
Lightfoot Out As Chicago Mayor

They never tell you what you need to know.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 2:26 PM
Even ultra-liberals are rejoicing. I think I read a statement somewhere like “she made daily conflicts the norm on so many fronts where there was previously no issue, before she decided to make one.”


  • PhredJohnson
    a year ago
    Hold your breath. There is still a runoff election and the #2 guy is a defund the police promoter. Will the voters go with race, or reason?
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    She's supposedly a lesbian. But I don't understand how anyone, man, woman, or beast, could find that attractive.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    “Hold your breath. There is still a runoff election and the #2 guy is a defund the police promoter. Will the voters go with race, or reason?” Who is the other person - I know there was one candidate that had the backing of the police union.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    Lightfoot is black; gay; and female - likely the reason she got elected in the first place with Progressives falling all over themselves to virtue-signal
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    It’s bizarre that she commented that her not getting re-elected was because she was treated unfairly because of her race and gender. Yet, those two qualities may have been why she was initially elected as mayor. I think that allowing Chicago to become one of the nation’s more dangerous cities for shootings likely had an effect on her not getting re-elected more so that her race and gender.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    Always an excuse - you lost, go home, have a nice day. There are so many nutty republicans who are guilty of this as well.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    She wasn't qualified and seemed in-over-her-head and why she has to resort to the race and gender card.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    I watched the debates, I know it’s hard to believe but Brandon Johnson would be worse than Lori Lightfoot. He’s a full 💯 % to the max commie. Paul Vallas is Chicagos only hope but even then it’s all going to hell anyway if they can’t get rid of the County Judge Tim Evans and Cook County DA Kim Foxx who just continue to release violent criminals. You could hire 10K more cops it doesn’t matter if you can’t keep murderers behind bars. Stop giving them ankle brackets you fucks! One instance this past year a 9 time felon shot and killed a young mother, how is a 9 time felon walking around free? (younger dude too 30 something)
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    They are saying that Brandon Johnson dude is farther left than Lightfoot. He should be a shoe-in.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    I’m rooting for Chicago I hope it can fix it’self. Might be my favorite food city and other than NYC the only other big urban city in America. It’s been blue since Al Capone was running around their in 1930’s though so I don’t see a major course correction anytime soon. At least NYC finally woke up once in the early 90’s after 2K murders and had a Golden age of back to back Giuliani and Bloomberg, the Windy City never had that kind of revelation there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    In the runoff I assume Brandon Johnson will get most/all of Lightfoot's votes thus IMO good chance he'll be the next mayor
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    The fact someone left of Lightfoot got more votes than her IMO doesn't bode-well for the future of Chi-Town - we'll see what happens
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    Shouldn't some of the blame fall on the people that voted for her?
  • OldWhiteGuy
    a year ago
    All of the blame should be on the people that voted for her! Just like the "81 million" that voted for Joe Biden!
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    I looked up Brandon Johnson on Wikipedia. He doesn’t even know what year he was born. “Either 1976 or 1977”. Unless you’re a baseball player born in the Dominican Republic, how the hell do you not know know how old you are. How about asking your father?
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^ was he born on a leap year?
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    I know Lightfoot is always being compared to Beetlejuice but I always thought she looked more like this guy: [view link]
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    Big cities like Chicago usually hurt the states they are in. Illinois is a high tax, low economic growth state which is losing population and that is because all the leftist voters in Chicago are helping to get liberals elected at the state level. Here in Indiana, we are lucky Indianapolis is not big enough for the voters there to tilt elections to the left at the state level. We have good economic growth compared to Illinois and our population is growing. If we had a governor as good as DeSantis, we would be doing even better.
  • chiefwiggum
    a year ago
    I was so happy to hear that Lightfoot was out. We went drinking here to celebrate and many Chicagoans agree. My direct boss is thinking of leaving the city and if so, I, and my coworkers at my level will probably leave, too. I largely agree with the comments, especially from Papa Chulo. Except, I hope that Brandon wasn't splitting the vote. I hope it was all the people in Chicago seeing another Barak OBama in Lightfoot have now seen the error of their ways. We already have the lunacy of Kim Fox, we don't need any more leftists.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    Lightfoot still got a plurality of the black vote. Garcia got a plurality of the Hispanic vote and Vallas got a plurality of the white vote. It's an unfortunate trend when people start thinking primarily in terms of race and vote accordingly. It's a little like turning down the prettiest girl in the strip club for lap dances just because she isn't the same race as you.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    This could be scaring the Democrats NYC mayor Eric Adams said this should be a warning to Democrats who’ve been soft in crime And even Brandon, in a rare coherent moment, told Democrats that they need to get tougher on crime
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