Dumbasses @ Sams Club

avatar for crazyjoe
Why do they walk right where they could get their asses ran over while you are trying to park? Should it be legal to run them over?


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avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
It should not only be legal but you should get prizes for running the dumbasses over.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
man where I live there is a Sams and a WalMart that share the same parking lot (only about 30 yards between the end of the Sams and the beginning of the WalMart) driving through the front row of that parking lot is a damn obstacle course. All the fat people coming out on their motorized carts to the moms with 3 kids trying to find their SUVs.
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
And let’s come up with a plan to depussify all the alleged males who stand in the middle of the cereal aisle calling their girlfriends on cell phones because God forbid they might buy the wrong flavor of Cheerios
avatar for crazyjoe
3 years ago
Who is smarter, Costco customers or Sams Club customers?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ I don’t think I’ve ever been in Sams Club only Costco so I’m sure many here would say Sams Club customers are smarter LOL
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
This is a common thing in any parking lot, big box stores, strip malls, wherever.

I recall an incident a few years ago I was looking for a place to park in a drug store parking lot. Some guy was about to cross in front of me and I slowed down. He then stopped so I drove past him and parked. The fucker was waiting for me at the store entrance and told me he had the right of way. I told him he seemed like he looked like he didn't know what he wanted to do, which he didn't, so I drove by him. He again said he had the right of way> I just walked off and took care of my business inside the store.
That night I was in a local bar and ran into a police Sgt that I knew and told him what happened and asked how the law looked at that. Granted cops aren't always experts in law but his answer was a pedestrian has the right of way in a marked crosswalk. There was no marked crosswalk in the center of that parking lot, but I would have let the guy pass in front of me if he had made an actual attempt but he didn't.

Go back around 15 years and more, people used to walk on the side and let cars pass. Not anymore, now they walk down the center of the lane with a fuck you attitude. Yeah I want to run their asses over but so far I've resisted the temptation.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Yeah - downhere in Miami the Cubans:

1) walk right down the middle of the parking lot isle to where you can barely get by them, and then they look at you as if there is something wrong w/ *you*

2) they come out of the store - if they are parked let's say 3 isles down in the parking lot, instead of just crossing straight-across the driveway right outside the store and then walking to their parking-isle, they walk at an angle and take forever to get from one side of the driveway to the other (IDK if I'm explaining that correctly)

3) my biggest pet-peeve - people leaving their shopping carts in the middle of an unused parking-space - I get not wanting to walk all the way to where the shopping-carts are returned, but at least have enough self-awareness to at least place the carts to where you are not blocking someone from parking - big time UGH

The Cubans downhere are particularly bad at this - half of them just don't have a clue; and have don't give a shit (gold ole banana-republicanism)
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
"they come out of the store - if they are parked let's say 3 isles down in the parking lot, instead of just crossing straight-across the driveway right outside the store and then walking to their parking-isle, they walk at an angle and take forever to get from one side of the driveway to the other (IDK if I'm explaining that correctly)"

yeah I know what you're saying and that's just another variation of walking down the center of the lane. There aren't many if any Cubans around my area but everyone else does it too. It has nothing to do with race or nationality.
Many people basically have zero consideration for others anymore, they're just non caring selfish asses.
We have a few here on TUSCL too.
avatar for bluejacketsguy
3 years ago
I mean granted I'm not looking to run anyone over but at times I've considered it. I have never understood the mentality in a parking lot and assuming that a driver will not run you over. The thing I just can't get past is the assumption that the driver actually sees you and will stop, like no one ever gets distracted. When I'm walking anywhere in the vicinity of cars I'm well aware that I will always lose the battle if the car hits me, so its in my interest to get out of the way.
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago

That is yet another reason why I want to install a train air horn on my car.
One blast of that and they'll have to run back home or hurry inside to buy clean underwear!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
"... There aren't many if any Cubans around my area but everyone else does it too. It has nothing to do with race or nationality ..."

Of course is not "unique to Cubans" - my point is that it's way worse downhere in Miami compared to when I'm out of Miami.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Yeah the train horn is a good non lethal option to get them out of the way. Lol

And papi, yeah I know, I was just saying everyone does it everywhere.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I just dump a load in da parking lot and make it a shit n slide!
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Yeah I try to park in the back for this reason
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