man, that would be neat if strip clubs kept a scrapbook especially if they shared it with the public i guess nowadays that'd be a website...
but i can't decide if the scrapbook should just have pictures or include short videos i mean, great if both.
i promised myself, if i ever became a strip club owner, that's the first thing I do. start up a scrapbook. so i can enjoy it years later, down the road.
i'm having every stripper submit their own pic of their choice; or choice of video nowadays. all the strippers that go through a venue, man, some of their faces i just wanna see one more time
last commentgoto 1:12
They would have pics of the calendars on their website from the year1986 until the year 2011 when they closed.
I remember a couple of my favorites were in the calendars.
Many dancers want to keep their strip club work secret from the outside world. So, probably not conducive to scrap booking.