T Mobile Sucks Ass

avatar for crazyjoe



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avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

I have it too. I was sprint and got merged into it. But at the end of the day I would never ever think about doing Verizon or At&t it’s not unlimited data so that’s why I’m staying put. I would run out in like 5 days.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago


There’s not enough words in the language to express the hate I have for that company. Big fat liars

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

I had sprint for 12 years. I was merged with T Mobile like you Muddy. Service has sucked since then with poor internet connection, dropped calls, and broken up voice during calls....

I had a phone quit on me and I took another brand new phone in that I got brand new off of amazon. They told me my old phone was a lease and I needed to turn it in. I said NO!!! I bought the old phone off of amazon too. They wanted to give me a new Samsung s22 for free. I had to pay the taxes and a transfer fee about $110 then a $50 fee to break my phone lease I never had. Then my payment for the free phone would be $33 per month for 2 years... makes sense right? The $33 payment would be offset by eliminating the lease payment I should not have had. Now realizing I was being charged more on my bill since T Mobile took over... Free phone??? Fucking liar!

Then he checks the cereal number on the broken phone and he tells me this is the wrong phone. He needs the one I supposedly signed the lease on in 2017. I told the retard again that the phone they claim I had a lease on was stolen 3 years ago. He then tells me to go and get it because he needs that one to get the deal done for the free phone... Wtf! was this guy dropped on his head as a child?

My broken phone replaced a phone that was stolen 3 years ago. I had a payment on the phone that was stolen and owed a couple hundred on it and paid it off when I hooked up my then new, now broken phone. Then the guy tells me he can give me a third line (I have 2 phones) for free like this is a special deal sprint customers. This deal is also on their website for everyone including all new customers. I don't need 3 phones. (I told him this). I hate having 2 but I need 2 for business purposes. I had a brand new phone with me, bought off of amazon, (I will never pay payments on a phone again) I asked him to hook that one up to the number attached to the broken phone. He starts hooking it up on a third phone number and still sell me the free phone with a payment plan. I refused the third line and told him to just hook it up like I asked. Slimy fucker...

I checked Verizons website. Looks like they are cheaper than what I have been paying with unlimited everything with 50 GB mobile hotspot. AND IT INCLUDES AN ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE with Hulu, Disney+ and ESPN+ and more. $55 per line per month. I don't even need all that crap on both lines so I could get a cheaper plan on one of the phones


Fuck T MObile I am going to Verizon

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

I may consider AT and T however they do not have coverage in all of the areas I work in

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

“Cereal” - LOVE IT!!!!

I had sprint too and got kicked over to T Mobile.

My work phone is AT&T and has 5G everywhere and my T Mobile is still on 4LTE locally which sucks. I’m grandfathered in to this crazy deal where I only pay $40 a month for 2 phones and I even get free data, txts and calls anywhere in the Americas so it’s hard to walk away from that deal.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

This is what happens when there’s pretty-much a monopoly due to mergers.

I mainly just do talk and text; don’t do that much web-stuff on my phone; so I often go w/ the cheapest plan I can find that does the job.

For the last few years I’d been with Consumer Cellular which had a good rep in terms of service and cost – I was paying about $35/month with 2-gig of data (later they raised to 3-gig) which was enough for me and I was happy w/ that. Consumer Cellular was sold a while back and the service has been shitty particularly w/ internet connection where I often can barely load TUSCL pages if using their data-connection (can only load discussion threads that don't have too-many comments; etc); and I can hardly use my Waze traffic/GPS app b/c the data connection is so bad. I assumed it was the new owners being cheap and throttling back data-speeds – but seems everything post-Covid is f’ed up and I’m wondering if cell service/quality is somehow being affected via current supply-chain/economic issues like so many other things are.

After Consumer Cellular changed ownership; I started getting periodic emails from them telling me I had to buy a new phone b/c they were discontinuing 3G service – my phone is a 3G/4G phone so it supports both and it mainly runs off 4G (only uses 3G if there are issues connecting to a 4G-network) – but the emails from Consumer Cellular made it sound like my phone would stop working; and I’ve been getting them for more than 6-months no doubt to scare me into buying a new phone (I believe many of the Consumer Cellular clients are older folks that don’t need bleeding age tech/connectivity and the new owners are probably scaring them into buying a new phone).

I too need to change cell-service b/c my current internet connectivity is crap; just been procrastinating.

avatar for mike710
2 yrs ago

@Heaving. I,personally, would not make any decisions based on having free 3G data. Most, if not all, 3G networks are getting shut down to repurpose those frequencies for 5G. There are not that many 3G phones still running that makes it sense for carriers to keep frequencies for 3G.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I’ve been happy with TMobile for years. No coverage problems. International roaming is simple, cheap, and effective.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

I have a grandfathered Sprint plan of unlimited everything. I've had so many service issues since Sprint merged with T-Mobile.

avatar for B2C_UC
2 yrs ago

Ive had T-mobile for a at least the last 6-7 years and I've been very happy but I maintain no contract w/ them and can walk at a moments notice. The big thing you should consider is buying your phone outright and then go to the provider you want. this way your not chained down to any bullshit fees if they start jerking you around. every phone i have added to my monthly bill is bought outright so, they want to charge me something extra i walk. they tried to do this in the early stages when i set my kids up. i bought their phones unlocked all so all that's needed is a sim card don't matter who's. Go into tmobile talk w/ the rep tell em i have availability for 8 additional line and i want 2 sims card for my kids phones and i ask him upfront, you guys aren't gonna pull any added fees or anything are you? he says nope, i say ok. i think 15 for each sim 6G data w./ rollover unlimited text/talk to include mexico and a host of other foreign countries, which i like. after the 6g you get throttled, which i'm fine with.

Fats forward to bill time, it comes and there's an entire extra month in charges on my bill. long/short of it, they charged me an extra month since i made this change of adding 2 new lines 8 days before my billing cycle ended. lady told me that i said, ok. I'm canceling these 2 lines and my line transfer me to whoever i need to talk to to do this. And that's when she said it, Sir, you'll have to pay off the 2 phones you activated in full before you can cancel. I told her uh uh, i own my phones outright and wouldn't stoop that low to buy a phone from you guys then she hung up on me.

So, i called back and initiated the cancelling process. Lady there asks me why i wanted to cancel and i told her the story and she said well,that's stupid, why didn't they just prorate the 8 days, i said beats me but that's what anyone with common sense would expect or do in my opinion. She started to do that and then said I'm going to send you a new bill and it wont be prorated and the amount from now on month to month will be 80. bucks. i said that works for me and I've been a happy customer ever since. That $80 was for 4 lines unlimited text/talk 6g data w/ rollover. kids each got a line and i have two.

Of course now, i have added additional lines and it's no longer a reasonable 80 bucks but it beats the hell outta AT&T. at one point i was giving those bastards over 500 a month in cell phone and uverse charges. I put an end to that once i came to my senses.

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

Most phone companies do not require a contract like they did a few years ago. Now they want to put you on a payment plan to force you to stay that way. They want you to pay off the phone before you can take it to another carrier. Most phones are unlocked so you can choose your provider simply by changing out the sim card.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I think the Denver-area Tmobile store bathrooms are gonna start getting visits from crazyjoe

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

^ good idea

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

It all going downhill once it merged with Speint. But I still pay $50/m unlimited everything

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