
Florida Man Make Announcement

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.


  • datinman
    2 years ago

    Donald J Trump just declared victory in the 2024 presidential election. Any votes tabulated beyond this point are clearly fraudulent and an effort to steal the election. Stop the steal!

    Seriously though, there's no better indication that Trumpism is on the wane than the fact it took two days for the board to acknowledge his "big" November 15 announcement.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    As someone that fully supported Trump during his Presidency . I don't want him to run again. He has no chance and will do nothing but hurt the Republican Party if he does. I just hope all of the Super PAC's tell him the same thing and he gives up quickly.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I blame Trump for dirtbag shithead Rahael Warnock being in the Senate, and I blame him for killing the red wave. I still recall as a Clintonian democrat and as far as I am concerned, he still is. Not one person on earth helped the Democrats more last week than Donald Trump.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but Trump. I swear I think he's now working as an agent for the Dems. First he fucked up the last GA Senate runoff by convincing his voters to go home, leading to yet more inflationary spending. Then he supports Congressional primary candidates around the country who were unpalatable to Independents and moderates. He continues to lose us the Senate and, were it not for DeSantis flipping so many districts in FL, probably would have lost us the House as well.

    He's a gaping narcissistic asshole.

  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I think he made a mistake declaring so early. Sitting here today, he’s the GOP front runner but in 10-12 months? He’s going to want as many others in the race to split up the electorate like he did in 2015/16. He still gets 35-40%. By declaring now, he scares almost every lesser candidate out and he may end up going against only DeSantis, Haley, maybe Youngkin, where he has a real chance of losing the nomination
  • rockie
    2 years ago
    "Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but Trump." Since when?😎
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    That headline is an insult and something must be done about. We can't allow a rag like that to insult a proud and honorable man just to sell papers. To see such a universally beloved name tarnished like this makes me sick.

    Our country may be divided but we must stand united to protect the good name of Florida Man from these insulting headlines.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @ OP I actually posted that yesterday in the swing states thread
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    House Republicans also announced that they will investigate Hunter Biden. So, they think it would hurt the democrats if they got Biden out of the presidential race? Mistake.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    This board turning on Trump, along with r/conservative definitely tells me he's in trouble.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Trump's original popularity was rooted in him being new and exciting.

    He's not new anymore and his brand of exciting is not appealing to many conservatives and many more moderates. He's more of an anchor around the neck of the Republican Party now.

    I'm surprised that he declared this soon. I suspect that he'll stay in the race until he gets promises and guarantees from the Republicans, then he'll drop out.

    Then again, he often defies predictions. So, who the fuck knows?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    He thinks he’s going to scare off the other candidates by declaring early, I read a report that he’s been strong arming key Republicans for endorsements and the largest donors have told him to pound sand.
    It’s going to be a real kick in the ass to those two senators Graham and Cruz, their stand is dropping I won’t be surprised if they lose their next election.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Trump has positives that many Republicans/Conservatives like; but too-many negatives - DeSantis enjoyed a red-wave in Florida that seems to have cemented-him as the right-man-for-the-job in the eyes of many Republicans/Conservatives - there is too-much-shit going-on now in the country and w/ elections and Republicans need someone that knows how to navigate the political-swamp - DeSantis has proven capable of knowing how to effectively-deal w/ the swamp and the fake-news-media, something that Trump was/seems unable to do - Trump's "bull in a china shop" approach got a lot of things done in his 4-years; but he was unable to effectively deal w/ the swamp and even many in his own party.

    I saw a recent article that two billionaire GOP donors had come out that they would not support Trump this go-around - even Trump's daughter Ivanka said she would not get involved in the 2024-campaign - Trump has been vilified to the point that his name has been made toxic - in-lieu of DeSantis I think Trump would likely be the GOP nominee; but almost all Republicans/Conservatives seem to be eyeing DeSantis as the best-way-forward.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    If inflation is still above 5% in 2024, Republicans are pretty much guaranteed to win. As long as they don't nominate Trump, or anyone equally batshit.

    If inflation is below 5%, it will be all about Fetterman. If he recovers fully from his stroke, he can do what he did in PA. Get the apolitical people who are just fucking fed up. The ones who supported Obama, then switched to Trump. But either Gropey Joe needs to get out of his way, or he has to win over grass roots black leaders (what Sanders failed to do).

    It probably won't be hard to show that Hunter is shady, but it won't be as easy to make it stick to Gropey Joe. When Mr. Ivanka did his shady shit in Saudi Arabia, it didn't stick to Trump at all.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I want to see him go after DeSantis 😂😂😂
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