
When they hang up the heels

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Has anyone stayed in touch with a Zona Norte chick after she moved on from harvesting PL discretionary income? Heard about what she did (or didn't do) with her savings?


  • tbot1102
    3 years ago
    I follow one really cute chick.....gave me some of the best GFE experiences (see my reviews in 2018) ...she has FB profile wide open....she went through a couple of boyfriends really fast....got engaged to one of them...but then found a 3rd guy and got married and had a baby with him. Still lives in TJ. My last one....really great woman....seems to have returned to a pastoral life somewhere in Mexico.
  • TJ Walker
    3 years ago
    Some hot street girls I know invest their TJ income in their family's farmland & cows, and build more houses. I also asked them if they like studying in schools, they all said they don't like.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Yeah that's how people generally save in Mexico.
  • tbot1102
    3 years ago
    The GFE-girl I referred to in my response earlier wanted to start some kind of ahorse-ranch plus little tourist business giving people tours on horses. Looks like her plans didn't work out since she met this guy, got married and had a baby with him. I wonder what that guy does and how they sustain themselves. Am sure her savings are coming is useful...looks like they even own a car. Come to think of think....I am part-owner of that car!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Mamisan and Tijuana Tim are at it again, starting a Show Donkey Breeding Ranch.


  • tbot1102
    3 years ago
    Another one of my girls landed a boyfriend. Wonder how the boyfriends feel about their girls who have been fucked hundreds of time.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    How do husbands feel about their wives or legitimate girlfriends working in the clubs? Do you think that the line, “I just dance; I don’t go upstairs” works? Took a HK BG up for a threesome with an ATF. Later found her Facebook page and saw that she is married with two kids.

    I couldn’t tolerate it if she continued to work the clubs. However, I have met some very personable putas. One HK ATF in other circumstances would have been marriage material. Brilliant woman. Excellent English. Pretty. Fine body. Mature beyond her years. Did some TLNs with her that included enjoyable dinners and interesting conversations. She didn’t last long in the profession.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    When they hang up the heels, you eat more beans and shoot more snakes!
  • tbot1102
    3 years ago
    @Putatester, what happened to that brilliant woman after she left the profession? Did she stop because of the bad working conditions or on her own volition after she had made sufficient money or met the man of her dreams? Please share more about the story.

    You do make a good point...it's interesting that a girl can tell the story of how she doesn't sleep around. And I am sure the husband/boyfriend knows the truth....but the the money is too good to pass up. One girl I met lived with her brother who thought she worked in a "casino". I also think that some of the girls I met enjoyed the attention they got - being chased after and being given hundreds of dollars for just lying in a bed (albeit in a very compromising position)...what's not to like. Some of the girls I met seemed to genuinely relish the attention. Outside of the club, they may be meeting eligible young men....but not men who had great career prospects or earning potential.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    Tbot Not sure. Cut her loose for what I thought were good reasons. Was with her every few months for over a year, but things started to unravel. Little things that were not quite right. One night she got seriously drunk and was very…unpleasant to be kind. I like having ATFs and enjoy getting to know them on a personal level, but still keeping some emotional distance. When I cut her loose, the gap was quickly filled.

    Butt dialed her once. So I asked how she was. She said everything is fine, no problems. Otherwise, not interested in continuing with her. Haven’t seen her in the club since. She has an 18-year-old son who dreams of being a cartel assassin. Add that to the list of reasons for keeping it a “business “ relationship.

    A good person who has made some bad decisions. These women are adults who are responsible for their actions and decisions. And despite having sympathy for them, I am not Captain Save a Whore. Made enough of my own bad decisions that I don’t need to add someone’s baggage to my life.

    I go to TJ to have fun. I pay for it to women who earn a week of income in less than a day. What they do outside of fulfilling my fantasies is their decision and their responsibility.
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