
Landing Strip vs Flight Club?

Avatar for BubbleYum
BubbleYumBlow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux

This is all hypothetical and this may or may not be for me and/or a friend of mine. But picture yourself having the worst year of your life with financial setback after financial setback and your health has been giving you problems to where you may need two different surgeries (health stuff not related to FS or reproduction in any way).

You used to do extras, but haven't in over a year for a few reasons irrelevant to the topic. However, the non-extras club you're at isn't doing it for you and you're looking to try to financially get ahead again and find a change of scenery. You've worked at both Flight Club and Landing Strip and can't decide which to go back to for a month or two starting next week. Hypothetically, which would you choose? Both have pros and cons.

I'm looking for realistic, serious answers with, hopefully, current extracurricular price ranges. I've heard Flight Club has been pretty barren lately with customers, but haven't heard anything about LS.


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Avatar for Electronman


Sounds like a challenging year. My sympathies.

I'm not a frequent visitor to the Detroit clubs, maybe once a month on average, but I will often stop by more than one club. So take than into account.

On a recent visit to FC, I was impressed with the afternoon talent, lots of young, slender women. But I was equally disappointed by how weak the talent was after the night shift started at 7PM. I tipped a few dancers but didn't arrange a dance while at FC (I was eating some food at the end of the day shift) but I received offers starting at 400. I suspect that the talent gets much better as the evening goes on, The club was pretty empty when I left at 7:30 to check out Subi's.

On a different trip, I visited LS in the late afternoon, around 5PM. The talent was not as good as the day shift at FC (but recall that I prefer slender women) but the club seemed more lively as in more customers and I think that the dancers were hustling to maximize their earnings as their shift ended. I had several offers, starting around 400 and a few were willing to accept 300.

Neither place was packed with customers, possibly a by product of high prices demanded by the dancers.

I've also enjoyed a few trips to Subi's, but the talent can really be inconsistent.

Hope something above is helpful to you. Have you tried the newly reopened Penthouse?? If you decide to dance at a club closer to the Kalamazoo area, let me know.

Avatar for BubbleYum

Unfortunately, Subi's is too far for me to drive. Landing Strip is pushing it, but would be worth it if their tip out is like it was pre-pandemic (don't pay house, mom, or dj if I don't go to vip and no schedule or freelance fees). I hate their stage though. I'm a stage performer and like to split walk across stage and there's no way I can there, let alone do any pole. I remember the VIP area smelled BAD. Like raunchy foul and it's super dim. It's hard for both parties to examine for possible STDs or whatnot in VIP before engaging in anything. Another problem I had there was there is one toilet for females to use on the floor and the bathroom was usually locked due to multiple women in there having skiing lessons or who knows what. And the bathroom in the locker room was usually out of tp and mouthwash. It's hard to clean up after VIP with limited restroom access. They did have day shift, mid shift, and night shift and allowed the girls to work any (unlike FC where the two are strictly separate).

There's money at FC, but the tip out is ridiculous, there are too many pimp girls, and I always got weird vibes from others there - like nobody was happy or something... It's hard to explain what it felt like being there.

A friend of mine works in Kzoo at Angels and is killing it there. She told me I should try it, but staying somewhere for the weekend would be an issue.

I intended to go to Penthouse on opening weekend, but got sick and needed a biopsy that took a few days to recover from. I've only heard negative things about it. Few girls (the rumor is they have to work two day shifts to work nights) and no customers.

I don't want to work at Criket because I used to be staff (door girl) there and I know too many people who work there in my personal life still.

And I have too much pride and am not desperate enough to step foot in or near either of the two Hamilton dives (Bogart's and Henry's).

Avatar for Htxx

You’d do well at trumps but there’s not many customers. Your competition dancer wise wouldn’t be close to your level. Are you better off being a big fish in a small pond? I wrote a review about the smell at LS after I found out what was causing it but it didn’t get published as to graphic lol

Avatar for clubdude

It appears to me that you can make the same type of money at LS, as you can at FC (having visited both in the last month). As you correctly stated from complaints I've heard from the dancers, the tip out from FC is ridiculous.

Avatar for BubbleYum

I think I decided to give LS another shot before trying FC again.

Vice is back together again, so I wouldn't dare try to do extras in the city limits. I've never been to Trumpp's, but I hate working somewhere with a small selection of customers.

I'm assuming the smell at LS is from not washing the carpets or curtains. VIP attendants always say they get washed and I know better than to believe them.

I also remember LS having a slightly lower quality in dancer maturity. I mean that in the sense of them having more girls who can't handle their liquor and are sloppy hot messes.

Avatar for Htxx

There’s always BT’S on mi ave. Much closer for you too and it’s a nice club. Or there’s always the road-trip to Florida option 😎

Avatar for jackslash

Hi BubbleYum, I hope you're OK. I'll try to give you some info based on my recent strip club visits.

Flight Club. I have been disappointed in recent visits because the quality of the girls has declined. That would be a benefit for you to have less competition. The dancers charge at least $300 to $400 for VIP and some ask for even more. I know the tip outs are high, but I don't have any current amounts.

Landing Strip. The dancer quality has improved, but there is a wide range of girls from 3 to 9. Some nights are very busy with 5 dancers on stage and every table filled. VIP prices are lower than FC, but the best dancers charge $300 to $400. Some ask for $500 or more, but I don't know if they get it. I was talking to a dancer at the end of her shift last week, and as we were sitting together she counted out $1600 from her little purse. I don't have any info on fees.

Let me know where you decide to dance.

Avatar for BubbleYum

^ thank you! That helped a lot. I'm pretty certain I'm going to go with Landing Strip. I won't be able to go until next week sometime and it'll probably be for one or two shifts until after the New Year.

Avatar for longjohn81

Hey BubbleYum:

Sounds like you’ve kinda already made up your mind, but I was going to suggest a mid shift at LS as being what I would recommend. You should be able to average out to $300-$350 for a full VIP during the mid-shift hours. I don’t go there as often I used to, but the one regular dancer I see charges me $300 and I don’t think she feels lowballed. Think it’s a fair market rate for VIP service. Most dancers start at $400-500 but don’t push back too hard if you come back $300 or north of that slightly.

If you can convince your client to get one of the big rooms ($40 vs $20), it’s much better lit so you can give a dick check before any agreed upon actives. The lighting (and smell) is way better in those two big rooms. And personally I don’t mind paying a little bit more to be able to actually see my dancer, as it adds to the experience.

Hope you have success with this new plan and that things turn around for you.

Avatar for chiefwiggum

Sorry to hear about your issues BubbleYum hopefully next year brings you better health and prosperity.

My last trip to Detroit, I thought FC had the hottest girls hands down. Obviously this changes a lot, but if the tip out is that bad, go to LS. I was going to second BT's.

You sound hot, though I have no idea what you look like. The way I look at it, from a PL point of view, it's easier when the girls come up to the guys (for the girls to make money). All these places barely have girls circle about and on my last trip, BT's was the worst. Also, they were 3rd hottest on my last trip. My theory is hot girls that circulate against the rest that don't will easily make more money.

Avatar for Grmi

Yes sorry to hear about what you're going through, and hope 2023 becomes a good year. I've stayed away from FC, the quality of dancers is usually fine but you don't find that out until you've paid $40 or so to get in, and honestly I have not been too impressed when I go there. Not that LS is any cheaper but I find my experiences and mileage is better. It seems years ago there wasn't a better place for fun than FC and when we paid it mostly went to dancers, now it seems like such a money grab to the club. I might be way off on this but I still feel in talking to the dancers at LS they get more of the money flowing to them?

So I prefer LS, just my humble opinion. Not sure if I've ever seen you at the local clubs but if you end up at LS hopefully I see you there.

Take care and I wish you good luck

Avatar for aham5

Now I'm curious... how did this dilemma play out? Hope you are back on track and healthy.

If you have photos posted here, I can't figure out how to see them. But if you are a middle of the pack 7 or 8 at FC, you'll likely be the hottest dancer on shift at LS.

I will echo what was already mentioned, the $40 rooms at the back of vip at LS are much bigger and more light. But at night they are usually occupied.

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