How the Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence Hoax still rages on

avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game


And what those being targeted should do to protect themselves from it.

Positive Disintegration, by Kazimierz Dąbrowski, 1964

Dąbrowski was a Polish Anti-Psychiatrist

Because of poor communications between Poland and the west, he ideas are very different. Some of his views come from the English neurologist John Hughlings Jackson, but it is also very compatible with the Anti-Psychiatry Movement, Fanon, Szasz, Laing, and Cooper.

As it worked out, Dąbrowski spent the last decades of his life working in Canada, where he pick up quite a cadre of followers who make up the core of the Gifted Education Movement.

And I have a lot more respect for the Gifted Movement now that I understand this about it and know who these core members are. It is not just the upper middle-class trying to replicate itself. These kid really are way out there, and they will go thru continual cycles of reinvention and multiple levels.

And so Dąbrowski's ideas are the antithesis of the Mental Health System, as though this is not said openly, this core of the Gifted Movement is the antithesis of the Autism - Asperger's Hoax.


School of Rock


last comment
avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I love the conspiracy theory SJG chose. Of all the options out there, he picks the psychiatric industry. Then it’s the church, then right wing government, then local on the ground f2f battles as his last bastion to work on any growth in his organization; I mean sex cult..

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The Mental Health and Autism Industries are conspiracy theories, and they target people who are being conned into going along with it.


avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

SJG you're a fucking idiot, no wonder you have to go to a library to get internet access.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

SJG you need mental help.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Here's what I like about this thread... as an individual user, you can hide it and it's off your radar entirely.

Several times in the past, nicespice had noted that she had hidden her original thread because SJG had hijacked it for his own endless commentary. But she still got email notifications every single time SJG posted to it, which a year and over 400 posts later had become understandably annoying.

A solution might have been to go into settings and turn off notifications, but that turns off all notifications for all threads, not just one. So, that solution would have degraded her use of this site.

And several times all of this had been explained to SJG by multiple people, and that he could just start his own thread on this topic and it would cease to impact the thread's original owner (nicespice). But he came back over and over again with one of his copy-paste excuses as to why he wouldn't do that.

So, nicespice tried to close the original thread she created and heaving finished the job. And a year and 400 posts later we're in a newly created thread that SJG can maintain and doesn't impact another person's user experience.

Because people who use websites and discussion platforms expect to have some degree of control over their user experience, and not have another user's bad habits inflicted upon them.

Hopefully, the new site has this functionality built in, and it won't need to be "MacGyvered".

avatar for datinman
2 yrs ago

"several times all of this had been explained to SJG by multiple people"

In the Island of Misfit Toys that is the TUSCL discussion boards, SJG is clearly the most damaged.

Sorry, I meant "gifted".

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

CMI explained it well. It makes sense why NiceSpice closed her discussion. I can only imagine the annoyance of seeing emails from Founder saying San Jose Guy posted a comment in Going to a strip club while neurodivergent.

It’s very interesting how the most neurodivergent denier is the most frequent commenter…

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Cashman and Datinman, if someone is being targeted with Eugenics concepts, like Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence, then they need to be defending themselves. The first and most basic step is Bully Containment.

Once a bully has been stuffed head first into a steel trash can, worked over with a short length of rebar until all the bones give way and all the air comes out, then that bully will have about the same 8 lbs per gallon mass density as water.

So at 55 gallons this could contain a 440 lb bully.

Then just snap on the lid and install the locking ring.


avatar for datinman
2 yrs ago

Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Tsung-Min Lee 1 , Kuan-Min Lee 2 , Chuan-Ya Lee 3 , Hsin-Chien Lee 4 5 , Ka-Wai Tam 6 7 8 9 10 , El-Wui Loh 6 9 10 11 Affiliations

PMID: 32900213 DOI: 10.1177/0004867420952540 


Objective: Currently, pharmaceutical treatment options for autism spectrum disorder are limited. Brain glutaminergic dysregulation is observed in autism spectrum disorder. N-acetylcysteine, which can be converted to glutathione and subsequently release glutamate into the extracellular space, and thus reduce glutamatergic neurotransmission at synapses, is considered a potential drug for autism spectrum disorder treatment. Here, we analyzed the treatment effects of N-acetylcysteine on autism spectrum disorder in randomized controlled trials.

Study design: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources: By systematically searching the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library, we obtained five randomized controlled trials.

Study selection: Meta-analyses were performed to examine the improvement in autistic behaviors as measured by the Aberrant Behavior Checklist, Social Responsiveness Scale and Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised, using mean difference with a 95% confidence interval and a random-effects model.

Data synthesis: After 8-12 weeks of N-acetylcysteine supplementation, the pooled result of four trials revealed an improvement in Aberrant Behavior Checklist total score (mean difference = 1.31, 95% confidence interval = [0.42, 2.20]). When one trial was excluded, the sensitivity test result was stronger (mean difference = 1.88, 95% confidence interval = [0.92, 2.83]). The pooled results of three trials revealed significant improvements in hyperactivity (mean difference = 4.80, 95% confidence interval = [1.20, 8.40]) and irritability (mean difference = 4.07, 95% confidence interval = [1.13, 7.04]). Regarding Social Responsiveness Scale, the pooled result of two trials showed significant improvement in social awareness after 8-12 weeks of N-acetylcysteine supplementation (mean difference = 1.34, 95% confidence interval = [0.09, 2.59]). No differences were observed in the pooled results of two trials using Repetitive Behavior Scale, either in the total or the subscales.

Conclusion: We concluded that N-acetylcysteine is safe and tolerable, reduces hyperactivity and irritability and enhances social awareness in children with autism spectrum disorder. However, further evidence should be sought before a general recommendation.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

They will make any argument to put drugs into people for any reason, and especially for a facetious ailment.

No biological markers have ever been found to back up this concept of "Autism", or "Asperger's", or "Neurodivergence".

The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi

Today, in the neo-liberal era, it is usually a matter of Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy. Though now they've gone to calling it Facetious Disorder, or just Medical Child Abuse.

The parent is not happy with the state of their own life, and they do not take responsibility of the choices they have made, so they take it out on the child. They decide that the child is an embarrassment, and they look to find in their child the locus of original sin. So they bring the doctors in.

These are usually highly intelligent parents too, but they have not learned to live in ways which honor their intelligence. They have instead learned to live by fitting in. And so their child is a threat to them.

So in this Neo-Liberal Era they have resurrected a concept from the Nazi Eugenics Movement.


Kansas City School of Rock Supermassive Black Hole Muse ( I like this version much better than the original artist )

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

How the Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence facts still are facts?

Just consider OP as proof that they exist.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence Hoax still rages on.


Positive Disintegration, by Kazimierz Dąbrowski, 1964

Dąbrowski was a Polish Anti-Psychiatrist

pg 80:

Psychopaths as a rule do not create cultural works. The psychopath's intelligence, even at a high level is not of a creative nature; it merely serves the egoistic purposes of the dominating impulse or group of impulses. Hence, even extensive use of intelligence leads not to creative ideas but to destructive action. As a result of these strong impulsive dynamics, it is difficult for the psychopath to make a long-range, controlling estimate of his own and other people's acts; therefore, he has no capacity for sympathetic insight into the states of mind of others and is unable to grasp any social, moral, or cultural problems.

Pyschoneurotics, on the contrary, create works of culture because of their high moral sensitivity, their capacity for introspection, their ability to estimate their capacity for introspection, their ability to estimate their own and other people's attitudes, and their ability to differentiate levels and to experience the "subject-object" process within themseleves, ie., because of their susceptibility to the process of disintegration, especially those of multilevel disintegration.


Should be appreciated inch by inch, on the outside, and then millimeter by millimeter on the inside.

Kansas City School of Rock Supermassive Black Hole Muse ( I like this version much better than the original artist )

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence Hoax still rages on. Children and adults are being coned and taken advantage of, and Neo-Liberalism ( Libertarianism / Social Darwinism ) run rampant.


Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson. (Basic Books, 1984)

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was part of the group that developed around Dabrowski in Canada, and he has written many many books since, all influenced by Dabrowski.

Positive Disintegration, by Kazimierz Dąbrowski, 1964

pg 71:

The psychopath does not experience the anxiety one sees in the psychoneurotic; he does not suffer conflict in his internal milieu. In other words, he never undergoes a period of multilevel disintegration. Therefore, he neither is conscious of the complexity of his internal environment no sees himself objectively. He is incapable of either self-criticism or self-control.

Hughlings Jackson,

Mazurkiewics, died 1946, Polish psychiatrist, neo-Jacksonist.


School of Rock Jane

avatar for datinman
2 yrs ago

ABIDE - Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by qualitative impairment in social reciprocity, and by repetitive, restricted, and stereotyped behaviors/interests. Previously considered rare, ASD is now recognized to occur in more than 1% of children. Despite continuing research advances, their pace and clinical impact have not kept up with the urgency to identify ways of determining the diagnosis at earlier ages, selecting optimal treatments, and predicting outcomes. For the most part this is due to the complexity and heterogeneity of ASD. To face these challenges, large-scale samples are essential, but single laboratories cannot obtain sufficiently large datasets to reveal the brain mechanisms underlying ASD. In response, the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) initiative has aggregated functional and structural brain imaging data collected from laboratories around the world to accelerate our understanding of the neural bases of autism. With the ultimate goal of facilitating discovery science and comparisons across samples, the ABIDE initiative now includes two large-scale collections: ABIDE I and ABIDE II. Each collection was created through the aggregation of datasets independently collected across more than 24 international brain imaging laboratories and are being made available to investigators throughout the world, consistent with open science principles, such as those at the core of the International Neuroimaging Data-sharing Initiative. For details about these initiatives visit the collection specific pages: ABIDE I and ABIDE II.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ This is the sort of stuff that they say. But there is zero evidence for it, it is entire sociologically defined.

It always seems to start with a parent who decides that their child is an embarrassment.

It really just seems to be a side of people that can be developed. It goes back millennia before the Eugenics Terminology.

Look to the character Simon in Lord of the Flies, this seems to be what they are referring to. In a primitive society they look for people with mystical tendencies because they know that the future of the tribe depends on having shamans.

So when they find such a child, they separate him or her from parents. The parentectomy is the most important part. Then they place he or she under the care of an adult shaman. And the child is removed from all peer culture socialization by bullying practices.

With most adulthood is reached via puberty. But for a future shaman the path to adulthood might go on until age 30, and the path is more risky and perilous.

In this society we have lost that and we use Nazi Eugenic concepts for profit and to persecute. So you get what Nicespice's thread showed, getting someone to believe that they have some "Neurodivergence" condition, and simply to advance Neo-Liberal political doctrine.

Autism, do labels and diagnoses help or hinder? - Professor Sami Timimi


School of Rock AllStars perform "Highway Star" by Deep Purple

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So a little difficulty in getting one book following on Dabrowski.

But I just learned about:

The smart teens' guide to living with intensity : how to get more out of life and learning / by Lisa Rivero. (new book I just learned of and still following Dabroski)

^ very available. below is less available.

and also now:

A Parent's Guide to Gifted Teens: Living with Intense and Creative Adolescents Paperback – April 15, 2010 by Lisa Rivero

And then in front of my right now, and also following on Dabrowski:

Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson. Basic Books Inc 1984

And so why does the Autism - Asperger's - Neurodivergence Hoax still rage on?

Well it seems to work like the designer labels on clothes. People are encouraged to select among them. And it is entirely consistent with the Neo-Liberal Project, everyone is supposed to be striving to get ahead, and they are not, then they need a disability label. And this is totally consistent with Social Darwinism, and this is being repackaged as the bogus political movement Libertarianism.

But what is the real bite that gets people? It seems to come from the family, parents who have decided that their child is an embarasment. And it is because the only reason they even had children was to use them to give themselves a social identity.


very good:

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson. Basic Books Inc 1984

This book is only so so. As in another Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi book I read they are using this Experience Sampling Method, which means they have got a class of 75 adolescents running around with these pager like things that go off sometimes. They have this stack of response forms which they are supposed to fill out.

He wants to know how they spend their time, and with who, and doing what.

That is not that interesting to me. So I will spend some time with the book, but not that much.


avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Why did your wife leave you? Did you drive her insane with all the bullshit you post here?

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Shailynn pursuing his prosperity ministry, following in the foot steps of Robert Tilton. But this is supposed to be his last year of high school, and then he is slated to go to Bob Jones University in South Carolina.

And then there was Juice. Juice always had a sense of where there would be money. First he wanted to open the Prosperity Ministry right near Aces of Dallas. Because, "Even though you tell 'em not to, some people are going to send in cash with their prayer requests."

But then Juice decided that the ministry should be combined with Aces of Dallas, in the same facility.

And he was going to have a casino in the back and get the girls in there to help keep the money moving. And the same cage that handles the casino money would also open the prayer request envelopes. Juice was always a very practical man. RIP Juice.

Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson. Basic Books Inc 1984

This is not really a Gifted Movement Book, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is not really a Gifted Movement writer, but in some ways this makes it more interesting. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was a student of Dabrowski, and though he does not mention him in this volume he is clearly influenced by him.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about Entropy: Disorder in Consciousness, as something faced by adolescents, and I think everyone.

pg 19, "The tension between adolescents and the rest of society usually takes the form of a conflict between goals structured by instincts and buy values. On the one hand, a young person develops goals based on sexual desires, the need for dominance, for a social territory, for acceptance by peers. These urges are experienced as coming from the body, and therefore many adolescents accept them as their own, even though, as we have seen, this belief is based on an illusion, because instincts are geared to help the survival of the genes and not necessarily the welfare of the person carrying them. "

Csikszentmihalyi talks about Entropy: Disorder in Consciousness, at length, and in this he distinquishes himself as a follower of Dabrowski and the anathema of the Mental Health System.

And it applies to adults just as much as it does to adolescents.

Csikszentmihalyi also talks about Negentropy: Order in Consciousness. What he really means is self-oganization, inner direction.

The 2nd law tells us that entropy is always increasing, never decreasing. But living things are self-organizing, so it looks like entropy is decreasing. It can be like this because living things can never be closed systems. They have to be be open systems, and it only looks like entropy is decreasing. Living things are more properly categorized as dissipative strutures. They are self-oganizing and they can be like this because they are not in thermal equilibrium with the environment.

And then Negative Entropy or Negative Temperature, these are things that come up in some unusual non-equilibrium structure. What is important here is that our author is talking about some situations when adolescents in particular are clearly very highly self directed. And though he does not come out and say this, we have to keep the mental health system away from them.


School of Rock AllStar Students perform "Scar Tissue" by Red Hot Chili Peppers in Austin

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

pg 23,

"Regard of the specific activities, people mentioned a set of consistent elements that related to the optimal experience. They described profound involvement with their activity, which combined a loss of self-consciousness with deep concentration. The experiences was subjectively pleasing -- compelling enough to inspire rock climbers to risk their lives -- and at the same time required highly complex use of mental or physical skills. Many respondents used the word "flow" to describe the effortless buoyancy of the experiences. This state of consciousness we will call psychic negentropy, literally "negative psychic entropy." It is a condition in which one feels whole and acts with clarity, commitment, and enthusiasm. "

(It is interesting, I and a friend used to talk about flow in exactly the same way that this author does. And to find the things you really should be doing, your life's calling, you look for that flow. But I fear, I know, that in adolescent or an adult, the mental health people would call this manic. And in a pre-adolescent child they would call it autism.)


School of Rock -- Sunday Bloody Sunday ( music with this kind of rhythm is usually in the Key of C )

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

SJG has Asperger’s.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Shailynn is getting psyched up for his next money pitch, and his mom is right there too.

Csikszentmihalyi talks about negentropy:

pg 24,

" The elements of this state are opposite from those identified with psychic entropy. First, psychic negentropy includes positive feelings toward self and others: happiness, friendliness, and good cheer. This is a common part of adolescent experience, set off by a wink from a girlfriend, a good shot on the basketball court, or just the taste of spring in the air. "

To me, this author is extrapolating on what Dabrowski made he Theory of Positive Disintegration.

Negentropy includes psychological activation, action follows without the need for thought or hesitation, a sense of energy and competence, intrinsic motivation, effective concentration.

page 25,

" ... it might make sense to conclude that negentropic experiences are incompatible with community order and the goals of development because they drain attention away from more essentially productive tasks. The is the reason for the puritanical aversion to enjoyment that is expressed by the Protestant Ethic. "


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I think that this Experience Sampling Method that Csikszentmihalyi is influenced by Dabrowski. He wants to know that the teenagers are thinking when randomly polled. There will likely be big mood swings recorded in that.

Csikszentmihalyi sites lots of ongoing conflict with parents and siblings.

pg 153, "But it is questionable whether the principle of postponing gratification really works as well as the so-called Protestant Ethic suggests. Quite apart from the fact that children who grow up in entropic families are likely to replicate the conflict in their own lives and spread it through their adult relationships, the question is whether one is justified in producing disorder in another person's experience, no matter how lofty the goal for the sake of which the action is taken.


The Song Remains The Same -- School of Rock

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

page 181,

" Apparently solitude, despite all its drawbacks, is an ecological niche that has some advantages of its own. The the main advantage is simply the other side of the coin of witchcraft; the great personal power that accrues to the sorcerer. It is as if people drew the conclusion that anyone who was able to pull away from the gravitation of the group must possess superhuman powers, and this belief, in itself, is he sorcerer's power. Society attributes power to those who defy it even out our days, as exemplified by so-called charismatic leaders. Charismatic authority, as Weber suggested, derives from a person's ability to disregard the rules of the system: "Pure charisma does not know any 'legitimacy' other than that flowing from personal strength" Weber 1924, p. 22). The point Weber did not make is that people pay attention to a charismatic leader, not in spite of his rebelliousness, but because of it. Anyone who presumes to hold authority independently of the social order will be thought of either as a madman or as someone with superhuman strength, because only such would dare to defy public opinion, the concentrated psychic energy of the collectivity. The act of defiant individuality attracts attention; it might eventually attract a following, and therefore gain actual power. Students who are loners in high school partake of the same ambivalent image. THey are often ridiculed and ignored, but sometimes they are secretly respected and envied. . . . In many preliterate societies, only persons who already differ psychologically from the rest of the tribe become involved with magic; they might be epileptics, albinos, or bearers of some other mark that sets them apart. Transition to the life of the hermit -- feared and respected, but isolated -- is easier for those who fail to fit the system in the first place. "


School of Rock Song Remains The Same

Stairway to Heaven

avatar for BGSD3100
2 yrs ago

SJG, did you eat paint chips as a child?

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

Lol! Paint chips with off the scale lead content!

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Original Neuro-Divergence Thread:

The Smart Teen's Guide to Living with Intensity, by Lisa Rivero, Great Potential Press, Inc, Scottsdale AZ, 2010

Gives specific explanation about Kazimierz Dabrowski

"Creativity as Divergent Thinking"

"Challenges for Divergent Thinkers"

Lisa Rivero lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin ... She has taught and mentored teens at the middle school, high school, and college levels, and she always enjoys helping young people to discover, appreciate, and use their creativity, drive, passion, and love of learning. She currently teaches at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, and she is a board member of SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted), a national nonprofit organization.


Harper Valley P.T.A.

'' judy henske '' - high flying bird 1963.

Monterey 1967

Have You Seen The Saucers

Jane, Sept 2022

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