I'd be Pakistani. I think they're the sexuest most beautiful people. Their morals culture everything is better than ours. And they're the best sex you'll ever have
How do you know all this Icee? And you may want to look into their views on theft, strippers and stripper hoes. It wouldn’t align well with your “views”
Notice Icee didn't mention Pakistani "women". If he had, I'd agree that many Pakistani women are very beautiful. But Icee only says the beautiful "people" of Pakistan and how they give the best sex. Apparently he doesn't care, male or female makes no difference to him. Fuckin half a homo.
I'd be Pakistani. I think they're the sexuest most beautiful people.
Well then, Icee, you’re basically telling yourself you want to go fuck yourself if you are wanting to be Pakistani because they are the most beautiful in your eyes. Go ahead and be our guest, and go fuck your self.
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^ You left out their grand traditional stoning of women that engage in sex outside of marriage, and homosexuals of either sex lest we forget about their centuries old tradition of honor killings, it stands to reason a misogynic, homophobic, pimp like Iceefag would admire their stone age culture,
You wouldn’t be able to do all the looting and stealing, or have stripper hoes loot or rob, actually there wouldn’t be strip clubs allowed. Drug dealing wouldn’t be allowed either lol. Are you saying you like their culture because you found a Pakistani woman attractive? That’s hilarious. Your entire religion and culture can change so easily!
This is just so random? I can't say that I know one Indian from another although I know they all got their subraces and different languages etc... Their subraces etc all got totally different looks, but I am just not that knowledgeable about them really.
I’d probably pick Switzerland, New Zealand, Ireland, Luxembourg, or Estonia. Mostly because those countries rank at the top on the Economic Freedom Index and the Human Freedom Index. I’d have to do more research to have an opinion on the culture or scenery out there.
New Zealand and Finland both have young, progressive (and not unattractive) prime ministers. The current economy of Finland isn’t so great, but I think both countries are on the right track with their leadership.
Dumb question but by nationality do they mean literally what nation you live in or like what you are? I wouldn't mind living in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Baltics minus Belarusia because I've heard good things about quality of life. I wouldn't mind somewhere like Bulgaria (too bad ukraine is off the list) cuz they use the same alphabet as Russian and I can honestly understand a lot of Bulgarian tho I definitely don't know it. I wouldn't mind Italy or Portugal because of the weather and I like how these languages sound. Although Brazilian Portuguese sounds better to me. I would have probably been ok with Romania too if it wasn't so close to Ukraine (I like that weird language too tho i don't actually know it but I understand a lot of it). I have also heard great things about quality of life and weather in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay and tho Spanish isn't my favorite language- it is insanely easy, and I already know some anyways.
I have heard very good things about Japan and South Korea from military or ex-military, but I don't think I could handle that permanently lol.
If the question is about changing races. I would of course be Anglo-Saxon, German, Irish, Italian, or Spaniard. I do not like how I stick out even among fellow whites.
If it were down to living standards I'd choose Austria probably.
With Pakistan it comes down to the diversity and the history. The different cultures and foods. Women wise I've had great luck with them. I really like the sindhi and Punjabi looks. I'm thinking of spending a few months there.
If i were somewhere just for the women then Honduras armenia or Puerto Rico.
Blahblah russian features are nice though. You stick out in a good way.
Hehe I was watching Indian Matchmaking on Netflix, and some of these people are just beautiful. They seem to have quite a wide variety of looks. I also think perhaps my opinions on them are irrelevant. I noticed when I was watching the show that one girl who was considered very beautiful was just meh to me. I think it is because she was one of those rather white Indians. Another girl was considered unattractive to them but she was absolutely gorgeous to me like her face wow. I think it is because she was definitely on the brown side of the spectrum maybe cuz her facial features were lovely.
Haven't been, but from what I've read/heard, New Zealand.
The thing is, if you grew up in the US, and you pick a country without a strong British influence, you'd be a very different person if you grew up there.
My guess is that Japan has the highest percentage of attractive women. Something about Japanese culture seems to stop people from habitually consuming an unhealthy diet. But it's apparently a bad country for dirty old men, since the birth rate has dropped so much.
Oh, Ethiopians are just consistently beautiful lol. Hell if I am being honest, most girls I've met who are straight from Africa of various countries are very beautiful. They by far have *consistently* the best bodies no contest- not even close with all the other colors.
Ilbbaicnl - I have to take exception to your thoughts on Japanese women. I spent 2 years there in 1964/65 and spent an average of 3 nights a month sleeping with bar girls. I thought most of the women to be less than desirable. The Japanese culture is such that Japanese men are considered to be lousy lovers. That may account for a low birth rate but the low birth rate is happening here too. May have more to do with economics.
Huh, I think a American dudes can't fuck for shit or just can't keep up. I know I've definitely seen women posting about this elsewhere. Y'all are just sexually weaker than women, admit it lmao. :)
Why would I choose to be anything other than blk. There’s a coolness we’re just born with 😎
I scroll through tik tok and see “others” doing all the things that came from AA. Even though we aren’t seen in the best light , culturally we do influence a lot
@shadowcat, lots of reasons for a falling birth rate. Having a lot of kids used to be an economic asset when they would work on a farm. Often, some would die in childhood, requiring you to have a bunch more. More women entering the workforce and valuing careers over child rearing. More access to contraception and abortion. Less religious where a lot of emphasis was placed on having kids. Also a lot more investment going into each kid. You can't be a helicopter parent for 5 kids like you would with 2.
Libs like to say it's about a welfare state but Europe and Japan are worse than America in that regard.
Africans are hot. Depending where they're from though. Like Kenyans are funky looking. But like Ethiopians Somalis. Ghanaians... I met a girl from Congo at a gas station and her body was amazing. Everything was lifted better than with surgery and she was all natural. I also like their soft features.
American men have problems coz of all the hormones and chemicals in food. Plus they're not active enough. Working out and eating clean makes a huge difference.
@Icee, big difference in African girls is west vs east. West Africans like Ghanaians, Nigerians tend to be thicker, like AA women. Same gene pool. Also darker than AA since they don't have native or white blood.
East African girls like Kenyan, Tanzanian, Ugandan tend to be slimmer. A lot of them even have some East Indian blood. If you want to get even deeper you can distinguish between Kenyan tribes like Kalenjin (all the Kenyan marathoners) vs Kikuyu (tend to be almost west African in build).
Ethiopians and Somalis are pretty distinct. Finer facial features.
Men in other countries have the same issues with chemicals and environmental toxins etc. There is no such thing as Kenyans look funky Ghanians look good that is just racist nonsense. Even when it comes to Africa you can’t hold back your racism. You’re stereotyping an entire land mass of people based on limited interactions with 5 or 10 people from that country. Its the same line of logic you use to argue cops are murderers, right wingers are racist etc
Also you can eat clean yet still eat dangerous harmful foods with chemicals or pesticides. Eating clean usually just refers to eating veggies or limiting calories.
Some of those African countries are actually just Arab. Some have a mix of Arab and African. You can find Egyptians who look like black mixed with Arab. Or some look totally Black, some look totally Arab.
Icee the suicidal shithead with a bad heart is giving health advice lol. Why would any American want to change nationality? Failure is that attractive to you? I wouldn't change a thing.
By the way the best-looking people, including all 3,421,492 genders are Icelandic. Best looking person from any other country is a 5 there.
In Japan, it's usually only the most desperate of sex workers who accept foreign clients. Because Japanese men don't want to have sex with sex workers who have had sex with foreigners.
Ilbbaicnl it's like that in a lot of places. It's an issue in Mexico as well. Its looked down upon
Skibum are you David?
Tetradon Africa has the most genetic diversity of any continent. I just prefer certain looks. Ugandans can be quite beautiful. With Tanzanians. The really mixed ones like native swahili speakers or people from around zanzibar have really nice features.
@James, Swedish women might be the most overrated. Everyone thinks they're blonde bombshells but in reality a lot more Gretas.
@skibum, Iceland was similar for me. A lot more Gretas than bombshells.
@Icee, tons of Ugandans around Boston. Some hotties, a lot too thick for me. A lot of Tanzanians have some East Indian blood. Their cuisine very Indian influenced. Some Kenyans, I find the Kikuyu ones the hottest.
Isnt Guyana heavily Indian influenced? A bunch of people in Guyana and Fiji are actually Indians who emigrated there for some reason? Kenya and Tanzania too?
I wouldn't want to be anything other than what I am. I am proud of my heritage.
But I suppose if I had to pick a second place option I would be an Orthodox Jew. I got to learn a lot about the Jewish faith in my life travels and their ability to combine scholarship with adherence to something bigger than themselves never cease to impress me.
Lol these discussions are always funny. :D keep it coming guys.
I feel like there are a lot of stereotypes of EE women aging horribly, but I have seen the western Euro like Germans/Spaniards age horribly. Most EE women I know have less signs of aging like wrinkling etc compared to their western counterparts. I read somewhere we naturally have more collagen in our faces or something. I believe it. I've seen a lot of western euro chicks who are like early 30s to early 40s look older in the face than my 60 something year old parents. Just being real here. I'm actually proud to be a fully Russkaya/Ukrainskaya tipichnaya crazy ass bitch :) but sometimes it would be nicer to just fully blend in.
Im not sure theres any link with certain races aging faster or gaining weight faster. And if its seen more often it could be down to lifestyle or diet or environment. At one of the clubs both of the EE dancers were smoking often.
Icee thinks everything is about race unless its black people, who he believes are the superior race.
last commentAnd you may want to look into their views on theft, strippers and stripper hoes. It wouldn’t align well with your “views”
I'd be Pakistani. I think they're the sexuest most beautiful people.
Well then, Icee, you’re basically telling yourself you want to go fuck yourself if you are wanting to be Pakistani because they are the most beautiful in your eyes. Go ahead and be our guest, and go fuck your self.
So the woman beating, woman manipulating, pimping, pandering, lying, thieving piece of shit is an admirer of conservative Islam.
Hey, that culture allows him to beat women too!
The grass is always greener, etc.
Are you saying you like their culture because you found a Pakistani woman attractive? That’s hilarious. Your entire religion and culture can change so easily!
Mostly because those countries rank at the top on the Economic Freedom Index and the Human Freedom Index. I’d have to do more research to have an opinion on the culture or scenery out there.
…But politics isn’t everything, and I’m okay with being American.
I have heard very good things about Japan and South Korea from military or ex-military, but I don't think I could handle that permanently lol.
If the question is about changing races. I would of course be Anglo-Saxon, German, Irish, Italian, or Spaniard. I do not like how I stick out even among fellow whites.
With Pakistan it comes down to the diversity and the history. The different cultures and foods. Women wise I've had great luck with them. I really like the sindhi and Punjabi looks. I'm thinking of spending a few months there.
If i were somewhere just for the women then Honduras armenia or Puerto Rico.
Blahblah russian features are nice though. You stick out in a good way.
Like anywhere many are unattractive but when they're beautiful they really stand out.
Another place is Ethiopia.
The thing is, if you grew up in the US, and you pick a country without a strong British influence, you'd be a very different person if you grew up there.
My guess is that Japan has the highest percentage of attractive women. Something about Japanese culture seems to stop people from habitually consuming an unhealthy diet. But it's apparently a bad country for dirty old men, since the birth rate has dropped so much.
I scroll through tik tok and see “others” doing all the things that came from AA. Even though we aren’t seen in the best light , culturally we do influence a lot
Libs like to say it's about a welfare state but Europe and Japan are worse than America in that regard.
American men have problems coz of all the hormones and chemicals in food. Plus they're not active enough. Working out and eating clean makes a huge difference.
East African girls like Kenyan, Tanzanian, Ugandan tend to be slimmer. A lot of them even have some East Indian blood. If you want to get even deeper you can distinguish between Kenyan tribes like Kalenjin (all the Kenyan marathoners) vs Kikuyu (tend to be almost west African in build).
Ethiopians and Somalis are pretty distinct. Finer facial features.
There is no such thing as Kenyans look funky Ghanians look good that is just racist nonsense. Even when it comes to Africa you can’t hold back your racism. You’re stereotyping an entire land mass of people based on limited interactions with 5 or 10 people from that country. Its the same line of logic you use to argue cops are murderers, right wingers are racist etc
Also you can eat clean yet still eat dangerous harmful foods with chemicals or pesticides. Eating clean usually just refers to eating veggies or limiting calories.
Great country, beautiful women.
Canadian feels like cheating.
By the way the best-looking people, including all 3,421,492 genders are Icelandic. Best looking person from any other country is a 5 there.
Skibum are you David?
Tetradon Africa has the most genetic diversity of any continent. I just prefer certain looks. Ugandans can be quite beautiful. With Tanzanians. The really mixed ones like native swahili speakers or people from around zanzibar have really nice features.
@skibum, Iceland was similar for me. A lot more Gretas than bombshells.
@Icee, tons of Ugandans around Boston. Some hotties, a lot too thick for me. A lot of Tanzanians have some East Indian blood. Their cuisine very Indian influenced. Some Kenyans, I find the Kikuyu ones the hottest.
Lots of African groups in the Boston area. Biggest probably Cape Verdean. Generally a beautiful people.
@BTE, Indian sailors ranged far and wide. A lot of them to the coast of East Africa but also the Caribbean, Fiji, Guyana.
But I suppose if I had to pick a second place option I would be an Orthodox Jew. I got to learn a lot about the Jewish faith in my life travels and their ability to combine scholarship with adherence to something bigger than themselves never cease to impress me.
I feel like there are a lot of stereotypes of EE women aging horribly, but I have seen the western Euro like Germans/Spaniards age horribly. Most EE women I know have less signs of aging like wrinkling etc compared to their western counterparts. I read somewhere we naturally have more collagen in our faces or something. I believe it. I've seen a lot of western euro chicks who are like early 30s to early 40s look older in the face than my 60 something year old parents. Just being real here. I'm actually proud to be a fully Russkaya/Ukrainskaya tipichnaya crazy ass bitch :) but sometimes it would be nicer to just fully blend in.
But I hate hockey, so there’s that
Icee thinks everything is about race unless its black people, who he believes are the superior race.