Vivide (V Live)
1271 Marietta Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Nighttime at Vivide (V Live)
Miami Florida
Seems like all the reviews are day time. Is it like Follies was, where it is appreciably different at night? Or is it similar to what it is like during the day?
My next visit to Atlanta, I will only have time to go later at night. Advice would be appreciated.
My next visit to Atlanta, I will only have time to go later at night. Advice would be appreciated.
Very few nightshift reviews - I can't recall but at night I think they may charge significantly higher cover-charge and perhaps a parking-charge as well; not sure - I assume the nightshift vibe may be along the old Follies nightshift vibe where it was mostly-black at night and a bit more of a party w/ more hit-or-miss mileage and higher chance of running into a ROB.
Perhaps you can find out when they start charging a high-cover/high-parking charge and try to get there a bit b/f that to avoid those high charges. In the Follies days I'd come in from out of town and I'd go to Follies in the afternoon (4pm or so) and stay thru early-eve to do a bit of the nightshift; this way I usually avoided paying a nightshift cover and parking.