SE Wisconsin VIP rooms?

I know I live in a "dead zone" when it comes to clubs (S/SE Wisconsin near Illinois), but I'm trying to sneak out and am looking to try some new areas. Only having been to Sugar Shack and Diamond Jim's, I'm curious which places other mongers would recommend I try first if my opportunities are limited (afternoons or evenings ok). In particular, I would love to try a VIP room at least once (never have before, bucket list) but not many reviews cover them in my area. A bad sign maybe? I'm not necessarily looking for fs, but higher mileage would at least make the reward worth the risk. Any recommendations?
Also fuck covid, I want my life back haha.
Can you clarify what you mean by high mileage? Most 20-40 single dances in the area your talking about all allow roaming above the equator. I know 1/2 the girls at OTB are down with CBJ. Doubt it at the Silk Milwaukee clubs though. Even the Stone Park IL clubs seems to be limited to just above the equator or a LDK.
I guess I mean what you covered. I've only been to the two clubs, and diamond Jim's was an utter flop (every dancer had a regular that night), so maybe I've just had poor luck. Hopefully these places are ok in the afternoon, or has anyone tried Vegas Club or Show Palace in the afternoon? I was thinking of trying one of those next.