Coitus Interruptus

avatar for reverendhornibastard
I’ve never been fond of coitus interruptus.

I’m still not. But the radiation therapy for my prostate cancer has forced me to reconsider my views on this subject.

I’m now slightly more than half way through my regimen of radiation therapy. It has proven to be far more debilitating than I was led to believe. It really knocks me down and my libido with it.

But Mrs. Hornibastard III has long had a knack for getting me and “Pink Floyd” worked up. I’m not complaining. It’s still good, filthy fun … at least until my moment of truth approaches. Then things become very uncomfortable.

As my gland finale nears, an odd and distinctly unpleasant sensation arises in my prostate, a place where I never before had any sensations whatsoever. It’s not exactly a “painful” sensation but it’s definitely unpleasant, sufficiently unpleasant that it derails my journey to ecstasy and causes Pink Floyd to faint dead away.

Still, despite never arriving at my destination, the journey is better than nothing.

Compared to some of my new pals at the radiation therapy club, I should at least be grateful that my hydraulics still work.…


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Good luck to you Rev. Hopefully when you are completely finished with the treatments, that will go away. Then you can fornicate freely as you wish.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
That sounds pretty damn sucky. Prostate cancer is normally a slow cancer. Maybe get a second opinion. Maybe they'll tell you that what's left of it probably wouldn't kill you unless you make it to a hundred.
Prostate cancer usually is slow growing and not very aggressive. But a close friend of mine recently died from untreated prostate cancer that spread. Worse yet, Mrs. Hornibastard III was well aware what my friend died of, so not treating my prostate cancer was never an option in my home.
hang in there rhb. old man issues ain’t no fun.
Sounds like you have good support. I'm 80 and had my annual check up 2 weeks ago. My labs were all good. PSA 2.6. I have a buddy that had a 7+ and then had an MRI that was inconclusive. So now he is going to have a biopsy in November when he goes on Medicare. So I've got my fingers crossed for both of you.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Good luck Rev. They are getting a lot better at treating cancer each year. It may not be in the news but it's really come a long way. Get well soon.
Feel better Rev, sounds like you got this one beat.
Not cool what you’re going through, but thanks for sharing. I will know what to expect when the time cums.
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