Shit, I'm almost due for that third booster shot

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I had my Covid booster shot. But a second booster seems in order.
Lol, got mine yesterday. Unfortunately the nurse was an old grandma who probably came out of retirement to give Covid injections.
I thought you were a republican gammanu95. If you are a true republican you would be an anti vaxer and be smarter than falling for something like this to take the jab.

You equate Republican with anti-vax because you believe whatever they tell you on MSNBC or CNN. All my friends and family are hard-right Republicans, and we all got the vax as soon as it was available to us. The one exception was my buddy's girlfriend who was pregnant and wanted to hold off until after the baby was born. Her employer of 10 years threatened to fire her, so she had to get it just two weeks before delivery. They wouldn't allow her two more weeks, even though she was already on maternity leave and not at work. It was literally so they could have their paperwork and personnel records in order. That's fucking bullshit.

Republicans are not anti-vax, they're anti-MANDATE and pro-freedom. Nobody should be forced, shamed or coerced into being injected with a drug they don't want.
I need a boobster shot..... shit, I already got it. Pfizer on top of JJ.
avatar for Pickmeup
3 years ago
I wanted to try to get laid with the vaccine but Austria is just a little too far. Waiting to hear about something like this in the US.…
I’m getting my Moderna booster today.

No free stuff - or free whores.

Hopefully they won’t kick me out when I drop my drawers…
^^ Look, he's a poet 😆
Got mine a week ago. Went fine.
That vaccine does not work. Seems to be making it worse, by screwing up natural immunity.

So doubling down on a failed policy, there will soon be monthly boosters and weekly boosters.

^^^ I'm probably not going to trust science and medical advice from a guy who can't access the internet outside of public library hours.
Well you seem to believe people who know nothing about me, so I guess you can believe whatever you want.

avatar for RandomMember
3 years ago
@Orange wrote: "Republicans are not anti-vax, they're anti-MANDATE and pro-freedom"
Republicans should exercise their freeDumb and do whatever they want. Go kill yourself for all I care. What @Orange meant to say is that the GOP is the party hostile to science and rational thinking -- whether it's vaccines or climate science or hydroxychloroquine or livestock parasite drugs or shining ultraviolet light up your asshole.

I got my JPfizer booster recently with no side effects.

Here's where things stand on the red/blue divide:

"U.S. Covid Deaths Get Even Redder"
"The partisan gap in Covid’s death toll has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point."…

"In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened."
Well, I know that you're so lacking in basic resources that you couldn't manage an internet connection to access this site. And you live in one of the most internet connected places on Earth.

And I know that your posting "window" pretty much exactly matches the public library hours in San José.

So, I'm still not going to take medical or scientific guidance from a creepy-as-fuck guy who is mainly afraid to lose his internet connection... again.
Creepy? What is creepy about men who make love to goats?
Cum here gammanu95, i have a big shot for you right here😉 Shailyn wants to being his goat so we can all give it a shot too 😉
I was thinking if it’s creepier to make love to goats - or if it’s creepier to keep goats as sex slaves. I then realized both are at the bottom of the bottom…

Shailynn is going to get hate mail from NAMGLA - the North American Man Goat Love Association!
Putting a few posts from idiot trolls aside here, what we have about that vaccine is that they countries that have the highest vaccination rates are having the greatest problems with continuing case loads.

Article says business in down 50%. Yikes not good. Although... my travel getting turned off has cut my personal clubbing by more than 75%. So, not exactly surprising.

OT: sure correlation isn't causation... but the red/blue correlation is pretty stark
Most of the places where people have walked off of jobs is in a handful of red states.

But unfortunately, that vaccine is compounding and extending the pandemic, as well as compounding and extending the hysteria.

^^^ It's really not.

We'll see you on Monday when, you know, the library is open again.
Data from the other industrialized countries, unredacted, shows that higher hospitalization rates and higher death rates correlate with the vaccine. It screws up natual immunity. This is why the pandemic and the panderia continue.


Drive My car, remastered from Rubber Soul w/ piano and funky stereo mix…

Coffee Girl Emeritus…
Why didn't you answer this yesterday?

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