Where did everyone go??

avatar for lameduck
I really thought vivide was moving in the right direction, but the last few times I went these past two months it’s been terrible. Very few attractive girls, and pretty empty in general. Is this just me? Is there another club where they all moved to?


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avatar for lameduck
3 years ago
I’ve been going on thursdays and some saturdays day shift btw.
I think things in the Atlanta strip club scene are generally in a sad state of affairs. Dancers are moving around trying to find the golden egg. Customers are doing the same. Prices are being raised and customers have less money. The owner of this club is letting it go to hell. Staff doesn't get there on time. I'm seeing a gal OTC once a week now and not going here or any other club.
avatar for lameduck
3 years ago
Thanks for the insight shadow. It is a sad state of affairs indeed
Take out a few booths , lower the lighting and put in some high tops and it could be a much better experience for everybody.
avatar for joewebber
3 years ago
"The owner of this club is letting it go to hell."

clarifying that the owners of this club are not the management team of Steve, Barry, etc.

the owners have done nothing to maintain the club. the plastic on the sofas as well as the material underneath it is torn and coming up. there are floor tiles that are missing. the urinal in the men's room is still out of order.

yet, they command exorbitant prices in cover charges and parking at NIGHT for people to patronize this place as a nightclub.

the signs that read "no chewing gun allowed" are a joke. are they afraid the chewing gum might hold some of the furniture together better?

avatar for Rod84
3 years ago
"Supposedly," renovations are coming, including a new stage w/ceiling high stripper pole. Shadow's right, though - I can't get much worse...
avatar for joewebber
3 years ago
in other news, Millie has announced on her podcast that she is pregnant
she's not preg lol
wow goddamn she is rofl
Wavvy - Are you sure?

Broke B**** Anonymous
54 subscribers
In our first ever YouTube episode, Claudia has on real estate agent Kanecia Leblanc to talk about the realities of buying and selling houses, where Selling Sunset gets it wrong and how companies like Zillow try to steal realtor's profits. Claudia also announces she's pregnant.


The real reason shadowcat is avoiding the club?
@shadowcat after I saw his comment I came back and corrected myself because I just watched it. She explained she is. Lol didn’t see that coming! The best in Vivide will now be on the sidelines :(. Sad day for me!
avatar for ww
3 years ago
She is also on tik tok complaining about men always pushing for women to get abortions after getting them pregnant.

Coincidence? I think not.
I met her the first week she started at Vivide and got Follies type dances but then she quoted me $500 for a 30 minute VIP. I passed and blew her off the next time I saw her. She hasn't approached me since. Has too much GPS for me. I won't miss her.
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