Take it from an KGB insider

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Leftists U.S college professors are useful idiots



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3 years ago
Pro tip, there's a "Political Discourse" forum on here.

The potentially dangerous leftists are the ones who say things like we are the 99%, or that rich people can buy elections in the US. They're on the the bad path that the Russian Revolution went down, towards thinking that a single vanguard party is more democratic than fair, multiparty elections.

Marx's writings influenced John Maynard Keynes. The New Deal was based on Keynes's writings. The balance of the evidence is that The New Deal saved US democracy. Marx was clueless about politics and human nature, but he was the greatest economist since Adam Smith. What's idiotic and ignorant is thinking that Marx and Stalin are completely the same thing.
Like how right wingers jn the soviet bloc were Cia tools
^the only tool.
Marx was right about the fall and unsustainability of pre great depression era capitalism.

And he was well attuned to human nature. For the majority of human history people have engaged in some form of communal living. Capitalism goes against human nature in that its a system built around the greed and privilege of a few.
And let's look at Cia infiltration in the soviet bloc and how after ww2 east European nazi collaborators were recruited by the Cia to stir shut in those countries
^ You don’t understand history at all it’s obvious if Marx was so right explain why every Marxist country that has ever existed and succeeded has adopted some form of capitalism Russia, China, Poland, even Cuba the list keeps growing you are poorly educated and it shows in your stupid statements
Yes, this should be in the Politics Forum.

The US reps of the Underground Nazi Party are the Bush Family. And they find it very useful that the US has lots of far right wingers. And this is also why Putin supported Trump.

Putin supported Trump to fuck the US over. Knowing how inept him and his supporters are. It was to sabotage the country.
YES! Putin knew that he and his people were fascists.

Putin knew the far right would become emboldened and destabilize the US and it is
Fascism and corruption in the US makes it easier for Putin to maintain fascism and corruption in Russia.

The most useful idiot that Putin ever had was Trump. Putin owned Trump, and Trump was only too happy to kiss Putin's ass.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
It was more subtle than that. Trump is so stupid he didn't know he was owned, he thought he and Putin were pals. Pretty common that ass kisses are so stupid then don't even realize they're ass kisses.

But Putin is a Facist, not a Communist. Ilyin is Russian and a major Fascist author, and Putin is his biggest fan.
So putin was giving Trump a gfe lulz
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