Got RIPPED off! Girl lied about services and took the money!

avatar for ryanflight
Got the vip room and paid extra but when we got in, she was just texting on her phone and did not do what she said she would. Never felt so ripped off. Management are crooks and did not care. They do not care about the customer period.


last comment
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Girl might have followed rules. So, no scam or rip off. It may be a tip money. Next time please be wiser.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sorry Ryan. Nobody knows you here, and it’s going to be difficult for folks to believe your story. This is your first and only post, so you could just be a disgruntled ex, or a creep, or a cheap customer.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Did the two of you agree to specific acts for a specific price before hand like "$150 for a blowjob"? Or was it just an implied statement like "we can have all types of naughty fun in the vip room" and you just handed over your cash?

If it was the first scenario than she is a ROB but there is nothing management could do for you since you were trying to commit a crime and there is no type of money back guarantee on criminal activities.

If it was the second scenario, she isn't a ROB, she is just a good saleswoman and you are an idiot for falling for her sales pitch.
avatar for ryanflight
3 years ago
It was the first scenario. The management knows what goes around back there so they are in on it. The worst part was after she got the money, she did not even perform a lap dance let alone what we agreed upon. She was just on her phone the whole time. Management did not even care that nothing, not even a lap dance was performed.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
That's on you for paying up front, she is a Rob, but you should be smarter, think with the upper brain the lower brain is for fun, not advice.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
I've been to plenty of clubs where most girls were cool but a few took advantage of a club's reputation to make some easy bank. Those are the girls that get named around here because nobody likes a ROB. Not saying to blast her stage name all over the place, but if somebody reaches out privately then maybe pass it on.

If the girl didn't even dance, then you need to understand what the room charge is supposed to get you. If it's just time and the girl decides what she does, then management is going to shrug it off. Some clubs you're paying for x amount of dances in a better location, so maybe you've got an angle there.

In just about every case where I've picked a dud dancer for VIP, I bounce her ass after a song (or half a song) and pick another girl. Whether I'm known at the club or a new face, I've never had management give me a problem for that. Why? It's because you're probably right that the managers know exactly who's who in the zoo and if they make a stink they're tipping their hand. I don't know what gets said to the dancer who got benched because I'm too busy having fun with the backup talent. I'd guess it's something like STFU, move on, and stop acting like a ROB.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
It's their job to lie to you, especially when you'll pay up front.
At least when paying for song by song private dances they have some motivation to live up to the agreed upon mileage.
Also never, never pay an OTC up front.

Don't kick yourself too hard about it. In the life of a career PL it's a speeding ticket.

avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
re: Also never, never pay an OTC up front.

Slightly OT but important: If you use a motel, buy the cheapest fucking room with a bed. You may have to eat the cost when she tries to balk on the agreed mileage.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
You need to give some specifics.

What did u pay her? AFAIK for that club the VIP room is a $100 which goes to the house then you negotiate with the girl for her fee.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Shit happens. I was at the same club a week ago and had a very good time with a girl who delivered everything as discussed in VIP, no payment upfront, except for the room fee collected by the doorman.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You complained to management that you expected hwr to fuck in vip and she didn't??

Not doing anything illegal isn't ripping you off 🤡
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Taking money under false pretenses is illegal regardless of what acts were to be performed, you can get arrested for selling fake dope, you can be arrested for intent whether or not an act was committed so as usual you’re wrong
avatar for ryanflight
3 years ago
Room fee was paid and she wanted 200 on top which she got. She say pay first and kept insisting. When it was clear she was not going to do anything but text on her phone, walked out 8 minutes in and told management who still did not care. Trying to warn others is the goal
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You can't consent to something illegal. Its not a binding contract.
avatar for ryanflight
3 years ago
Bottom line is that oz and diamond dolls are way better. Skip atlantis
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
If what you say is true she’s a ROB. Make a public service announcement of her name.
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
👍👍to Dr.E.

Call her out by name.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
That's terrible. It's never happened before.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Yeah call her out. She promised to fuck you for $ then wouldn't touch you lulz
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Getting ripped-off in strip-clubs is like getting ripped-off buying a car; i.e. it’s part of the biz – no-one likes getting ripped-off ovioulsy – so one has two choices:

1) some guys just roll w/ it and accept it as part of doing SC-business

2) some guys take the “once bitten twice shy” approach and get supa-pissed and take precautions to mitigate it in the future

For certain SCers, they are there to have a good-time and don’t wanna be fretting about getting ripped-off nor having to go thru negotiations so for them they are sorta-ok w/ getting burned once in a while and see it as part of SC-business – for others it really sours them on SCing.

I’m in camp #2 above – I go out of my way to not take advantage of people thus it really gets under my skin when someone tries to pull one over on me – thus I have a pretty-much 100% no-pay-upfront policy b/c for the most-part it’s not a question of if you’ll get burned but when, especially if one hits multiple clubs and gets w/ multiple-dancers (vs sticking to a particular club that one knows well or sticking to a particular fave-dancer).

There are some clubs where full payment is required upfront; but I’ve never visited such a club and they seem to be a thing in just certain areas/cities.

I don’t even pay upfront for a single dance – the best I’ll do is pay after each song if she so desires – IME dancers that have wanted upfront payment for dances have usually being ROBs or duds.

w.r.t. VIP services – it’s understandable that a dancer may worry about her herself getting ripped-off – the best I’ll do is show her I have the $$$ but tell her I don’t pay till the end and I do this as part of the pre-VIP negotiation b/f I agree to VIP – and once I show her I have the $$$ I make sure I put away safely b/c some of these girls will pick your wad once they see what you have and where you have it.

By the time I make it to VIP we have agreed on a price and on payment at the end – if we get into VIP and she starts trying to get me to pay upfront again I just walk out; I don’t stay there trying to argue w/ her – I walk out pretty-much ASAP and if she gets the manager then I calmly explain she changed the deal and why I walked out – I don’t say she wouldn’t have sex w/ me b/c clubs can’t admit to that going-on; I say “we agreed to $X for dances in VIP then once in VIP she wanted $Y and why I walked out” – I don’t stay there 15-minutes arguing w/ her or trying to get her to change her mind b/c then the manager can say “well you were in there a good while so you must’ve done something” – if the manager wants me to pay up I won’t and I rather just leave the club b/f paying a ROB but this has hardly ever happened.

I don’t get into an extended whiteknuckle negotiations w/ a dancer – the clubs I hit I usually not the going/fare rate – I make the offer along w/ “I don’t pay till the end caveat” – if she’s not down w/ it, no hard feelings; she can go her way and I go mine.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
With rare exceptions, you can only count on yourself in a strip-club – strip-clubs are seedy businesses w/ seedy-people from staff to dancers to other custies – more often-than-not as a custy in a strip-club you are seen as a mark to get taken advantage-off and drained of as much $$$ as possible – of course not every club nor every club employee is like this, and most dancers do work hard for their $$$ and try to be fair; but bad actors in SCs are almost as common as cocktail drinks; just the nature of the beast.

First of all – SCs being seedy businesses you shouldn’t expect the same customer service as – IMO one should assume the club is there to take advantage of you any way they can vs “looking out for you/your-best-interest”, or even being fair – best to assume this going-in and be pleasantly surprised if it’s not that type of club.

Secondly – not much the manager can really do – the negotiation is b/w you and the dancer – so he does not know what was agreed to nor what happened/didn’t-happen in VIP – reality is not much he can do b/c you were doing biz w/ her and paying her directly, not the club except for the room-fee.

Thirdly – you can be dealing w/ an ahole manager that is a douche and in some cases may even be working w/ the girls to rip-off custies and get a cut for himself.

Bottom-line – most of long-time SCers have been there w.r.t getting ripped-off, and sometimes even the vets let their guard-down and get burned – it’s the nature of the beast – there are pros and cons to playing w/ strippers and all one can do is tighten up one’s monger-game to mitigate it from happening but at the end of the day there are often some vary shitty-people in the SC-environment and at the end of the day it’s up to you to look after your best interest b/c everyone else in the clubs are looking after their best-interest and often times one is dealing w/ shady-people that only care about making as much $$$ as they can any way any how.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you call her out use your real name. it's only fair. Be like she promised to fuck me if I pay snd she didn't 🤡

And strippers don't take advantage of guys. They're working. Trying to be cheap or getting her time for free is taking advantage of her
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Champphilly, that is not tip money lol...
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Therrs no such thing as X career doesnt take advantage of people every career has slimy people. To say that only certain careers like cops can have corrupt people is incorrect
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Trying to solicit lewd and lascivious behavior is illegal
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

So sez our wannabe lawyer, pimp, trafficker, drug dealer. lulz
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago

I was visiting a midsize city years ago and this happened to me. When leaving I let management know it cost them a bachelor party. Maybe they didn't care but if they hear enough they may realize it's costing them.
avatar for shanny72
3 years ago
This is not usual at this club. Sorry you found the Rob. However, this club is by far the best value in the happy hour time frame. Night time gets a bit weird.

Stick with the Cubans and get what you want as long as you are respectful
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
I guess that settles it. A local steps in with the tiebreaker.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So you want management to force girls to accept your solicitation efforts?

She didn't do anything wrong. And figured you were gonna spend the money anyways. She needs it more than you.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
That Icee n-gga knows about redistribution of wealth after watching Obama’s speech!

He probably would pay $$$$ to have Michelle the first trans-lady to fuck him in the ass in the Lincoln bedroom!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I read Ryan’s review, and there is no mention of the dancer name or a description of her.

I doubt this guy went to the club.

This smells like an attempt at promoting another club. What a pathetic review!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Cashman stick to talking about how you like dirty pussy and shit on your dick
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Icee my n-gga! You know - you still my dawg!

As a part time pimp, you must improve your customer service skills! Trolling a strip club customer site isn’t helping you to reach a proper zen state.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You brag about liking shut leaking out during anal
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Icee my homie - remember what Gary Coleman said - different strokes for different folks.

I know you became a catcher when you were locked up by those white devils - so your experience with ass fucking is more from being on all fours and singing Moon River. So it’s a bit different on the other side of the plate…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You fuck guys too?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Cashman your comments are taking the cake today! Yoi are running circles around icee, tripping his game up, making him misspell stuff constantly.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Always first meetings F2f and with that all critical preliminary makeout session before taking her into any back rooom.

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