“Blacks are incarcerated at a much higher rate than whites”

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Not a Trump fan, but I’m not comfortable with how this DA in NY bootstrapped a misdemeanor charge against him into a felony. One potential silver lining is if the “I’m not racist, but” crowd can get woke in a good way about one of their favorite arguments. It illustrates perfectly how much it can affect outcomes, when law enforcement is improperly targeting an individual or group.


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avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
This may be the illogical non sequitur of the 21st century.
avatar for SanchoRG
2 years ago
Americans are incarcerated at a much higher rate that anywhere else on planet Earth.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
We have the best investigative services and least corrupt legal system in the world - so we catch more bad guys. But we don't incarcerate enough. To many Soros-funded DAs want to plead down violent felonies for bullshit "equity." The problem is not too much incarceration, it's too many criminals. Build the wall!
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
And get your facts straight:
505 people per 100,000
As of January 2023, the United States has the sixth highest per-capita incarceration rate in the world, at 505 people per 100,000; and the second largest prison population in the world.


avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Perhaps blacks are incarcerated at a much higher rate than whites because they commit crimes at a much higher rate than whites.

13% of the population and half the homicides.
90% of white vs black interracial violent crimes are black on white.

My black friends admit there's a values problem, particularly a fatherlessness problem.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Both things can be true. Blacks can commit more crimes and they can be incarcerated at a disproportionately higher rate.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
Word salad: it's what's for dinner.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
For drug use, the best data is that the rate of use is about the same for black and white people, but black people are more likely to end up in prison for it.
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 years ago
Blacks are more likely than whites to be fatherless, unemployed, drug-addicted, uneducated, or on welfare. Gee, why are blacks more likely to be in prison? Must be Trump's fault.
avatar for mickey48066
2 years ago
^ well said pussy licker, also kudos on your recent h8n discussion.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
One thing that might help to improve the crime problem is for the police to spend less time on fining strippers for not wearing nipple tape, arresting old Asian women for giving guys hand jobs, illegal gambling and low-level drug offenses. They could spend their time instead going after murderers, robbers and rapists. We also need to reverse "defund the police" and reverse the process where penalties for stealing were reduced. While I don't condone police brutality, we don't want the police so afraid of making a mistake that will get them in trouble that they retreat to the donut shop.
avatar for 623
2 years ago
@ilbbaicnl is more correct than @gammanu95. If gam had of read the whole article he’d have known that. As usual, people cherry pick a single statement from the first paragraph that supports their position, instead of doing the research and learning something.
The US prison population is vastly disproportionate by race from the general population and the US does have the highest prison population per capita of any developed nation. As much as 10 times higher than some.
And this would be fine if incarceration worked to rehabilitate but it generally doesn’t. Plus it is stupidly expensive.
So how ridiculous is it to fund a system that a) doesn’t work; b) is insanely expensive and c) creates vast populations of nearly unemployable felons?
There must be a better way. Maybe the USA should climb down from their flag pole and have a look at what others are doing that works better? I dunno, just a thought.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I respectfully disagree with 623

-Your always going to see the incarcerated population dipropionate based on demographics. Young, old, male, female and yes between the races on the average. Because there are differences does not mean their was some societal wrong being done. It's a tough topic to breach but there is a genetic component to crime.

We are funding that system because

A) It ABSOLUTELY does work. Don't worry about the rehabilitation side of it, that's a disaster and in most cases there is nothing we can do about that, instead focus on the fact that the rest of society is spared from the criminal's actions. You incapacitate, that right there is all it's about. In Chicago that's not a thing, last year in that city, 59 instances gangbangers were released on electronic monitoring either committed murder or attempted murder while out.

B) What's more expensive is letting our greatest, most iconic cities get destroyed by crime. That's happening right now, Chicago, LA, SF, Philly etc. Don't trust all the statistics, many stuff goes unreported because it goes nowhere. People are giving up and accepting a lot bullshit as a way of life. Cops too.

C) Those felons you mention were never going to be employable in the first place. Life is not a disney movie. It was never going to work out. They likely never had the ability to function in society to begin with, there's quite a few people in this country like that. That's the answer. I've probably offended some people but at the end of the day we have to be able to talk about these things as adults and be able handle the truth instead of shoving our heads up our asses and believing that everything has to have a hollywood, feel good story ending to it. Some people just need to be in jail/prison. It's not always about them, sometimes it's more about the rest of us on the outside.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
“They likely never had the ability to function in society to begin with, there's quite a few people in this country like that.“

True. I worked in the district attorney’s office for a short period of time. It was an eye-opening experience. Most criminals are not criminals because they are bad or evil people, although there are some like that. Most are criminals because they stupid. Many if not most don’t have the intellectual ability to hold even menial level jobs. Their only recourse is crime.
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
And going back to the original post, the fact that blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate than whites is not relevant to anything without considering the rate at which they commit crimes. FBI statistics show that blacks disproportionally commit serious crimes. Therefore, one would expect them to be incarcerated disproportionately to their general population statistics.
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
Despite what liberals will try to argue against, 13/50 is not a myth. (Actually since 2020 and defund the police it’s really 13/60)

But what’s really alarming, and it’s hardly ever mentioned, most of the murders are committed by black males in the 13 to 29 age group - so in reality its 3/50

The left needs to seriously ponder those numbers and come up with solutions rather than just spouting white privilege
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I read the whole article. Unlike 623, I have the ability to filter out SJW propaganda from facts.

Prison has never been about "rehabilitation." That is a red herring. The purpose of prison is deterrence (crime and punishment) and to remove from society those individuals who would seek to do harm to others. The concept of non-violent or victimless crimes is another falsehood.

Inequal ratios of race in prison is simple a reflection of which races and cultures are more likely to commit violent, incarcerable offenses and more prone to recidivism when released.

623 is another liberal kool-aid drinker who doesn't like the way things are, and would rather destroy society in the name of equity than protect innocents persons from violent criminal because it feels good.
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