Hanging With The Sons

avatar for sinclair
🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕

I was at a strip club recently when a large group from the Sons of Silence came in. I think they were on their way out to Sturgis for the rally. I noticed their patch was very similar to the Anheuser-Busch symbol, a red A with an American eagle over it. Coincidentally, they were all drinking Anheuser-Busch products. Even though the Sons of Silence wear the 1% patch on their clothing, they were friendly guys and didn't mind talking to the other people at the club. I chatted with them for awhile and sent a round of Sincweisers over to their tables.

What was interesting to me was how they operate at the strip club. None of them bought any lap dances or tipped the stage throughout the night. Probably each one of them drank $100-200 in beer and alcohol throughout the night. The strip club must've loved the booze sales, but dancers seemed to avoid the Sons for the most part. Part of the reason for that may be some of the bikers had their old ladies with them. It seemed at almost any given time at least one of the Sons was outside smoking and possibly watching over their bikes. I have been to many strip clubs when biker gangs were partying, but this was the first time I saw one-percenters at a club. SFFS.


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avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

This is a good book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_and_Alone . It's actually unusual for criminals, especial ones who do make crime pay, to be highly sadistic. But, in the book, they are very rough on women, only a highly self-hating woman would want to associate with them.

A friend of mine from college had a weird biker-stripper experience. He and a couple of his friends somehow got invited to a biker private party. The bikers hired a stripper. During her act, she started DFKing (just) my friend. When he and his friends were ready to bounce, the stripper told them she was coming with. At first, it seemed like it was not going to get ugly. But when they got outside, one of the bikers ran out, and whacked my friend on the side of the head with a boot, that was filled with something heavy. He didn't go to the hospital, but it hurt like hell for a couple weeks. The stripper didn't fuck him. He realized that the DFKing was probably about her seeing him as her best chance of getting out of that party without getting gang raped. (He was tough looking, but actually a lit major.)

It does sound like a story a bullshitter would make up or greatly exaggerate. But bullshitters were the lowest of the low to my friend, so I don't think he'd be one himself.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

I mean if your working security what do you do with that shit? Tough situation.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

No offense if anyone is in a biker gang here but I know a few stories of bikers raping a dancer and starting fights in my club that I frequented when they come in I leave. Pro TIP. It's an excellent opportunity to arrange OTC at least at that club be ause when they took it over some dancers just left. Being a big fella with broad shoulders with boxing training I used that to my advantage and offer a way out lol. They don't know of course that most bikers would likely be able to kick my ass lol

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Point being. ALWAYS look to turn a difficult situation to your advantage even if you fail doing it...and I usually do fail doing it but not always.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

I've never been around them and have no desire to. Just racist thugs

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Once at Desire, about 30 patched-up bikers (no old ladies) waltzed on in and filled all the seats at the bars and around the stage. I don't recall whether they were RC, MC, or MC 1%er, and didn't get into a conversation. They didn't interact with anyone other than each other or the bartenders; they stayed for about 30 minutes, then filed out.

According to a dancer I talked to later, they disliked the bikers because they never tipped, bought dances, or did VIPs, and took up space better occupied by paying customers.

It was weird, but never threatening. No aggressive body language, they weren't even loud or obnoxious. Someone said they occasionally hit a bunch of RI strip clubs in this fashion.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 yrs ago

They probably come in selling meth.

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

I see bikers, I leave. I saw some off duty cops at the old Oasis in Camden, NJ tell a bunch of Pagans to go fuck themselves when the bikers told them they were in their seats. Thought it was gonna get ugly, but the bikers just found other seats.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Hey Jimmy and ilbbaicnl those are some great biker stories. My experiences are not as impressive, but here they are.

In New Jersey it used to be that when 1-percenters visited a strip bar they had to call my mother and ask permission first. Eventually she died and left me in charge. There's a few biker clubs I'm friendly with and I don't give them a hard time. The Shitheads and the Oompa Loompas are cool with me. But for the rest, the president's old lady has to blow me before they can go anywhere in Jersey.

I once coughed up a loogie that accidentally landed on Sonny Barger's Electra Glide. He said to clean it so I pissed all over his bike and told him to clean it himself. Then I took a picture of his old lady sucking my dick and mailed him a copy every week for two years.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago


avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

If a woman fucks you because she's got reason to be afraid of you, that's rape. So it's different if she fucks you because she's got reason to be afraid of someone else?

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

^^ Calm down Barbara. I'm just fuckin with you guys.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago


avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I worked security at a music club that two local bike gangs used to frequent. We never had a problem with them. We didn’t hassle them. They didn’t cause problems.

The biggest problem we ever had was a semi-pro football team that came in one night looking for trouble. We asked them to leave and were polite about it. Having a cop at the front door also helped.

The main problem we had was the occasional college kid trying to imitate a tough guy. They were always drunk and had no idea how to fight.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

a lot of wild replies here. Moral of the story, if gangstas come in, imma head out.

avatar for RTP
2 yrs ago

Early in my career, I worked in a big manufacturing plant. There was a biker who worked there and he tried to fix me up with his sister. He saw me as a means of getting his sister out of the biker girl life. She was actually pretty cute, but I was not getting involved in that.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Many years ago, I had a client whose Mother was a paralegal in Boston and whose father was the local chief of the Outlaws. Parenting time case came up because my client was at a party at his dad's house, when one of his Father's friends decided he didn't like the way he was looking at him and shot him. His kid's Mom was all freaked out about it lol.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Skibum - so where did the Chief Outlaw land on that case? His brother's side or his kid's side? Serious question.

I never met any 1% bikers in Chicago, but the fucking mob was everywhere I turned. The funny thing is, most of these guys were pretty cool. They didn't hide what they did, I didn't act like I knew what they did. Pool parties, Christmas parties, strip club parties- these guys invited me every time. I never understood why they liked having me around, but I never passed up free beers and the hotties they had around them. The sad part is that at least five of them died of heart attacks from heavy cocaine use or straight up OD'ed in the time I was hanging with them - all fathers. The funniest part is, except for these guys, I generally don't like Italians.

avatar for doublehelix
2 yrs ago

For a while when I was real young I would go with my friend to pick up from the local HA guys. Was not at the club house but one of their other houses. We would usually go in, smoke a joint with them of what we were picking up. They would invite us to a party that weekend(would never go), there were always decent looking biker girls around. But all and all they were decent guys. A couple years later I ran into a couple of the guys from the house at the local strip club, they bought me a few drinks, asked where I had been(stopped smoking up). They were pretty cool. Me being 6'6" and 300# and having bounced at a couple night clubs, they always bugged me to join up but was not my scene. Never caused problems, they would not wear patches into most clubs in my hometown, except the strip club they owned as a front.

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