Vivide (V Live)
1271 Marietta Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30318

Vivide….I hate you like I love you….

Saturday, March 4, 2023 11:06 PM


  • mysteryj
    a year ago
    First of let me start by saying Vivide is currently the best of the atlanta strip clubs period. I love it. Great girls, polite and not pushy and know how to make their money. But, i feel that because of the way the place is designed originally a night club of sorts, as the number of patrons grow it will get worse and worse in terms of seating and room for patrons and that would be its downfall. This management needs to find a better more open space like good old follies soon. From the recent trip I made it was just too crowded and too awkward for patrons to just starte at each other’s faces while trying to relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Anyone feels like the same love the club, but hate it as well:)
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    This has been discussed multiple times on the forum - one would think with the amount of $$$ that place must be raking-in that they could easily furniture-it/layout-it better/appropriately. I think it has been mentioned that the club is leased by the owner(s) to the folks currently running it - so it could be a situation where neither the owners of the locale, nor the people running/leasing it, feel they should be the ones making the investment? Could also be that they are not incentivized to spend $$$ in the club since dancers and custies keep showing up and spending anyway - and it's not like there are other club options just as good. These are just hypothesis on my part - who knows the real reason behind it - could be the club feels the-powers-to-be will come after them soonner-than-later and force them to close as they have with so many other clubs so they may not see it prudent to invest in the club?
  • Reinvented
    a year ago
    We need Dallas kind of clubs in Atlanta. There is so much potential here.
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