
Reviews and VIP Status

Back pre-Pandemic we used to write reviews and get 30 days of VIP status per review on TUSCL. Is that still the same or is it pay as you go only?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    If you write review that gets a thumbs-up from other PLs on here, then you get 30 days VIP.

    You can also pay.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    If it gets approved by TUSCLers with VIP that read it then you should get the 30-day VIP
  • Alpine
    3 years ago
    Thanks. I'll let fly with my first try soon. Let me know if I manage to meet standards
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Nope, the last one was August 2019.

    Short reviews, though. OP may want to consider that the average review is longer and more detail oriented these days.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I assumed he meant his first try at it post-Covid, which is a reasonable interpretation.

    He's looking for 30 days of VIP on a strip club website. Not a Faberge egg. It's fine.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    Actually, you get 4 weeks (28 days) free VIP for each review submitted and approved.
  • grand1511
    3 years ago
    You get four weeks of VIP and a free George Foreman grill.
  • Alpine
    3 years ago
    Wow. I guess things were simpler in the old days. I have been here a long time. Just not very active between pandemic (essential employee and first responder, two different jobs) and some huge life changes. I used to travel a lot which facilitated clubs and reviews but later it was more a hole to crawl into...

    That has changed, but I think there's still a place here for me now and again. And yes I did mean the first post pandemic review.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Put in:

    -- General club layout and feel, crowds, etc.
    -- Prices: VIP, dances, etc., are pretty necessary. Cover charge and bar prices, if possible.
    -- Describe dancers (and dances) if you get any.

    Leave out:

    -- Don't connect dancers by name to specific extras. Keep it relatively high level and let others PM you for details if you feel like sharing). Setting aside LE and news reporters, there's a lot more dancers and club management on here now. Giving the .... ummm ... blow-by-blow can really jam up a dancer in her place of employment.

    No on is expecting a thesis paper. That said, each review should be relatively self-contained and useful to someone who has never visited the club.

    This is a personal nitpick ... if you write a longer review, the occasional paragraph break isn't a bad idea.
  • Alpine
    3 years ago
    My first return review is now up on Scarlett's in Tampa
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    I could use a George foreman grill. and yeah it’s 28 days VIP.
  • Liwet
    3 years ago
    There isn't law enforcement here and if there was they would PM you anyways. I'd prefer if the girls had the same information the lawmen had rather than me give inside details to the lawmen that would undermine the dancer because I think it's some fellow club goer.
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