted a more strict touch policy, and the girl rolled her eyes. Well, since then I've only returned a few times, and haven't spent more than a few hundred since. Not that I'm a whale, but that policy cost them at least some revenue. $200 for half hour to the house at night for mandatory champagne... what a joke. They can keep that shit. Most of the best girls at TT are not white girls anyway but I'm addicted to latina pussy so I'm undoubtedly biased.
tuscl has a link to their instagram. serious amount of posting pictures of staff and dancers the last couple of days. At least on instagram it looks like a reopening is gonna happen.
This is their instagram:
They keep posting about auditions in 2 weeks. Guess we will have to wait 30 days.
The club location is pretty good and the setup has potential. They just need to get established.