Are escorts and high volume otc dancers more business savvy?
A popular poster on here said escorts and otc strippers are doing what they do because they’re extremely desperate for money and too stupid and unaware to properly hustle or finesse.
It seems like they’re smarter and less impulsive to me. The ones who have pimps are the ones charging $200 or less and meeting at cheap motels. The ones charging $400+ an hour are often in nicer hotels in the nicest parts of the city. I have heard the higher priced ones often don’t have pimps and that’s why they may ask for more verification like ID or references. It seems like they’re making much more than an average stripper. Some of them are constantly flying across the country to the popular cities. If they can average 5 clients per week it’s well into 6 figures all cash income.
It seems like they’re smarter and less impulsive to me. The ones who have pimps are the ones charging $200 or less and meeting at cheap motels. The ones charging $400+ an hour are often in nicer hotels in the nicest parts of the city. I have heard the higher priced ones often don’t have pimps and that’s why they may ask for more verification like ID or references. It seems like they’re making much more than an average stripper. Some of them are constantly flying across the country to the popular cities. If they can average 5 clients per week it’s well into 6 figures all cash income.
And you have no idea how things work.
The ones who have pimps generally aren’t screening. The $200 escorts will almost never ask for verification or references or even a selfie of you. And theyre in cheaper motels.
The high end ones are in nicer areas, often ask for verification or references.
Icee you claimed escorts and otc dancers are stupid and desperate yet these women are making a lot more money with a lot less drama involved
I don't know about more business savvy, but probably they lead more stable lives and are less likely to be involved with destructive / pimp relationships, and with drugs. And so they are able to bank their money instead of seeing it evaporate.
Emily Williams-I Say a Little Prayer For You…
I have heard the richer famous people have an assistant who they have go through verification process. Then at the actual appointment they show up with their assistant and explain the booking was actually for the celebrity.
SJG are you referring to escorts and otc strippers, theure less likely to be involved in destructive/pimp relationships than the regular stripper who doesn’t engage in OTC and does ITC only?
BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.
~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022
“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."
~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".