It's freezing your nuts off outside

avatar for crazyjoe
Dam it is cold!!!

Wind-chill -17 and getting colder


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
It's a bone-chilling 74 in Miami at 10pm - we're barely hanging-in-there
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Supposed to be 78 in San Diego on Sunday according to my Uber driver that drove me home from the airport today.
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
Northern Florida is getting frozen tomorrow or friday
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
Experience pays mike710 you are missing out. Nothing better than a cold night with a good fire
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
2 years ago
Down here even in South Georgia around the Albany/Valdosta area it supposed to get down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill near zero by Friday. Highs only in the low 30's.
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
Already been in snow 3 times this cold season. Nice to know I can visit and leave.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"‘Once In A Generation’ Winter Storm Expected To Affect Most Of U.S., Midwest Likely To Be Hardest Hit"…
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
It's fairly chilly here in South Florida, it's a balmy 66 at 6:30 AM I don't expect the afternoon High to go much above 82 I might need a long sleeve T-shirt this morning.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Regardless of temperature I walk 6 blocks to Court every day in a suit and tie. No overcoat, gloves or hat. Those go on once we hit single digits. My casual outwear is a cotton hoodie. I own a ski parka and an overcoat for my suit when it's wet. Other than that, I just simply do not feel the cold the way everyone else does.
avatar for Huntsman
2 years ago
Ten below here. It will get a bit nippy once the wind picks up.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Skimum609 is dreaming about his suit and tie. He doesn't own any dress clothes because he moves furniture.
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
Coldest temperature ever recorded in all 50 states.…

I'm going clubbing today because tomorrow is gonna shrink my penis.
avatar for ATACdawg
2 years ago
Will Buffalo NY be found before April?

Stay tuned!😂
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Buffalo isn't even close to the snowiest place in the northeast. Great sports fans though.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
^ years ago I saw a Buffalo fan walking through the Philadelphia airport wearing perhaps the funniest sports T-shirt I've ever seen:

Wide Right, Foot In the Crease, Forward Lateral...Buffalo, screwed again!

I could not stop laughing.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
They have a sense of humor, but at least we have: Pesky held the ball; Bucky dent; Roughing the passer; too many men on the ice; Bill Buckner; too many men on the ice part 2 and now the latest - The Disasteral from last Sunday lol.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
Don't forget Grady Little leaving Pedro in against the Yankees followed by the Aaron Boone extra innings walk off against Tim Wakefield.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Another golden oldie. Darrell Johnson removing Willoughby after 1.1 perfect innings and bringing in Jim Burton to lose 4-3 to the reds in game 7 of the 1975 World series. We could also go with my favorite unknown screwing: 1972. baseball went on strike. Not all of the games were made up. the Tigers played 156 games and lost 70. The Sox also lost 70. The Tigers went to the ALCS. The Sox did not. Tigers went 86-70. The Sox played one less game and went 85-70. Truly fair .....
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
We are up to a balmy 0° Sun is shining like it does over 300 days a year in Colorado
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
We're skiing Colorado in 7 weeks, assuming you get snow, if not Utah.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
It’s supposed to get in the low-40s overnight this weekend in Miami (supposed to warm-up by Tu) – can’t remember the last-time it was that cold – and def can’t remember the last time it was actually cold on Christmas eve/day downhere in Miami – for a good # of years it’s usually been in the 70s or low-80s on Christmas downhere in Miami def taking away from the Christmas-feel – back in the 80s it felt like it would get cold more often on Christmas in Miami.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Fun fact - a certain temperature, when you step on snow, it will squeak. 3 degrees is when it starts.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 years ago
"Iowa Sports Reporter Goes Viral Over Comments About Being Sent Out In The Cold To Cover Winter Storm"…
avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 years ago
Snow can squeak at higher temps than 3 degrees. I have driven a plow truck for decades. Every single snow storm is different. No two are alike just like no two snowflakes are alike and no two people's finger prints are alike
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Fuck this shit, tomorrow is gonna suck
avatar for elmer
2 years ago
Tomorrow's here Muddy and it does suck
Presently under a blizzard warning, it's -6 and falling, wind chill is -35 and my fucking snowblower won't start.
Yesterday noon it was 49°

Not complaining as long as I have internet porn, heat, electric and no Frozen/broken pipes In that order

avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
We got all rain. No snow. Which meant the wetlands flooded. Which meant my yard flooded. Which made the ground super soft. Which is why there is a 45-foot tree laying on top of what used to be the fence around the pool.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
All rain here too on the coast. Windy as fuck though. No power outage here, though there are some not that far away. Going to get really damn cold after the storm passes though. Winter in New England, that's the deal sometimes.
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Minus 3 here with wind gusts in the mid 50s. The wind is dying down a little and it's hard to tell how much snow we have because of the wind but i'd guess just a few inches.
This is supposed to continue through Saturday.
My major concern is that the heat and power stay on and that no trees come down on my house.

Semms like a good day to chill, pun intended.
avatar for crazyjoe
2 years ago
Here is our coldest windchill. Some places down to -51…
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