OT: Is ketchup a white thang?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
My doctor said to cool it with the sodium. So when my black fav was over recently, I asked her if she wanted some (never been opened) stuff that I can't eat now. She said no thanks, and remarked she'd never knew that there were ketchup bottle sizes that were so freakishly enormous (it was a 64 ouncer). Is that the problem with us white boys in a nutshell, ketchup bottles that are too big and wieners that are too small?


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avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
The baby tomato was walking real slow and mama tomato finally turned around and stomped on the baby tomato and said " ketchup now!"
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I thought you were from Chicago? No self respecting Chicagoan, especially a White Chicagoan, would be caught dead with ketchup in their home. I hate ketchup. It makes everything it touches taste like ketchup. There used to be hot dog stands in Chicago that did not even stock ketchup, others only had the little packets. I had some good, gourmet ketchup once, many years ago. It came in a tiny pesto-sized bottle. It was pretty good on a burger or meatloaf, but I never found it again.

Short answer: no, ketchup is not a white thing. It is a class thing. Your black fav is classier than you.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I almost broke up with a girlfriend whose head game was maybe the best I ever had because she wanted to put ketchup on my regionally famous scrambled eggs I made for her. I let her keep tampons in my medicine cabinet, but drew the line at ketchup in my fridge.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Maybe I'm not classy then. I like ketchup. Not on everything, but on some things. Particularly on French fries.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
As a child of the 80s yeah I once put ketchup on everything. As an adult, there are a million more options these days if you find the need to dip your food into something.

I eat a lot of grilled and baked chicken at home and I am usually dipping it in something, anything from marinara to teriyaki to buffalo sauce.

As gammanu95 has pointed out previously I eat fast food more often than I should when traveling and I always order everything naked (no sauce) even my fries. 9 times out of 10 I'm eating while driving down the interstate and have become a master of not getting covered in my food, and the only way to be effective doing that is to not have any sauces ESPECIALLY ketchup!

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
Ketchup has its place, as do fish sauce, thoum, alioli, chimichuri, and salsa verde. However if that place is on the eggs I just made you, you’re not going to be invited back!
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I like Ketchup and to the dismay of Dirty Harry and all of Chicago, I do put it on Hot Dogs sometimes
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^ you seem like the type of guy that would put ketchup on sushi.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
The lycopene in Ketchup is better for the body than the lycopene in raw tomatoes.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
I like ketchup on burgers.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I can't imagine eating a shrimp cocktail without a cocktail sauce made from ketchup and horseradish. Other than that I rarely use it.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
That reminded me of a little ditty my dad used to recite to us if we used too much of any condiment, it went like this,
I eat Peas and Honey
I've et them all my life,
it makes them taste so funny ,
but it keeps them on my knife.
avatar for Tiburon
3 years ago
EIther you eat BBQ sauce or not at all. Ketchup is a basic bitch condiment.
avatar for Goodclubrep
3 years ago
Heinz not Hunts, ketchup not catsup. Vinegar not sugar(so much). Same with BBQ sauce, I favor the East coast sauces not tge sweeter Southern sauces. Children favor Ketchup for the sugar, mustard for salt, mayo for fat.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
Little bit of ketchup on some things is nice but certainly not on everything. As a kid I used to have more of it. French fries is a good example. If the French fries are screaming hot they don't need ketchup. But if they cool down some... ketchup is nice.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Dang it's tough being condiment-judged so harshly. And nicespice isn't even on this thread yet.

I mostly used ketchup on baked potatoes, which I don't like with anything more spicy on them. But I've been told to not eat potatoes now either. Apparently I'm supposed to mostly just have bowls of steam, like the kids in the Monty Python orphanage.
avatar for Eltriste
3 years ago
Ketchup is good and makes a great base for mixing with other sauces....mix it way mayo. Lemon juice and salt. Sriracha. Pico de gallo....for hotdogs. Tapatio.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’m surprised at all the ketchup hate!

I love ketchup on burgers and fries. It’s delicious!

I used to go to a place called Rutts Hut - where they fry hot dogs in oil. I’d get the Blue Plate special steak sandwich - and cover it in ketchup. It went down very well with a pitcher of Pabst!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@Cash if you don't survive the supermarket brand beer hate you are about to get, it was nice knowing you.

I like either kind of Miller Heavy (Miller High Life or MGD).

Sorry buy frying hot dogs in oil is like Sabrina Sabrok wearing a padded bra.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
PBR is a decent cheap beer but only in a can.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I like Miller beer too - it’s the champagne of beers!

I know my tastes aren’t high class.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 years ago
Every reputable study has proven there is almost no statistical difference between average white and black penis size.

There is possibly an extremely marginal difference almost within the margin of error. The whole thing is a complete propaganda LIE and false stereotype.

There is more reputable evidence of a slightly larger white and black vs Asian ratio but even that varies GREATLY between individuals. Its no reason an Asian woman should think less of her own men folk.

This entire "racial penis size" thing is actually almost complete bullshit. Its the globalists who own the "porn" industry pushing this to promote a New World Order. Yet another NWO / CIA lie.

Today's "porn industry" is constant globalist propaganda desperately trying to promote the idea white men are less sexy. They even force the actresses to masturbate with black sex toys yet the people who run the industry are overwhelmingly white.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
The spicy ketchup from Whatsburger isn’t bad. (Though despite the name, the “spice” part isn’t really there) Or in a pinch mix some with a few drops of Cholula sauce.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
White people Ketchup + Cholula sauce = Filipino Ketchup

Dang, it's actually made in Jalisco: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… why don't they just make it in fucking Wuhan.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
It saves you so much money if you can enjoy supermarket beer and women with crooked teeth.
avatar for elmer
3 years ago
I like ketchup on certain things but wanna throw up when I see somebody putting it on eggs at a restaurant.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I like ketchup on my eggs
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
^ Delicious

Ketchup is a red thing, unless it is made from blueberries
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

48iq cowpoke likes ketchup on his stuffed pony toy's dick before he sucks it, it's his practice for when he runs into a real cowboy on a real horse, Lol
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
There is green ketchup now.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Every had ketchup in Canada? It’s different and not a better different IMO.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I generally don't go for ketchup, lots of preservatives and sugar, really corn syrup.

I go for mustard though, makes all the difference.


The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Yessir, the sjcreep loves some mustard on those goat dicks and has the bathhouse boys to lube his ass with mustard before they enter it!
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
@TheeOSU you really say some gay shit. Are you in the closet, or did you come out yet? Just saying... I could never come up with those sort of comments. Just Doesn't seem to be the kind of things a straight guy could say
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
" I could never come up with those sort of comments"

That's because you're an ignorant inbred hillbilly 48iq cowpuke!
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
^ my mind does not work the same way as yours I guess. You need to be a pretty sick fuck to dream about having sex with a dead movie star and cows. WTF is wrong with you?
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
^ lmao @ you have a mind lol. You have a great sense of humor.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
"my mind does not work the same way as yours"

I already explained it to you, the reason you can't understand is because you're an ignorant inbred hillbilly 48iq cowpuke!

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I get sugar free ketchup. Preferably organic. Most regular ketchup in the US is too sweet. Coz fuck high fructose corn syrup lulz
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Theosu why are you ruining the thread by trolling sjg instead of just discussing the topic?
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
You should know all about ruining threads iceydougster, that's all you ever do!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Theosu you and the other trolls come on to harass members. You harass me in many threads too but you're really trolling founder and defending dougster in many threads. No one benefits from your trolling.

You could do anything but choose to troll and harass
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
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