How safe are the clubs in Philly lately?

avatar for markwillwalkthanks
Planning a trip and passing through Philly. Wondering how safe the clubs are. My favorite was always Cheerleaders but I heard someone got robbed and shot in the parking lot last summer! I'd be planning to go in the evening or night and on a weeknight. Starting to think that I might just give it a pass until(if) these cities start getting more serious about crime


Cheerleaders is a good club. If you can park in the lot in front of the entrance that’s fine. If you have to park around back be careful. There’s carjackings, robberies and murders happening all over the city - not just the slums
if you are driving a tank you will be fine
I'm not from Philly but that is something that crosses my PL-mind w.r.t. clubbing in some of these cities that are having record-crime.

At the end-of-the-day it's not as ff people are getting jacked every-week outside strip-clubs so chances are minimal in the big scheme of things - I guess going a bit earlier to make sure one can park closer to the door and maybe not leaving in the wee-hours helps lower the chances of something happening - obviously being aware of your surroundings especially when stopped at traffic-lights etc.

I don't think crime around SCs is that bad where one has to stop-clubbing but obviously these are currently different times.
@ThatXGuy—which most hood club, there are a bunch…..
Felt like I was being cased one night leaving Cheerleaders by a car load of hoods as I was walking to the parking spots in the back/side of the building. I thought they might pull behind me and try to trap me in the spot. I had an escape plan in my head to floor it forward, jump the curb, down the little embankment and into the Burger King drive through.
Maybe because they saw the beater car I got into or the other traffic (or maybe I was just paranoid) nothing happened. But those dudes were definitely up to no good.
It’s a good place to commit a robbery. Lone guys with cash who might be reluctant to call the cops if their mongering’s on the D/L.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 years ago
Don't go anywhere after midnight, other than that plenty of safe options. Delilahs, Oasis, Gold club, club risque and of course cheerleaders.

Seriously don't go to any unfamiliar places after midnight, that's how I've gotten into situations over the years and I'm lucky to be alive.
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