How important is the niceness of the club physically to attracting hot dancers

avatar for Muddy
To work there. ^^^That’s probably a grammatical turd of sentence. Fuck it though. And I know what your thinking this is probably more of a stripper web thread but there are some dancers on here and people that talk dancers a lot so let’s see.

If it was between a shitty five where she could make more money or a palace of club what do you think she would go with?

I don’t know if it’s a direct correlation but I do know this. There are some clubs when I look at them I KNOW there’s not gonna be any hot women there. Then there are some clubs I’ll go into where I’m surprised when I see a fine looking stripper there.
Then there’s a bunch of clubs in the middle to upper where you can see kinda anything. Then there are clubs that are so God damn nice and upscale where you say to yourself if there aren’t any hot women here somebody needs to get fired.


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avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
I see what you’re saying, but I think it’s more about choices of clubs relative to the area more than the quality of the club that determines where girls work.

I’ve been to some really nice clubs across the country. Many of which are out in the middle of nowhere, and because of that they can only lure in shitty talent. IMO the greatest collection of babes in the United States is at Bourbon Street in Phoenix. The shape of the clubs interior is almost considered “a dump.” I don’t think they care as long as they’re making money. There are several other choices in the Phoenix area that are much nicer, but IMO Bourbon always had the best talent.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
It has nothing to do with looks. Dancers I know all judge a club based on how respectfully management treats them and what the dressing room looks like ....the amenities. Plus the cleanliness of vip areas comfortable seating etc. But they'll work where they make the best money.

Expensive looking clubs have the highest house fees.

avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
The most important thing for a dancer is how much money she can make in a club. Dancers will put up with uncomfortable and unappealing surroundings if they can earn. A dancer once told me about how small and crowded the dancer locker room was, but she worked there for years. I once escorted another dancer to a club where she was thinking of working. All she looked at was the customers and how much money she thought they would spend.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I would be curious to hear what the dancers say on this subject. I would think it would have an impact. Everyone likes to be in an environment that is comfortable for them. I know when I was in corporate America, What my office was gong to look like did have an influence on what jobs I took. Not the reason I took a job or not, but it did have an influence.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
"The most important thing for a dancer is how much money she can make in a club"

This is, by far, the biggest motivating factor. A small % of strippers have other priorities, but for the vast majority -- and especially the ones with the biggest earnings potential (often the hottest) -- this is priority #1 and #2 and #3 and #4 and #5.

That said, often things are intertwined, it's not like having a super nice club decor is completely unrelated to all the other factors. Nice club decor is often tied into management targeting higher-wage customers, who in turn have more $ to spend. It doesn't always work out that way, the nicest club in SF has trouble pulling customers, and as a result the best-earning strippers are fine working in clubs that aren't as nice. But in general, the upscale clubs have better decor, and better customers, andthat's where the strippers go
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Lol Subra I was actually at Vanity after Dark (im assuming that’s what your referring to) a couple days ago. Only the upstairs open and 15 dancers with 5 customers. OTC outta there was good though.
avatar for Subraman
4 years ago
yep, that's the place! I haven't been yet. Do they still have that goofy thing for VIPs where you give the cash to the bouncer?
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
$40 LD’s I forget VIP but it was too crazy. I’m not partaking I’m that crap. Had some good looking girls though. I don’t want to drop names cause it’s kind of an active situation but this one chick I went in to see I had her number from a couple years ago. One of the hottest strippers you will see, she just had too much GPS though so I went with a second choice that was also very hot. And we just banged at some hotel she was staying at downtown. Very nice club though, I would even say the nicest I’ve seen on the west coast. They were renovating when I was last there and now it’s done and I guess they only open downstairs on the weekends.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
I think there is a correlation but not a perfect one. Professional nice corporate clubs probably outsource regular maintenance and cleaning and don’t worry about it.

But then in random small areas you might get nicer facilities. Example might be like Angelwitch Cabaret in Lubbock, tho it’s a newer club which helps with it looking nice on the inside. Shady Lady in Salina KS I peeked my head in one time as a customer, and it looks like a tasteful hipster bar on the inside. Molly Browns in Daytona Beach is awesome too with both interior look and cleanliness. I brought that up to a manager once and he mentioned the owner is a clean freak.

Interestingly enough, the two clubs I’ve been in at north Denver have a commitment to cleanliness. My home club is the cleanest club I’ve ever been in and I’m literally referring to the really good janitorial staff, not lapdance mileage. Every once in a while a club will have a shower provided that many dancers ignore, but over there it will actually get used sometimes. Another north Denver club doesn’t do as much upkeep with furniture and stuff in the main room but in the back the dressing room in the back is really great, which is surprising because that club is a definite dive.

I will say however in general, if a club looks like one step above a dive, but has really good looking girls, there is probably something really positive about it that helps the club punch above its weight.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^ all those smaller areas had good looking girls there too, more so Lubbock and Daytona than Salina, but in general I think those places are also more likely to just take what they can get.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I mean nobody wants to work in a place that looks like a crack den if they can help it.

I’m the NY/NJ in the suburbs area you’d be surprised how many not great club there’s are. Most of them aren’t FUCKED UP but they aren’t upscale, I mean there just these small, non descript go go bars. There’s not a ton of places that look like Baby Dolls around here. My hope of some of these places shut down, maybe some new places pop up that look snazzier maybe help things out. Some of these new clubs are so impressive that he’ll even I want to dance at them
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^ Now I want cashman’s eloquent imagery about NJ filth. 😁
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
“All things being equal” one would assume most dancers and custies would prefer the nicer/more-upscale clubs – as has been pointed out earning potential is usually the #1 factor but that often includes both spending-custies and house-fees/tip-outs and how that ratio works out.

As we all know there are very-nice-clubs have a hard time pulling in dancers; and then a dive or midtier club in the same city can be packed w/ dancers and spending custies – as a customer it’s hard to know/understand why an o/w nice-looking club would have trouble getting a good # of dancers, and custies – obviously things like management/ownership treatment of the girls; excessive rules; excessive fees; etc, that as a custy one is not purview-to may be the culprits?

One thing I’ve noticed over-the-years, and seems to be the case recently w.r.t. Booby Trap Pompano (FL), is a club that has been nicely remodeled can often become popular/more-popular w/ dancers – one would assume it’s along the lines of what @Subra mentioned than a nice newly remodeled club would attract more custies and thus would attract more/new dancers.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
From what I'm familiar with. There's isn't much of a correlation. I've seen brand new and updated clubs with nasty looking girls. Wannabe upscale gentleman's clubs that had meth hoes working. I've never seen a club where most of the girls were attractive.

Now its like you either get clubs hiring white girls who look like teen boys and urban clubs hiring the most ghetto girls they can get.

Dirty or unkept clubs usually take advantage of younger girls or girls who can't find work elsewhere. And they move on as soon as they can. Even if money is okay
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago

As we all know there are very-nice-clubs have a hard time pulling in dancers; and then a dive or midtier club in the same city can be packed w/ dancers and spending custies – as a customer it’s hard to know/understand why an o/w nice-looking club would have trouble getting a good # of dancers, and custies – obviously things like management/ownership treatment of the girls; excessive rules; excessive fees; etc, that as a custy one is not purview-to may be the culprits?

^yes. Some nicer looking clubs have a hard time keeping/getting hot girls or have crazy turnover. Some reasons could be excessive fees, retarded scheduling, drama staff/mgmt/owners, being a brothel pretending to be a classy upscale joint lmao, dipshitass rules that are unneeded and no rules where they are needed.

Actually I know of 1 such club off the top of my head. Basically the owner isnt a smart businessman but some dipshit whose family already had money and then he also got some more millions from a lucky lawsuit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I've noticed that. How upscale looking clubs are a cover for the sketchiest shit.

Also remember that clubs are sometimes run so poorly coz they're a very easy cover for money laundering. So they don't really care.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
Agreed on the cover for money laundering.

And yeah I've noticed a lot of clubs have a type. Like 12 year old white boy looking girls. Or the ghettoest bitches around strictly.

Idk for sure how strict they are about hiring their type. I recently worked some 12 year old boy white club and definitely looked out of place with my body and being one of the "old" bitches. I made all my money off the dope dealer black/mexican types. I could probably get hired at the ghetto bitch clubs but dunno that I'd make money lmao. It's sorta like what some girl online said somewhere. It's just sometimes funny working new places and seeing what you can get away with lol.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Youd make money at a ghetto club. The best hustle at those clubs is being the girl they can't be around in real life. Yiu don't have to talk much. Just shake your ass in front of their table and let them throw money at you. White girls and exotic looking girls with very light skin are the most desirable there.

The black girls are extremely catty though.

Clubs always hire a few girls who aren't their main type to make it look like they don't have a type.

The no tits no ass no hips type clubs are the worst for me though.
avatar for VanessaM
4 years ago
What I look for in a club.....

Ease of commute. I don’t drive so, if I have a “bad” night I need a way to get home if I don’t want to call an Uber

My nightly quota - transportation and house fees

How many shifts are required per week. I’m in school now so I can not be in the club 4 days a week every week

Am I allowed to do doubles

How easy and fun is it for me to make money

Is the clientele nice or disrespectful

What is the ratio of regulars to once in a whilers. I like a 30/70 split

Can I come to the manager if I feel unsafe
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
"Youd make money at a ghetto club. The best hustle at those clubs is being the girl they can't be around in real life. Yiu don't have to talk much. Just shake your ass in front of their table and let them throw money at you. White girls and exotic looking girls with very light skin are the most desirable there.

The black girls are extremely catty though.

Clubs always hire a few girls who aren't their main type to make it look like they don't have a type.

The no tits no ass no hips type clubs are the worst for me though."

^I've thought about working the ghetto clubs just because I am so fucking tired of the average white club anymore. A lot of these clubs are hard to sell a bunch of dances in a row to the same customer if you don't care to be touched a whole lot or constantly. And I just don't see the point of sitting and talking first to some dude to convince them to buy dances where they then try and get away with murder.

With me the American white girls are the cattiest lmao.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I never understood the 12 year old boy strip clubs, but a lot of older white guys prefer that. From what I've seen those girls have to give quite a bit of mileage to make money cuz a lot of their type of customers are quite difficult and predatory.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Try a ghetto club. You don't have to talk much and it's basically air dances in front of a table. Some will give dances or sit with the guys. But since it's sections it's a group usually. The worst part is the more girls in your section the more you have to share money with.

The guys who like girls who look like boys are usually really insecure and are intimidated by women with tits and ass. Basically by grown women. But thats a look vegas clubs go for. I guess the guys are predatory coz they see those girls as child like and not intimidating.
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