Cuffing Season 2021

avatar for NJBalla
New York
For the single guys out there in colder regions, this time of the year usually involves more visits to the club as there are less outdoor options. However, with the vaccine and suppression of social interaction in 2020 I found women are more willing and in many case desperate for a relationship. Highly recommend if you have any civilian girls on your radar making the move before they "Draft" their pick for winter 2021. I also wonder if this will make for a quieter winter 2021 at strip clubs, but most guys who go are married anyways....…


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avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I love the feeling of walking out of the bitter cold and into a warm strip club, strobes flashing and music bopping.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I love Florida it's never bitter cold and the strip clubs are airconditioned all year round
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Imma get cuffed by a stripper hoe
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I grew up in South FL and currently live in South FL – downhere an β€œartic blast” is if it gets into the 50s overnight; and that’s only a handful of days in the year – β€œwinter” here is usually 70s/80s during the day.

I lived in Dallas in the 2000s, the only β€œcold” place I’ve lived – not uncommon for it to be in the 20s and 30s in winter and sometimes even teens – didn’t like it – didn’t like having to put-on-multiple-layers to go out then take it off when I got to the club and often have to drag my coat around in the club as coat-check was not a thing in Dallas AFAIK – sometimes it sucked that I’d take a long-sleeve-shirt b/c it was cold outside and then it’d be too-hot w/ it on inside the club b/c they had the heat on.

The Miami heat/humidity is def something that a lot of people don’t like especially those not used to it – but I def enjoy being able to wear the same clothes year-round including shorts and not have to wear multiple-layers nor carry all that extra-shit around w/ me in the club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
^ not to mention I hate those cloudy grey skies typical of northern climates - I would actually get depressed my first winter in Dallas when I moved there since I was not used to that
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I’ve never worn a coat or a jacket into a club. It started by not wanting the smell of smoke to stain my jacket. And I don’t want the hassle of a coat check.

I’ve walked out of Michigan clubs with no coat when it’s been below zero. Y’all need to man up.
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