China Vs Japan / Russia Vs Ukraine

avatar for shailynn
China pays Russia a visit and Japan visits Ukraine. Is it just me or is this shaping up like the Axis versus the Allied but everyone has switched teams?

I like to speculate, who would be the new Axis and Allied?


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I don't know who the allies are or who is the axis, but bat dong soup will be available in Moscow, and I suppose there will be a new dish in the Ukraine, it will be called sushi Kiev
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
As globalization collapses, the world will split into regional spheres of economic influence. At first, China and the US will be the hubs of the two most powerful spheres. There will be other smaller hubs, such as Turkey. Then, within ten years, the Chinese aging and shrinking demographics will cause it to fail.

Countries that align with the US will do well ( Mexico, Canada, UK, Japan, Australia, possibly India, etc ). Much of the world, especially China, will fall into economic ruin on a biblical level.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
U.S. dominance is ending and we are moving to a multipolar world where countries have spheres of influence. Empires never last forever because the costs of maintaining the empire slowly drains away the wealth of the empire. When the wealth is gone, the empire ends.

The founders of this country warned against foreign interventions and maintaining a large standing army. For a time, they were listened to, and America became the wealthiest country in history. We started to move away from that in the twentieth century.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
That whole America First thing isn’t looking so good today. If we took it literally and just prioritized American interests maybe, but it’s usually used to say we shouldn’t intervene and now we’re risking China and Russia getting together. Putting our heads in the sand is definitely not good for America. Renegotiating the TPP would’ve been a smarter move rather than killing it. We’d at least have something to hold over China.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Well, this thread sure cheered me up this morning. I think I'll just go crawl into bed with a sugar baby and spend my money now.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
Lol maybe. Russia does seem to be performing about as effectively as a WW2 Italy in Africa vs the British.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
I still think China is cozying up to Russia just because it wants to take some of their land down the road.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Biden calls Putin the most evil man on earth. Biden says he wants to "work economically with China". Xi says Putin is his great friend. Biden gets money from China. Who'd have thought that being older would be better than being younger......
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I heard something today that was very interesting and doesn’t portend well for the Russians over the long term.
China doesn’t have allies it only has vassal and clients this according to the think tank the Brookings Institution.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
China has a long-term problem. China is digging into Africa like an Alabama tick. Communist countries tend to be short-lived as they collapse over an impossible political structure. China is experiments with a communist/capitalist hybrid model. Authoritarian govts tend to break apart as they destroy human nature, Russia and other countries are a problem not because they are small economies and run as toleration states, they have nuclear weapons and might lash out. In the USA we have decay from within. The Global Progressive Movement is syphoning off our prosperity. The "Elites" in the USA have no problem with this as they are wealthy and remain that way. It is being done on the back for the middle/low income population. The sweet seduction of "free" (welfare) from govt make people idiots.

The Protestant Work Ethic is being destroyed along with religion. The FBI targets Catholics as they denounce abortion, and parents who push back HARD (not with ANTIFA violence) on school boards are targeted as Domestic Terrorists hence they are a threat to the Progressive Movement. Back in the late 1700s the Jesuits said "Give us your children until they are 7 and we'll have them for life". Hitler did same with the Hitler Youth/Brown Shirts and expanded it to "media" with Joseph Goebbels use of propaganda. And NO, I'm not saying the Left are Nazis - the Left is using the same tactics and methodologies to re-engineer society that have worked for centuries - history repeats itself.

To quote Agent K from "Men In Black": A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.
avatar for mogul1985
2 years ago
China uses others as needed as tools to their end game - world domination. The have zero concern for life - Moa's Cultural Revolution whacked and estimated 100M souls, collateral damage for the cause. Nixon was a fool when he approached China serious without guard rails, and 50 years late we have what we have. Yeah, I know, hindsight.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
China used the Belt and Road initiative to worm its way into all sorts of under developed countries. Especially Africa. That whole thing has blown up. Countries are defaulting on their debts to China.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
The countries that succeed in the new era will be ones with ready access to
1.Good Farmland
2. Energy/oil
3. Consumers ( people age 20-40 ).

The US has all of this ( including the consumers in Mexico ).

China has none of it.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
It's interesting that Russia has weakened to the point that they have turned to former client states for support (Iran and China). Iran will whore itself out to anyone to antagonize the US, while China greedily accepts Russia's pleas for help. The Chinese help isn't free, they will subjugate and enslave Russia as part of their Belt and Road initiative.

China and Russia getting together is no threat to the US. It is a threat to Russia and the other Asian and East European states. Our leaders need to take the USUKAUS alliance to the next level by formally looping in Japan, RoK, and Taiwan - an Asian/Pacific Treaty Organization. They would if the Bidens hadn't sold out to the Chinese years ago.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
I would guess Japanese help to Ukraine is mostly to show the importance it places on its alliance with the US.

The case for China as a big danger is a weak one. The US Navy could blockade China and strangle it. They need to claim the South China Sea so they can have islands (natural or artificial) to launch planes from to attack blockading ships. The only defensive strategy that has a chance in hell to work for them.

It didn't work well when people thought it was fine to just let Hitler take Austria and Czechoslovakia. People who want to let Putin just take Ukraine should think about that.
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